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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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8 hours ago, dilligaf said:

The stupid saying " brains verses  brawn" is very insulting, but then you don't give a flying one who you insult do you ? Prat.

If you have never undertaken ANY physical, hard work, how can you claim that "mental" work is harder.? You don't help yourself.

Have YOU ever had to engage in long term intense mental activity?  I mean REALLY complex and very tough? I know fine we'll that strenuous exercise is physically exhausting but emerging from (for example) a lengthy contract negotiation leaves a person mentally exhausted and physically drained because of the stress that builds up.

When a person's bonus hinges as much on performance in fulfilling a contract as ensuring that the contract is as beneficial to one's employer as possible or when negotiating mid-term contract variations, and the bonus is mega-bucks trust me, it concentrates the mind wonderfully.

But it's bloody hard work.

When I retired in the year 2000 I was drained. Burned out.  OK I was still under 55 - but totally knackered.


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1 hour ago, Rog said:

Have YOU ever had to engage in long term intense mental activity?  I mean REALLY complex and very tough? I know fine we'll that strenuous exercise is physically exhausting but emerging from (for example) a lengthy contract negotiation leaves a person mentally exhausted and physically drained because of the stress that builds up.

When a person's bonus hinges as much on performance in fulfilling a contract as ensuring that the contract is as beneficial to one's employer as possible or when negotiating mid-term contract variations, and the bonus is mega-bucks trust me, it concentrates the mind wonderfully.

But it's bloody hard work.

When I retired in the year 2000 I was drained. Burned out.  OK I was still under 55 - but totally knackered.


Well at least you have developed your persona character background better than most.

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so ni/ireland cross border trade is around £3 billion a year according to the eu......

95% of this is recorded electronically (by the eu approved system the remoans never mention) which leaves 5% of domestic/small traders cross border trade or £150m a year....

10% tariff on this would be £15m a year....

in terms of the eu/ecb they spend/print more money than this every minute:lol:

 only the pro-remain union run civil service could come up with £17- 20 bn solution for a £15m problem......  

the border issue is a completely manufactured......

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If you’ve never dealt with a customs agent, filled out SAD forms, TIR forms or moved any commercial goods across the EU border, and obviously know nothing at all about how the Irish border works at present then you know so little it really isn’t worth discussing the situation with you. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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9 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

If you’ve never dealt with a customs agent, filled out SAD forms, TIR forms or moved any commercial goods across the EU border, and obviously know nothing at all about how the Irish border works at present then you know so little it really isn’t worth discussing the situation with you. 

do it on a daily basis...

far easier than dealing with the bizarre eu.....

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4 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Did you know the border control points for transporting merchandise across the EU / Swiss border take an average of two hours to pass through, up to six hours at peak times and close at the weekends? 


did you know goods move with electronic paperwork from the usa to canada and then onto the eu without any checks or tariffs....

never been held up at the swiss border....


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16 minutes ago, woody2 said:

did you know goods move with electronic paperwork from the usa to canada and then onto the eu without any checks or tariffs....

never been held up at the swiss border....


Newsflash for Shit-for-brains! Canada and the US are in a single-market called NAFTA - that’s why there aren’t any tarrifs. I think you’ll find there are tarrifs that apply to some goods originating in the US, chances are they don’t apply to whatever you’re importing / exporting - that’s because the EU and US have been running a Transatlantic Economic Council for quite a while to work on eliminating tarrifs ahead of the proposed TTIP free trade deal. In case you didn’t know it already, the UK hasn’t made its own trade deals with anyone yet. 

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