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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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more terror on the streets of europe.....


Heidelberg car attack



The story in that link currently says terrorism not suspected. Guess we'll have to wait and see whether that really is the case.

i did not state it was terrorism.....

I didn't state you did either, merely making a valid comment on the story.

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remaintards like mm will find any excuse to blame the outcome of the referendum ....

I get that you're just a low grade troll but did you actually read what I wrote?

then why post utterbollocks tard? you lost move on
Point proven, I have no problem the result. As I said "I have no problem with the UK leaving the EU, I had no problem with staying in it as well, I'm capable of accepting an outcome that I don't necessarily agree with without resorting to silly name calling. In my opinion, what is done is done so let's just get on with it."


I have no problem with the outcome, I have no idea why you're so obsessed with me and believe I'm a remoaner, remaintard,etc.

so you dont except the outcome.....
Presuming you meant accept not except. Agreeing and accepting are different things, it is possible to not agree with something but still accept it. Edited by mojomonkey
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khan is going to go down well in scotland today....



There's no difference between those who try to divide us on the basis of whether we're English or Scottish and those who try to divide us on the basis of our background, race or religion.




a muslim with no backbone how surprising......




"Of course I am not saying that the SNP are racists or bigots."


they are......

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Sadly the UK, the ultimate failed mega-state will continue. The wrong results in two referendums has condemned us all to a Little Britain looking inward and gradually declining.

And the people have been duped anyway. Interestingly Arron Banks, the co-founder of Leave.uk and major funder of UKIP, was on the board of Manx Financial Group (Conister Trust etc) in the not too distant past. He's basically made his money from a succession of dubious insurance companies and fleecing British chavs of their money through a number of business ventures for decades




Especially Brightside the company that sells you a washing machine you could buy at B&Q for £200 for about £800 with interest over about 5 years if you have a shit credit history. He really knew how to tap into that vein of disenfranchised sub prime little englanders to pull off the whole Brexit thing. After all he's been touching them up for his own profit via Brightside and other ventures for years.


The UK has perhaps been resoundly cheated by people who seem to have a long history of tapping into chavs for profit.


By the way Wikipedia also documents that Rock Services and Southern Rock Insurance's ultimate holding company is Rock Holdings Ltd, a company based on the Isle of Man, and that Banks has also been a "substantial" shareholder in STM Fidecs (a Gibralter based CSP) of which Leave.EU is a subsidiary. So he clearly know how to structure stuff offshore whilst selling the EU as a bunch of UK tax sucking crooks and thieves to stupid chavs and pensioners.

Edited by JackCarter
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Sometimes I feel torn because immigration can be extremely good. Without immigration we wouldn't have people like Peter Serafinowicz for example. On the other hand, you get a shit ton of bad ones too

Ironically without immigration the UK wouldn't have had Farage either. Nor would he have had his second wife or current girlfriend.


The example of Peter Serafinowicz is interesting. He's a very funny man but are you aware of his family's immigration background and story? Before anyone accuses me of such I do not consider Peter to be in anyway responsible or accountable for the actions of his grandfather.

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he has nothing on the eu/ecb when it comes enslaving people with debt

Thats a bit glib. Rock Services and Southern Rock Insurance's ultimate holding company is Rock Holdings Ltd, a company based on the Isle of Man, and Banks has also been a "substantial" shareholder in STM Fidecs (a Gibraltar CSP known for cutting edge tax planning) which sits over Leave.uk. Brightside makes Millions from selling sub prime UK borrowers credit agreements to buy overpriced domestic goods. Seems that in future they might be even poorer as a result of Brexit so probably a good strategic move.


Ever had the feeling you've been cheated?

Edited by JackCarter
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he has nothing on the eu/ecb when it comes enslaving people with debt

Thats a bit glib. Rock Services and Southern Rock Insurance's ultimate holding company is Rock Holdings Ltd, a company based on the Isle of Man, and Banks has also been a "substantial" shareholder in STM Fidecs (a Gibraltar CSP known for cutting edge tax planning) which sits over Leave.uk. Brightside makes Millions from selling sub prime UK borrowers credit agreements to buy overpriced domestic goods. Seems that in future they might be even poorer as a result of Brexit so probably a good strategic move.


Ever had the feeling you've been cheated?


and greece has 2000+ years of debt to be paid off.....

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