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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 hour ago, Mr. Sausages said:

more remoaning fake news and project fear from airbus' COO


Airbus plans UK job cuts amid fears of hard Brexit impact


Exactly as you say: more remoaning fake news and project fear.......... and the treacherous Guardian.

The factual situation: Airbus has confirmed it is cutting production of two aircraft in a move that will put up to 3,700 jobs at risk in France, Germany, Spain and at Filton.


As far as I am aware France Germany and Spain will remain in the EU for the time being. This is not about Brexit at all. It is about spending 20 billion euros of taxpayers' money on developing the A380 aircraft for which there is no mass market. Never a good plan.

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20 minutes ago, Mr. Sausages said:

Yes, the treacherous Guardian directly quoting their concerns over the lack of clarity over Brexit. 

Or bending a willing ear with Brexit excuses for their own shortcomings. I've linked the true situation which affects ALL of their plants Europewide. They simply bet 20 billion on the wrong nag. Can happen to any of us.

Edited by woolley
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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

Or bending a willing ear with Brexit excuses for their own shortcomings. I've linked the true situation which affects ALL of their plants Europewide.

If I was running Airbus and I had to slim down the operation with the great uncertainty of brexit I know where I would make cuts.

I made exactly the same call on GM. Now the parent company will not make any investment in the UK part of the business because of brexit (but not because I said so btw). Which means, of course, that any investment will go elsewhere.

Not a "Project Fear project"  but simply you know it makes (business) sense....

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

If I was running Airbus and I had to slim down the operation with the great uncertainty of brexit I know where I would make cuts.


His comments are understandable. What sounds less culpable? "We shit the bed backing this aircraft" or "Brexit has given us diarrhoea"?

If I was in his shoes I'd probably say the same. However, job cuts are across France, Spain, Germany (which will all remain in the EU for the time being) and the UK as I linked.

What you would do if you were running Airbus is neither here nor there; simply your opinion, but it would be entertaining.

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:


I made exactly the same call on GM. Now the parent company will not make any investment in the UK part of the business because of brexit (but not because I said so btw). Which means, of course, that any investment will go elsewhere.

Not a "Project Fear project"  but simply you know it makes (business) sense....

We have globalisation to thank for strategic industries being hived off around the world. Vehicle manufacture, consumer durables, heavy engineering, shipbuilding, nuclear capability etc. Not a Brexit issue as such, but massive folly all the same. Dancing to the tune of unregulated global capitalism, no matter what the damage caused.

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"They could always have tried listening to voters’ concerns about demographics, culture, etc., rather than assuming that white Europe would be just thrilled at huge numbers of Africans and Muslims who outbreed them 5:1 flowing in and demanding that Europe adapt to them rather than adapting to Europe.

They could always have tried listening instead of pulling the imperial fiat act whilst pretending to represent democracy.

As always, reports of the death of tribalism have been greatly exaggerated. White Europeans have ethnic roots, traditions, and identities, too, and the idea that “Europeanism” would ever function as “home” in quite the same way was doomed from the start.

The EU’s utter failure to deal correctly with the invasion from Africa and the ME, followed by Merkel’s huge miscalculation in 2015 have, ironically, done more damage to the “project” than anything else could have. They are being destroyed not by outsiders, but by their own failures, just as the USSR was.

To paraphrase Lincoln, “You can ignore some of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time, but you can’t ignore all the people all the time.”

There is no one in white Europe who wants to see their nations and the region turned majority black and/or Muslim in 100 years. No one – not anyone who is being honest. And if they are jeered at by the chattering classes, they will take their revenge come polling day, in the privacy and anonymity of the polling booth.

Because the only language politicians understand, is losing".

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