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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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he has nothing on the eu/ecb when it comes enslaving people with debt

Random, never said he did and your comment has nothing to do with mine and Tarne's posts. You're obsession with me is sweet though, hope you have a nice relaxing Sunday.

i never quoted you ffs, paranoid c%*t
Yours was the first post after mine and didn't quote anyone so seemed logical to assume it was a direct response, at least that's how forums generally work.


Anyhow, calm down sweety, all this random anger can't be doing your blood pressure much good.


well jackcarter worked it out, your a typical libtard, thick as pigshit

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well jackcarter worked it out, your a typical libtard, thick as pigshit


Lets trim some of the bloatquote out. Seems a tad hypocritical to question someone's intelligence when you struggle with the English language yourself, time and time again your posts are grammatically terrible and full of spelling mistakes. In this one I presume you meant "you're" not "your"? Previously you've confused "except" for "accept", etc. Maybe try thinking and taking a deep breath before you post.


Yet again, I still don't know why you think I'm a liberal. Once again, for the record, I'm neither strongly right or left in my views or stance. To be honest my political views are probably a little central and dull if anything. I certainly would not consider myself a liberal, but neither would I seek to put people in simplistic groups simply so I can shout silly names at them. I think you maybe consider me a liberal because I voted for the UK to remain in the EU. I assume you voted to leave (you were entitled to vote weren't you?). As I've stated numerous times before I don't have a problem with the decision not going my way, I could see positives and negatives to both sides. I am adult enough to accept a decision without thinking all those who thought otherwise were idiots, isn't that just a normal adult response to the situation?

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Good stuff woollster...

Yes, well done you.


So Arron Banks (and Farage his paid for bitch who has now all but disappeared from public view) has successfully sold out the UK so you can all now shop in Brightside and Poundland. What a brilliant coup de'etat on the sweaty English masses. Make a country potentially so poor that they're queuing up to pay £800 for a washing machine on 60 months credit from your company because their role on an assembly line is now being done in Romania for 50p.

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Good stuff woollster...

Yes, well done you.


So Arron Banks (and Farage his paid for bitch who has now all but disappeared from public view) has successfully sold out the UK so you can all now shop in Brightside and Poundland. What a brilliant coup de'etat on the sweaty English masses. Make a country potentially so poor that they're queuing up to pay £800 for a washing machine on 60 months credit from your company because their role on an assembly line is now being done in Romania for 50p.


sir nige last seen having dinner with trump.....

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he has nothing on the eu/ecb when it comes enslaving people with debt

Random, never said he did and your comment has nothing to do with mine and Tarne's posts. You're obsession with me is sweet though, hope you have a nice relaxing Sunday.

i never quoted you ffs, paranoid c%*t
Yours was the first post after mine and didn't quote anyone so seemed logical to assume it was a direct response, at least that's how forums generally work.


Anyhow, calm down sweety, all this random anger can't be doing your blood pressure much good.


well jackcarter worked it out, your a typical libtard, thick as pigshit



Errrr excuse me but I have first dibs on that expression.


Serious question, is English actually your first language? It's just that your grammar and so forth are so appalling I'm beginning to think that it's not. After all, there's the old adage that there is absolutely no point in having anything worthwhile to say unless you are able to communicate with your audience.

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Good stuff woollster...


Yes, well done you.

So Arron Banks (and Farage his paid for bitch who has now all but disappeared from public view) has successfully sold out the UK so you can all now shop in Brightside and Poundland. What a brilliant coup de'etat on the sweaty English masses. Make a country potentially so poor that they're queuing up to pay £800 for a washing machine on 60 months credit from your company because their role on an assembly line is now being done in Romania for 50p.

sir nige last seen having dinner with trump.....

Who watches the US news? The man is a cunt. He should stay in the US if that's what he is doing. It's a win for Banks all round though. Lots more UK sub prime fridge and telly buyers being cultivated. He'll be adding to that £100m fortune so quickly.

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In my NEVER humble opinion, you know, the thoughts of just some bloke, well I suspect, because I do not actually know, that it's going to be business as usual. It always was going to be. There is no such thing as hard and soft Brexit. There is either in or out. The EU is on its death bed and trade will continue afterwards just as it has before and during. Too many vested interests for it to be otherwise.




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Pragmatically, if people are automated out of jobs then corporate charges will have to rise to pay for their welfare

That's the way some people see it. Particularly the sorts of people who are drawn towards demand side economic theory. At that point you're basically in the world of people like Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell. It's a scenario in which people would effectively have to be paid to be consumers. It's an economics which is today very much dominated by MMT and beliefs around the idea that govts can or should effectively create money at will. It's a belief in closed system of govt only money.


Personally I think its nonsense. Economic and therefore social progress comes via innovation. It's supply which creates demand. And it is therfore absolutely pointless funding generations of people to be non productive. Progress creates new types of work.


But if you are innovating away human labour then there has to be some kind of intervention by the state to look after the social fabric. I say that as an avowed capitalist who has been in business, plc and on my own account for more than 30 years. McDonnell is a socialist nutter who has never done anything in his life outside of trade union and left wing politics. Putting a charge on automating human functions is not creating money. It is taxing an activity for the greater good just like fuel duties et al.


Your optimism in many spheres is engaging, Pongo. Would that it came to pass, but it always seems somehow in denial of the reality staring us in the face.

Edited by woolley
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he has nothing on the eu/ecb when it comes enslaving people with debt

Random, never said he did and your comment has nothing to do with mine and Tarne's posts. You're obsession with me is sweet though, hope you have a nice relaxing Sunday.

i never quoted you ffs, paranoid c%*t
Yours was the first post after mine and didn't quote anyone so seemed logical to assume it was a direct response, at least that's how forums generally work.


Anyhow, calm down sweety, all this random anger can't be doing your blood pressure much good.


well jackcarter worked it out, your a typical libtard, thick as pigshit



Errrr excuse me but I have first dibs on that expression.


Serious question, is English actually your first language? It's just that your grammar and so forth are so appalling I'm beginning to think that it's not. After all, there's the old adage that there is absolutely no point in having anything worthwhile to say unless you are able to communicate with your audience.


yawn, what about the old internet adage "when you have nothing to say or have lost, pick on spelling=fail"thumbsup.gif

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Good stuff woollster...

Yes, well done you.

So Arron Banks (and Farage his paid for bitch who has now all but disappeared from public view) has successfully sold out the UK so you can all now shop in Brightside and Poundland. What a brilliant coup de'etat on the sweaty English masses. Make a country potentially so poor that they're queuing up to pay £800 for a washing machine on 60 months credit from your company because their role on an assembly line is now being done in Romania for 50p.

sir nige last seen having dinner with trump.....

Who watches the US news? The man is a cunt. He should stay in the US if that's what he is doing. It's a win for Banks all round though. Lots more UK sub prime fridge and telly buyers being cultivated. He'll be adding to that £100m fortune so quickly.


it was the no. 1 story on the beeb...


if people are that desperate they can get a loan off the social, interest free. banks ran a unofficial campaign that lost votes in the referendum

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