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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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On 21/02/2018 at 11:02 AM, woody2 said:

no one ever mentions that the uk had to lower employment right, regulations and laws to join the eu.....


On 23/02/2018 at 8:56 AM, woody2 said:

it was andrew neil actually......

I am really interested in this point Woody2.  I have searched for a reference to Andrew Neil stating that the UK had to lower employment rights in order to join the EU.  I cannot find it anywhere on the internet.  

I would agree that the UK did (and does) have employment law that exceeds the requirements of the EU but that is very different from stating that the UK lowered employment rights when joining the EU.

In a number of cases the UK Government has "gold plated" EU directives.  In particular  Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations provides more rights than was required by the EU Acquired Rights Directive. The UK also grants more parental leave than the EU requires as a minimum (the EU says a minimum of 4 months and the UK gives up to 12 months).  

It is my view that this shows that the EU has tried to set minimum standards throughout its scope of influence but still allowed sovereign Governments to introduce the directives as they see fit.  

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26 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:


I am really interested in this point Woody2.  I have searched for a reference to Andrew Neil stating that the UK had to lower employment rights in order to join the EU.  I cannot find it anywhere on the internet.  

I would agree that the UK did (and does) have employment law that exceeds the requirements of the EU but that is very different from stating that the UK lowered employment rights when joining the EU.

In a number of cases the UK Government has "gold plated" EU directives.  In particular  Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations provides more rights than was required by the EU Acquired Rights Directive. The UK also grants more parental leave than the EU requires as a minimum (the EU says a minimum of 4 months and the UK gives up to 12 months).  

It is my view that this shows that the EU has tried to set minimum standards throughout its scope of influence but still allowed sovereign Governments to introduce the directives as they see fit.  

it would be part of the accession treaty in 1972 and/or european communities act 1972 at a guess? or something that was part of the deal to join.......


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So May admits the U.K. will be paying for membership of EU medicines, chemicals and aviation safety agencies and to save the pharmaceutical and airline industries, abiding by their rules, but losing all influence. She is gambling the financial services industry on the ‘it’ll hurt you more’ argument that has so far earned zero concessions from the largest single market on the planet, but conceded a loss of access and a poorer future: “We are not looking for passporting because we understand this is intrinsic to the single market of which we would no longer be a member. It would also require us to be subject to a single rule book, over which we would have no say.” Way to ‘take back control’! 

Yes, she is still gambling Northern Ireland’s future in the U.K. on the invention of an ‘electronic border’. 

Well, that’s 20 months of work on trying to deliver on the charlatan lies of brexit and in three weeks Barnier will be presenting the U.K. with the EU’s offer of a narrow Canada style deal (no + + + in sight) because that is his mandate (and the most they can offer given the terms of its treaties with Canada and Japan). 

I suppose there are still some believers left, so if you do still believe in brexit, what do you think of the show so far?

May's 'speech' is about 9 months too late.May's 'speech' is about 9 months too late. Hi weewIn 3 weeks time Barnier will be presenting the UK with the EU's offer of a narrow Canada-style deal (no +++ in sight). He's been saying this since December but I'm sure the govt will pretend to be shocked when it h

In 3 weeks time Barnier will be presenting the UK with the EU's offer of a narrow Canada-style deal (no +++ in sight). He's been saying this since December but I'm sure the govt will pretend to be shocked when it happens.
In 3 weeks time Barnier will be presenting the UK with the EU's offer of a narrow Canada-style deal (no +++ in sight). He's been saying this since December but I'm sure the govt will pretend to be shocked when it happens.
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5 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

So May admits the U.K. will be paying for membership of EU medicines, chemicals and aviation safety agencies and to save the pharmaceutical and airline industries, abiding by their rules, but losing all influence. She is gambling the financial services industry on the ‘it’ll hurt you more’ argument that has so far earned zero concessions from the largest single market on the planet, but conceded a loss of access and a poorer future: “We are not looking for passporting because we understand this is intrinsic to the single market of which we would no longer be a member. It would also require us to be subject to a single rule book, over which we would have no say.” Way to ‘take back control’! 

Yes, she is still gambling Northern Ireland’s future in the U.K. on the invention of an ‘electronic border’. 

Well, that’s 20 months of work on trying to deliver on the charlatan lies of brexit and in three weeks Barnier will be presenting the U.K. with the EU’s offer of a narrow Canada style deal (no + + + in sight) because that is his mandate (and the most they can offer given the terms of its treaties with Canada and Japan). 

I suppose there are still some believers left, so if you do still believe in brexit, what do you think of the show so far?

May's 'speech' is about 9 months too late.May's 'speech' is about 9 months too late. Hi weewIn 3 weeks time Barnier will be presenting the UK with the EU's offer of a narrow Canada-style deal (no +++ in sight). He's been saying this since December but I'm sure the govt will pretend to be shocked when it h

In 3 weeks time Barnier will be presenting the UK with the EU's offer of a narrow Canada-style deal (no +++ in sight). He's been saying this since December but I'm sure the govt will pretend to be shocked when it happens.
In 3 weeks time Barnier will be presenting the UK with the EU's offer of a narrow Canada-style deal (no +++ in sight). He's been saying this since December but I'm sure the govt will pretend to be shocked when it happens.

How you could listen to that speech and come up with this assessment is beyond belief. If this was truly about trade then no reasonable person could object to the proposals. EU countries need trade with the UK every bit as the UK needs trade with them. It's not about trade though is it? It's about power politics and control.

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