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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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9 minutes ago, paswt said:

When you haven't got anything else PK :lol: you resort to pathetic insults which say so much about you  , grow up you big baby.

Hope this helps :)

Well in a round a bout way he is right. 

The proportion of "older" voters who voted for Brexit was higher than the "older" voters who voted to Remain.

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10 hours ago, P.K. said:

But if anyone has sold the youngsters future down The Swannee it's the coffin dodgers voting Brexit to get rid of Johnny Foreigner. After all, what cares does the future hold for them...?


9 minutes ago, paswt said:

When you haven't got anything else PK :lol: you resort to pathetic insults which say so much about you  , grow up you big baby.

Hope this helps :)

You think that's insulting in some way...?

Care to explain?

Because the facts of the voting demographics speak for themselves.

Dear me, you're clearly going to need better material than that if you're going to make any kind of impact on me at all.

Calling the gimmers "coffin dodgers" is somehow insulting. Laughable!

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"the brexit fight against the mass immigration issue is a fight for our very survival just as real and just as dangerous as any war this country has ever fought - it is not about racism or narrow mindedness it is simply a matter of realpolitik, demographics and the state of the world we live in. The populations of Africa and the Middle East are exploding - Africa will increase by an additional 1.3 billion by 2050 that’s an increase almost three times the current population of the entire EU. These people will live in failed states - corrupt - poverty and famine stricken - riven by ethnic and religious hatred and wars - that is the case today and there is no reason to believe it won’t get worse. Then there is Europe a collection of wealthy welfare states who provide services like healthcare, housing and education that are simply not available to most of the third world and provide it for free. So of course it is a magnet, if I was a young person living in a despotic war riven African nation without hope I would do everything I could to get to get to Europe. But catastrophically the EU have torn down borders have no effective control over their frontiers and have sent out the message that illegal migrants can come and won’t be deported. This is a recipe for catastrophe. If we were to stay in the EU or continue free movement as Corbyn plans to do we must accept that our healthcare, education and welfare systems will eventually collapse and that the crime levels we have been used to in the West will start to look more like a third world country -we can see with our own eyes how rapidly things have deteriorated in London".

I hope you appreciate this from "the times"

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3 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Well in a round a bout way he is right. 

The proportion of "older" voters who voted for Brexit was higher than the "older" voters who voted to Remain.

Had he expressed his view in that way I wouldn't have  had a problem ,.

PK posted at the start of this thread that  leaving the EU would affect him adversely financially, and being motivated by self interest presumably thinks it acceptable to denigrate those who do not have his financial security as their priority.

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2 minutes ago, paswt said:

Had he expressed his view in that way I wouldn't have  had a problem ,.

PK posted at the start of this thread that  leaving the EU would affect him adversely financially, and being motivated by self interest presumably thinks it acceptable to denigrate those who do not have his financial security as their priority.

Face it, brexit is going to affect everyone adversley unless, say, you have an index linked income - like a pension!

As to the rest of your bs who have I denigrated/insulted/not that I care/whatever? The coffin dodgers perchance who voted for brexit?

You know, the "Black and White Minstrel Show" generation.

If you want to hold my interest you're going to have to do a lot better than this feigned outrage.....

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the brexit fight against the mass immigration issue

One day the penny will hopefully drop that out of Schengen, we have always been able to control our borders but chose not so to do as well as many want.

Farage, his mates and the media generally have been very effective in getting you to believe mass immigration is all the EU's fault. If they hadn't, the referendumb would not have been "won".

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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

Face it, brexit is going to affect everyone adversley unless, say, you have an index linked income...

For the umpteenth time, how do you know this with such certainty? Just what esoterica are you privy to which might explain your absolutism?

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56 minutes ago, quilp said:

For the umpteenth time, how do you know this with such certainty? Just what esoterica are you privy to which might explain your absolutism?

Tell you what, you go on believing Johnson, Gove, Fox, Rees-Mogg, Farage etc etc and I'll go on believing all the projections that say a "Brexit Dividend" is bollocks.

If you're right and the lying self centered arseholes lead us down the Yellow Brick Road to the Land of Milk and Honey, well, that'll be absolutely fine with me as my standard of living will go up. You'll be proven right and that's fine by me as well, 


my standard of living will go up!

Win / Win.

If it's a total Horlicks (and let's face it thus far the negotiations have not gone well) and my standard of living drops then I sincerely hope that all those who voted Brexit spend the rest of their natural having to watch endless re-runs of the Mother Abbess singing "Climb Every Mountain" (please!) From The Sound of Music.

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4 hours ago, P.K. said:


Because the facts of the voting demographics speak for themselves.


Do they? Which facts are these? Official voting returns are not broken down by demographic.

All we have is opinion from the standard liberal, EU besotted establishment organs. Granted, they have been busily indoctrinating the young for decades but there are no "facts" about who voted for what in the referendum.

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Just now, woolley said:

Do they? Which facts are these? Official voting returns are not broken down by demographic.

All we have is opinion from the standard liberal, EU besotted establishment organs. Granted, they have been busily indoctrinating the young for decades but there are no "facts" about who voted for what in the referendum.



 ...they have been busily indoctrinating the young for decades...

And the "right" have been doing what for decades?  Practicing their finest gammon faces?  Sitting on their laurels?

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2 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Tell you what, you go on believing Johnson, Gove, Fox, Rees-Mogg, Farage etc etc and I'll go on believing all the projections that say a "Brexit Dividend" is bollocks.

If you're right and the lying self centered arseholes lead us down the Yellow Brick Road to the Land of Milk and Honey, well, that'll be absolutely fine with me as my standard of living will go up. You'll be proven right and that's fine by me as well, 


my standard of living will go up!

Win / Win.


So that's settled then, and the UK can rule itself into the bargain. We'll wait for your apology as all becomes clear.

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