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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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4 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Michael Gove's solution to all the EU migrants leaving because of Brexit...

Get the Ukrainians in...(smh)


"The UK environment secretary told MSPs at Holyrood that industries could in future have to "think about looking further afield" when recruiting staff.

Some sectors of the UK economy, such as food production and the hospitality industry, have employed a large number of workers from other European countries - with Mr Gove saying they had "relied on labour from abroad".

In Scotland in particular soft fruit growers and fish processing firms have employed high numbers of workers from other European nations."

""It is not just an issue for the UK but an issue for other countries in western Europe. And that means we will need to think in the future how workers from the [sic] Ukraine or other countries who want to come here can do so in an appropriate fashion."" - Gove

What about the Ukrainians?  Coming over here taking our EU migrants jobs, claiming our EU migrants benefits?

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7 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

No one said money had been paid or was going to be. The parliamentary system made sure that it would remain speculative. The MPs were unable to get a straight answer or a copy of the letter and so all is speculation...We are still in the EU so rules and regs on that sort of thing "aid to industry" still apply. I think they will apply for some years to come one way or another. But Nissan got something...Now who will get the poisoned chalice if the comfort letter is "called" by Nissan? If it mentions money or money's worth or some action of value to Nissan then it is arguably more than a comfort letter but a rather open ended contract by implication. This in turn makes a day at the races for the Learned friends.


the pro eu brexit committee had a copy.......


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6 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

What about the Ukrainians?  Coming over here taking our EU migrants jobs, claiming our EU migrants benefits?

well if poland would stop issuing eu travel cards and build a wall it wouldn't be a problem........

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7 hours ago, P.K. said:

Hoping for sunny weather of course with decent fishing.

All the EU citizens I know, especially the Germans, feel differently about keeping the peace than you do.

i have never meet anyone who claims to be a eu citizen......

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41 minutes ago, woody2 said:

well if poland would stop issuing eu travel cards and build a wall it wouldn't be a problem........

Hmmmm. Remember the celebrations when the Berlin wall came down? The Soviet Union and its iron curtain was many things but the geopolitical shadow it cast certainly kept Western Europe in clover for many years. It was a known known. How much more complicated things look today.

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Bloody hell! I knew you guys had a rise-tinted view of the past - but nostalgic for the Cold War - really??? Yeah, Europe was divided in half with enough nuclear bombs on either side pointed at each other to create a nuclear winter, and yeah, proxy wars were fought around the globe, but snickers were marathons, the knowns were known and all was right in the world. Incredible. 

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38 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Bloody hell! I knew you guys had a rise-tinted view of the past - but nostalgic for the Cold War - really??? Yeah, Europe was divided in half with enough nuclear bombs on either side pointed at each other to create a nuclear winter, and yeah, proxy wars were fought around the globe, but snickers were marathons, the knowns were known and all was right in the world. Incredible. 

I knew one of you would bite.

I didn't say I was nostalgic for the cold war. I said it was a known known. It shielded Western Europe from the realities of the big bad world that are confronting it today, and threatening its unity, because Uncle Sam was on watch. It kept the peace in Western Europe for 70 45 years to rehash a well worn and much misappropriated phrase. Everyone knew that nobody would cross the line and start throwing nuclear weapons at each other (MAD does work) and then we had the years of Detente. Nuclear winter? I don't think so. Nuclear weapons cannot be uninvented and still keep those of a nervous disposition awake at night. Like the Provos in 1995, they haven't gone away, you know.

Proxy wars are STILL fought around the globe in case you hadn't noticed and pretty deadly ones at that if you happen to be in the thick of them.

Snickers were indeed Marathons, but I don't think you could get the king size ones if I remember rightly.

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10 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Bloody hell! I knew you guys had a rise-tinted view of the past - but nostalgic for the Cold War - really??? Yeah, Europe was divided in half with enough nuclear bombs on either side pointed at each other to create a nuclear winter, and yeah, proxy wars were fought around the globe, but snickers were marathons, the knowns were known and all was right in the world. Incredible. 

its the eu that wants to build a wall in ireland yet its eastern border is just open fields......

more ukrainians have come into poland than the migrant crisis down south......

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