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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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he has nothing on the eu/ecb when it comes enslaving people with debt

Thats a bit glib. Rock Services and Southern Rock Insurance's ultimate holding company is Rock Holdings Ltd, a company based on the Isle of Man, and Banks has also been a "substantial" shareholder in STM Fidecs (a Gibraltar CSP known for cutting edge tax planning) which sits over Leave.uk. Brightside makes Millions from selling sub prime UK borrowers credit agreements to buy overpriced domestic goods. Seems that in future they might be even poorer as a result of Brexit so probably a good strategic move.


Ever had the feeling you've been cheated?

and greece has 2000+ years of debt to be paid off.....

Greece's main problem is that it was a nation of tax dodgers (like Mr Banks really) and its public sector collapsed because tax receipts didn't even make a dent in supporting its governments borrowing or its need for cash to spend on the public sector. I'm sure Mr Banks businesses like Brightside would have a great way of making money off sub prime borrowing in somewhere like Greece. Who knows that might look like somewhere like the UK sometime soon? He knows how to make money off unemployment, gloom, and shitty credit histories. But then again maybe be bankrolled Brexit to make put more Brits into his core customer demographic?

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he has nothing on the eu/ecb when it comes enslaving people with debt

Random, never said he did and your comment has nothing to do with mine and Tarne's posts. You're obsession with me is sweet though, hope you have a nice relaxing Sunday.


i never quoted you ffs, paranoid c%*t

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Yes. Heard this concept before. Seems quite logical to me.
It's a daft idea. Like suggesting that any machine in any factory should pay income tax. That any process which uses less manpower should pay income tax. It's economically luddite.


A lot of British growers have been wondering whether robitics could be part of the solution to surviving the seasonal labour shortages which a hard Brexit would potentially create.


(Although, of course, there isn't going to be a hard Brexit. With UKIP neutralised and no effective Parliamentary opposition the Conservatives need only leave the EU and advertise it as a tough position. The actual deals will obviously be pragmatic compromises. Everyone serious is beginning to see that it's going to be, more or less, business as usual.)

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Of course it's going to be business as usual. It always was going to be. There is no such thing as hard and soft Brexit. There is either in or out. The EU is on its death bed and trade will continue afterwards just as it has before and during. Too many vested interests for it to be otherwise.


As for taxing robots. It's a buzz phrase really. Pragmatically, if people are automated out of jobs then corporate charges will have to rise to pay for their welfare one way or another, and tax avoidance will genuinely have to be clamped down upon. There will be incentive benefits from larger profits but this will have to be shared with wider society for the benefit of all. There is no way around it. I am a staunch believer in capitalism but this is merely acknowledging reality.

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Pragmatically, if people are automated out of jobs then corporate charges will have to rise to pay for their welfare

That's the way some people see it. Particularly the sorts of people who are drawn towards demand side economic theory. At that point you're basically in the world of people like Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell. It's a scenario in which people would effectively have to be paid to be consumers. It's an economics which is today very much dominated by MMT and beliefs around the idea that govts can or should effectively create money at will. It's a belief in closed system of govt only money.


Personally I think its nonsense. Economic and therefore social progress comes via innovation. It's supply which creates demand. And it is therfore absolutely pointless funding generations of people to be non productive. Progress creates new types of work.

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he has nothing on the eu/ecb when it comes enslaving people with debt

Random, never said he did and your comment has nothing to do with mine and Tarne's posts. You're obsession with me is sweet though, hope you have a nice relaxing Sunday.

i never quoted you ffs, paranoid c%*t
Yours was the first post after mine and didn't quote anyone so seemed logical to assume it was a direct response, at least that's how forums generally work.


Anyhow, calm down sweety, all this random anger can't be doing your blood pressure much good.

Edited by mojomonkey
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