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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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"All further immigration from mainly muslim countries should be stopped"


55% of Europeans agree, only 20% disagree.


When was the vote for that?


oh... they only asked 10,000...well that's telling.


And while they state the age, gender, education and geographical location, they don't state the break down of ethnicity of the respondants.


Even looking at the figures, its not hard to work out the demographic this "survey" was presented to: older, white, males of a certain polictical persuasion.


Bias is blindingly obvious here I am afraid.


C- for effort. Must try harder.

Edited by rmanx
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they only asked 10,000...well that's telling


Chatham House is a first rate, top drawer institution. 10,000 will be a properly sized sample or else they would not be publishing this. It's important to try to find out and address what people believe.



opposition to Muslim immigration is especially intense among retired, older age cohorts while those aged below 30 are notably less opposed. There is also a clear education divide. Of those with secondary level qualifications, 59% opposed further Muslim immigration. By contrast, less than half of all degree holders supported further migration curbs.

Opposition is also more prominent among ‘left behind’ voters, with nearly two-thirds of those who feel they don’t have control over their own lives supporting the statement.

people in Europe vastly overestimate the number of Muslims living in their countries.

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It's worth adding that the Chatham House researchers conclude that:--


Whilst it is true that, "people in Europe vastly overestimate the number of muslims living in their countries... these results point to significant and widespread levels of public anxiety over immigration from mainly muslim states. Many in the mainstream have protested against Trump's visit but they also need to focus on how to tackle these widespread public concerns."

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