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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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21 minutes ago, pongo said:

There is no no-deal scenario. It's too late for that. It would be a national emergency.

Also - there is no such thing as no-deal. Because if there were no deals then there would need to be deals. It's like trying to imagine the edge of space. There is always something beyond the edge.

so who is going to vote for this deal......

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12 minutes ago, woody2 said:

one announced yesterday.....

Great. So a handful of people are going to be employed making cider.

Meanwhile another 600 well paid City jobs are being moved to Paris. That's 600 significant tax payers.

Bank of America raises planned Paris job moves before Brexit


The Wall Street bank is refurbishing an 11,000 square metre office in the French capital to create a European trading hub that will serve clients once Britain leaves the EU in March.

One of the sources said the building has capacity for more than 700 people and that staff in London are being notified about their new base.

This is on top of the 125 jobs already being moved to Dublin by the bank.

The City is the UK's largest tax payer. It's what funds the schools and hospitals.

Edited by pongo
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UK tech industry body Tech UK said it is clear that the British government wants to stay ahead of other European countries like France in attracting tech entrepreneurs and investors.

"The new start-up visas are a sensible move to encourage those with good ideas to come to the UK, however, start-ups are only one part of UK tech," said TechUK's deputy chief executive Antony Walker.

"For many established mid-tier and larger tech companies, there remain serious concerns around Tier 2 visas.

"We understand that approximately 1,000 tech workers with job offers were refused visas between December 2017 and March 2018. This is a handbrake on economic growth and needs to be urgently addressed."


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It is perfectly valid to lay the blame for the difficulties of the government in the Brexit negotiations at the door of the Remain backslider rebels because they are the ones making the UK's position with Barnier impossible. They want to send Davis in there under the cloud that if they don't like the deal they will be able to vote it down in the "meaningful vote" with the implied threat that they can bring down the government and then the whole issue is once more in play and the referendum result can be overturned.

In such circumstances what incentive is there for the other side to agree an acceptable deal? Far better from their point of view to watch the British fight among themselves with the possible prize of them crawling back into the EU fold with increased budget contributions. At a time when national unity is required the disgraceful treachery of Soubry, Grieve et al should not be forgotten or forgiven.

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