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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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12 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

But you’re going to tell me anyway. Next you’ll be telling me your imginary friend won’t let me play in his imaginary world if I don’t respect your voodoo.


Not MY imaginary friend, I'm a Hard Atheist, but my wife isn't.

In any case it's tradition, just as celebrating Christmas is a tradition rather than having any religious connotations to probably the majority of folk today.

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May is running scared of her own party.

What a good call the last General Election was not.

So at a time when we have to negotiate the complete and utter horlicks that is brexit we have the worst administration I can remember.

You just couldn't make it up.....

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For WTO we need a schedule of what we offer, and in exchange for what ( both qualitatively and quantitatively ), and with whom.

The EU has one. We don’t.

We can’t just split the EU schedules. Nor can we just split EU bilaterals and quotas.

Take the EU/NZ bilateral on lamb.

NZ won’t agree to apportioning the quota on value of imports recently, by population or anything. It’s bilateral. So UK has to start again.

Then we end up with the difficulty that most NZ lamb under the bilateral quota comes into the UK and some is then sold on into the rest of the EU. That can no longer happen.

Multiply that by millions of different things that are traded and 180 WTO countries.

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1 minute ago, John Wright said:

For WTO we need a schedule of what we offer, and in exchange for what ( both qualitatively and quantitatively ), and with whom.

The EU has one. We don’t.

We can’t just split the EU schedules. Nor can we just split EU bilaterals and quotas.

Take the EU/NZ bilateral on lamb.

NZ won’t agree to apportioning the quota on value of imports recently, by population or anything. It’s bilateral. So UK has to start again.

Then we end up with the difficulty that most NZ lamb under the bilateral quota comes into the UK and some is then sold on into the rest of the EU. That can no longer happen.

Multiply that by millions of different things that are traded and 180 WTO countries.

There is absolutely NOTHING more important than we get out of the EU and at ANY cost. Just a reminder, millions of people have lost their lives or suffered appalling injury in protecting Britain's sovereignty and borders. We owe it to these people to restore our sovereignty and borders and then start to do whatever must be done to correct the appalling damage done to OUR country as a result of the gross misdeeds that were finally recognised by the majority of British people who democratically voted to GTFO of the dreadful undemocratic and now In the process of imploding EU.

To hell with deals with the EU in an attempt by the few to have their cake and eat it but at a cost of ongoing servitude to Brussels, we want OUT.

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