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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

you remoans keep telling us how good the eu are at doing deals......

well they aren't...

You are misrepresenting Trump's arbitrary imposition of tariffs as being somehow a failing of the EU. In reality it's just about Trump.

London's International Trade Secretary, Liam Fox, has described the measures as "patently absurd".


The White House move was branded "patently absurd" by International Trade Secretary Liam Fox, who dismissed American claims the tariffs were needed for security reasons.

And he signalled the UK was prepared for "tit-for-tat" action.

Dr Fox branded Mr Trump's decision as "just protectionism" and said: "We absolutely do not rule out counter measures."


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Do you agree with Liam Fox, Woody? Do you think his comments will be helpful with respect to winning that  UK / US trade deal?


8 minutes ago, woody2 said:

services aren't subject to tariffs you thicko.....

Nobody here has said that they are Woody. You're arguing with yourself again.

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1 hour ago, pongo said:

Trump won't be pleased with Liam Fox calling him absurd. You can probably forget that US trade deal Woody.



Dr Fox told Sky News: "It's very disappointing that the United States has chosen to apply steel and aluminium tariffs to countries across the European Union, allies of the United States, and all in the name of national security.

"And, in the case of the United Kingdom, where we send steel to the United States that is vital for their businesses and their defence industry, it is patently absurd."


19 minutes ago, pongo said:

Do you agree with Liam Fox, Woody? Do you think his comments will be helpful with respect to winning that  UK / US trade deal?


he hasn't said a word about trump....


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3 hours ago, pongo said:

The US will never open up financial services (including legal and accounting) to competition. Won't happen. Not ever.



21 minutes ago, pongo said:


Nobody here has said that they are Woody. You're arguing with yourself again.

yet again snowflake #fakenews -you don't need a trade deal for services, tariffs don't apply....

after london, new york is the biggest euro trading place- oh look no trade deal.....

you haven't a clue.....

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2 minutes ago, pongo said:

Dr Fox told Sky News: "It's very disappointing that the United States has chosen to apply steel and aluminium tariffs to countries across the European Union, allies of the United States, and all in the name of national security.

"And, in the case of the United Kingdom, where we send steel to the United States that is vital for their businesses and their defence industry, it is patently absurd."



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eu are wimps:lol:


EU trade commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said: "Now that we have clarity, the EU's response will be proportionate and in accordance with WTO rules.

"We will now trigger a dispute settlement case at the WTO, since these US measures clearly go against agreed international rules.

"We will also impose re-balancing measures and take any necessary steps to protect the EU market from trade diversion caused by these US restrictions."



Mr Ross said any retaliatory measures against the US would be "unlikely to have much effect" on the US economy.

When asked about the reaction from the EU, he was quoted as saying he believed that "everyone will get over it in due time".


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16 minutes ago, woody2 said:

yet again snowflake #fakenews -you don't need a trade deal for services, tariffs don't apply....

after london, new york is the biggest euro trading place- oh look no trade deal.....

you haven't a clue.....

Here is an article (FCA) which should go some way towards helping you better understand what free trade in financial services means and why it matters. It should address your various misconceptions.

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italy is looking fun.....


The anti-establishment Five Star Movement and right-wing League have gone into coalition, preparing to set the eurozone's third biggest economy on a path of tax cuts, a guaranteed basic income for the poor and deportations of 500,000 migrants.

They reject years of EU austerity and want to renegotiate Italy's debt.


it gets better....


Neither Five Star nor The League are fans of the single currency. League leader Matteo Salvini said not long ago that the euro was "a mistake" for Italy's economy, while Five Star had wanted a referendum on Italy's future membership.



add in the meltdown in spain its not looking good for the weak eu.....

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31 minutes ago, woody2 said:

italy is looking fun.....

The Italian coalition (it's an opportunistic coalition of opposites) is proposing increased public spending funded by reduced taxation. Can you spot the hole in this approach? Can you see why they might be accused of simplistic populism? Of making impossible promises.

It might make sense if they were proposing leaving the Euro - but they are not. And there is minimal support in Italy either for leaving the Euro or for leaving the EU. So as populists they cannot suggest this. Therefore they have to work within the tight fiscal rules which monetary union demands. And nobody is going to lend them any more money to fund their tax cuts.

If they were to leave the Euro, Italy would need to pay even more to borrow. Because of the political instability.

I do hope that none of this basic economics sounds in any way condescending to the sort of people who support simple minded populist causes.


On the plus side for Italy - the cobbled together coalition of opportunists has a very narrow parliamentary majority. Which will limit their ability to pass legislation. That's a pity in many ways - since the more they fuck things up the better in the long game. The bottom line is that Italy needs to sort itself out - end the corruption, re balance the economy, start collecting taxes etc. Either the populists will quickly lose support by being useless - or else they will knuckle under and start sorting out the real issues, like Greece did,

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