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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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30 minutes ago, woolley said:

You cannot get past the hard fact that laws and regulations are being negotiated and imposed on you by an outside body. You do not need that in a free trade area, it's for the greater aggrandisement of the European Union. It's all about sovereignty.

More than three quarters of EU legislation is passed by qualified majority voting so obviously you have the potential to be outvoted at every turn, no matter what our MEPs are allegedly doing. It is then waved through by Westminster without further meaningful scrutiny as the government and opposition both know that they cannot change it. Poor accountability.

You cannot get past the hard fact that laws and regulations are being imposed on us by an outside body OF WHICH WE ARE A PART OF THE DECISION MAKING PROCESSES.

There are ALWAYS regulations around trade deals. The clue is in the name. Trade DEALS. Just like there will be regulations in all the trade deals post brexit that will be enormously beneficial to the UK and will be struck in about 5 minutes flat....


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57 minutes ago, woolley said:

laws and regulations are being negotiated and imposed on you by an outside body. You do not need that in a free trade area

Of course you do. To ensure a level playing field and to agree common standards - technical, administrative, legal etc. Also, for example with agriculture, to ensure standards.

Edited by pongo
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30 minutes ago, pongo said:

Of course you do. To ensure a level playing field and to agree common standards - technical, administrative, legal etc. Also, for example with agriculture, to ensure standards.

Typical Brexit thinking though. Free of all these regulations the UK will prosper because they're holding us back.

As Dominic Grieve discovered:

"“Well, what I see as absolutely essential is to try to ensure we can negotiate a deal with the EU that enables us to enjoy frictionless trade. In reality, we won’t get that without a high level of regulatory alignment.” But his Brexiter colleagues won’t accept that, will they? “The irony is that when I keep saying, ‘Well, what regulatory misalignment do you want?’, nobody can give an appropriate example.”

Edited by P.K.
An upfuck.
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no wonder Hungary is getting rid of the soros ngo's in hungary,the bastard funds this kind of shit practically teaching the GIMMEGRANTS how to avoid,evade and generally con their way into Europe. I hope Seehofer and Salvini throw the murkle bitch under the fucking bus.this site should be shut down.


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6 hours ago, P.K. said:

Typical Brexit thinking though. Free of all these regulations the UK will prosper because they're holding us back.

As Dominic Grieve discovered:

"“Well, what I see as absolutely essential is to try to ensure we can negotiate a deal with the EU that enables us to enjoy frictionless trade. In reality, we won’t get that without a high level of regulatory alignment.” But his Brexiter colleagues won’t accept that, will they? “The irony is that when I keep saying, ‘Well, what regulatory misalignment do you want?’, nobody can give an appropriate example.”

You concentrate on the minutiae while ignoring the big picture. This is about the future shape of Europe and its governance, not regulatory standards on widgets.

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

You concentrate on the minutiae while ignoring the big picture. This is about the future shape of Europe and its governance, not regulatory standards on widgets.

Oh really?

You're the one who brought up EU regulations as the bete noire of EU membership and the main driver for your almost pathological hatred of it.

Go ahead, try and deny it.....

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Just now, P.K. said:

Oh really?

You're the one who brought up EU regulations as the bete noire of EU membership and the main driver for your almost pathological hatred of it.

Go ahead, try and deny it.....

I deny it. My 45 year old objection includes external regulation but that is only one part of the fundamental issue, that of sovereignty, and the protection of the inalienable rights of future generations to govern their own countries.

I don't know about my "pathological hatred". You always write as though you are about to burst from your apoplexy, so if one of us has mental issues on this, I'm not convinced that it's me. My blood pressure is 118/76. What's yours?

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Just now, woolley said:

I deny it. My 45 year old objection includes external regulation but that is only one part of the fundamental issue, that of sovereignty, and the protection of the inalienable rights of future generations to govern their own countries.

I don't know about my "pathological hatred". You always write as though you are about to burst from your apoplexy, so if one of us has mental issues on this, I'm not convinced that it's me. My blood pressure is 118/76. What's yours?

How very imaginative!

My blood pressure is officially totally chilled out old boy. Fishing with the chaps. Season started 16th June. In the very picturesque Wye Vally atm and very nice it is too. Especially the local cider....

Once again you have completely ignored the facts that Westminster has been churning out UK legislation during our EU membership and that there are always going to be rules and regulations in every trade deal.

But if anyone has sold the youngsters future down The Swannee it's the coffin dodgers voting Brexit to get rid of Johnny Foreigner. After all, what cares does the future hold for them...?

You seem to get so worked up you clearly need a hobby to help you relax. Maybe Coarse Fishing would suit...?

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10 hours ago, P.K. said:



But if anyone has sold the youngsters future down The Swannee it's the coffin dodgers voting Brexit to get rid of Johnny Foreigner. After all, what cares does the future hold for them...?


When you haven't got anything else PK :lol: you resort to pathetic insults which say so much about you  , grow up you big baby.

Hope this helps :)

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