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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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 I've increasingly got fed up with the Remoaners continuing to pretend Brexit will be the end of the world.


 Pointing out that it won't be beer and skittles is hardly suggesting it will be the end of the world.

I am getting increasingly fed up of exaggerated claims to make a point ;)

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extra funding for schools....


Mrs May was asked if there would be a "Brexit dividend".

She replied: "Of course when we leave the European Union, we'll no longer be spending vast sums of money, year in and year out, sending that money to the European Union, so there will be money available here in the UK to spend on our priorities like the NHS and schools."


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On 29/03/2018 at 10:09 PM, Chinahand said:

Hardly read a page of this thread, but I suspect in 10 years time it will be hard to see a clear difference to the UK.  With advanced economies it's hard to measure good and bad, compared to different.

The EU has an economic contradiction at its heart in the shape of the Euro and until it works out how to share risks across its currency zone it is going to have crises as peripheries find the economic medicine for the core poisonous.  They can threaten to default, but then will be faced with the economic consequences of a de-monetised economy.

Getting the UK out of that will have certain advantages.

I think real-politique is going to result in basically frictionless trade, and standards will continue to converge around the world.  It isn't clear how much of a voice the UK had or will have in setting those standards - where it's products are competitive - finance, jet engines - it'll have a voice, in other areas less so.  Leaving the EU is basically a wash.

The main damage is simply in institutional communication at a government level.  Woolley et al think that's a good thing, but having a diversity of view-points to critique policies is helpful.

But also trying to fit everything into a Europe shaped hole isn't necessarily the path to utopia.  The UK will have more flexibility compared to monolithic Europe.  That's mean we make some mistakes by going alone, but also can more quickly set our own path when it is clear the super-tanker needs to change course.

It won't be the end of the world.  I've increasingly got fed up with the Remoaners continuing to pretend Brexit will be the end of the world.  It won't be.  People are mainly pragmatic and get on with things.  Large organisations can be institutionally stupid, but at the same time pragmatism tends to trump ideology and the EU and UK aren't as ideological as the EUSSR mob claim it to be.

We'll just keep buggering on and the world won't end.  Bring it on.

So me old China, you can guaratee that I won't have a lower standard of living post Brexit?

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