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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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45 minutes ago, woody2 said:

Neither Five Star nor The League are fans of the single currency. League leader Matteo Salvini said not long ago that the euro was "a mistake" for Italy's economy

Well der! But Italy chose that and now they have no choice other than to make it work. And making it work would be good for them - because all of the stuff they need to do is all of the stuff they need to do anyhow.

Thank goodness Gordon Brown kept the UK out.

Edited by pongo
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Thing is, the US’ biggest export is services, I doubt either the U.K. or EU want to hit back against US financial services. The US share of global intellectual property (such as software, movies and music etc.) has been losing ground fast in recent years (eg; the number one album in the US this week ‘Tear’ is by Korean band BTS), as has transport, with Asian and European LCCs and the China Belt and Road project going from strength to strength. 

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7 minutes ago, woody2 said:

as long as the eu keep getting a kicking from all directions- all is well in the world.....

So you don't actually care about Italy? 

It's almost as if you don't really care about anything.

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no dates:whistling: #fakenews

i'm surprised the remoaners aren't complaining about the recent  irish referendum......

on grounds that referendums aren’t sensible way to settle important complicated questions and because ordinary people are too thick to fully grasp the outcome.....

and not everyone voted so that has to be taken into account.......


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