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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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32 minutes ago, woody2 said:

nobody has lost any jobs....

if they are going to move they will move....

Brexit ain't happened yet, time will tell. You're the one who said you didn't care if none UK companies left. That would be cold comfort to anyone losing their job.

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12 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

Brexit ain't happened yet, time will tell. You're the one who said you didn't care if none UK companies left. That would be cold comfort to anyone losing their job.

you can tell you don't run a business:rolleyes::lol:

if you need to be inside the eu for your business to continue then been in a non-eu country is just daft.....

they should of left 2 years ago- it not rocket science.....

uk-eu trade is around 6% of gdp- this shouldn't control the other 94%, even if it was all to disappear 6% isn't a great hit and as its mainly imports it would be replaced from elsewhere....

the eu is unimportant to the uk....

most want a free trade deal but if the eu don't the uk should walk away....

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9 minutes ago, The Phat Tog said:

On the subject of Airbus, apparently they met with government representatives on Thursday to discuss the possibility of receiving funding to open a new facility in the south of England.  Brexit was not mentioned as being a problem according to an MP who was present.

Friday 22nd


The negotiations are as muddled, confused and shambolic as the Tory Cabinet.

Little wonder a lack of clarity has bottoms squeaking...

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without the UK's support [15 planes plus ?? helicopters] airbus will be in the shite,this is  basically a socialist project that EATS taxpayer funds and the UK could just as easy buy boeing which would be a better buy than putting up with this shite from these EUSSR gangsters,and as has been alluded to they will soon climb down,otherwise find some EUSSR funds and a couple of years to construct new plants for these wings,FFS this is more remainer frighteners.

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3 hours ago, The Phat Tog said:

On the subject of Airbus, apparently they met with government representatives on Thursday to discuss the possibility of receiving funding to open a new facility in the south of England.  Brexit was not mentioned as being a problem according to an MP who was present.

they also say they'll move jobs to china or the usa if the uk doesn't get a deal- so its clearly not a exit problem.....

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3 hours ago, P.K. said:

Friday 22nd


The negotiations are as muddled, confused and shambolic as the Tory Cabinet.

Little wonder a lack of clarity has bottoms squeaking...


pk did you enjoy your libdum day out yesterday in london......

shame only a handful turned up but that's the size of the libdums now:lol: they all looked a bit smokey ham to me, bit of a pig.....

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8 hours ago, twinkle said:

without the UK's support [15 planes plus ?? helicopters] airbus will be in the shite,this is  basically a socialist project that EATS taxpayer funds and the UK could just as easy buy boeing which would be a better buy than putting up with this shite from these EUSSR gangsters,and as has been alluded to they will soon climb down,otherwise find some EUSSR funds and a couple of years to construct new plants for these wings,FFS this is more remainer frighteners.

The EU funded Airbus to the tune of some £14 Bn.

Not the UK taxpayer...

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5 hours ago, The Phat Tog said:

Even the unshamedly pro-EU BBC stated (radio 4) that Airbus have a history of crying wolf.  They threatened to leave if the UK didn't join the Euro.  They also threatened to leave if the referendum result was for leave. 

The message is very clear.

Obviously ANY border controls are going to impact every JIT operation.

Obviously ANY trade tariffs are going to impact the bottom line.

This isn't rocket science.

It's called living in Reality Land...

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