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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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8 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Do you?

It's just sometimes, like when seeing the ONS figures, you seem to be blind...

It's just that if I'm a zealot then surely so are you.

Just when I look at the stuff you read I tend to glaze over. So net immigration is SLOWING. The population is still going UP.

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44 minutes ago, woolley said:

It's just that if I'm a zealot then surely so are you.

Just when I look at the stuff you read I tend to glaze over. So net immigration is SLOWING. The population is still going UP.

I don't think it's possible to be a zealot and a liberal.

Not heard of childbirth and folks living longer then?

Maybe you should pull your head out of your the sand.....

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37 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I don't think it's possible to be a zealot and a liberal.

Not heard of childbirth and folks living longer then?

Maybe you should pull your head out of your the sand.....

Yes, of course it is. A liberal zealot. We've been surrounded by and lectured to by them for decades.

Er, yes, I've heard of childbirth but it's irrelevant. From your beloved Guardian: "At 90,000, net migration from within the EU means more people are still coming to live in Britain than going home but it is lower than those coming from outside Europe and is at its lowest level since 2012."

So despite all your nonsense, there is still net immigration from the EU to Britain and even more from beyond Europe. Evidently, despite the shitfest that is Brexit, people are still making their way from your gilded EU paradise to the no-hope, washed-up, helpless, useless, idiotic, futureless, full of thick-as-pigshit-Little-Englanders UK. Wouldn't you think that by now, in our straitened circumstances, half the population of the UK would have abandoned their impoverishment in Blighty and made for the continental sunny uplands while the going is good? How strange is it that they are not?

Take a look at the congestion in the cities and on the transport system, PK. The last thing the UK is short of is even more people.

Edited by woolley
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50 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

#woodyfact #fakenews



3. Enforced returns of EU nationals

Year Total enforced returns (1) Of which: Total enforced removals (2) Of which: Other returns from detention (3)
Year ending March 2015 3,242 3,215 27
Year ending March 2016 4,113 4,023 90
Year ending March 2017 5,230 4,954 276
Change: latest year +1,117 +931 +186
Percentage change +27% +23% +207%



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4 hours ago, woolley said:

Yes, of course it is. A liberal zealot. We've been surrounded by and lectured to by them for decades.

Er, yes, I've heard of childbirth but it's irrelevant. From your beloved Guardian: "At 90,000, net migration from within the EU means more people are still coming to live in Britain than going home but it is lower than those coming from outside Europe and is at its lowest level since 2012."

So despite all your nonsense, there is still net immigration from the EU to Britain and even more from beyond Europe. Evidently, despite the shitfest that is Brexit, people are still making their way from your gilded EU paradise to the no-hope, washed-up, helpless, useless, idiotic, futureless, full of thick-as-pigshit-Little-Englanders UK. Wouldn't you think that by now, in our straitened circumstances, half the population of the UK would have abandoned their impoverishment in Blighty and made for the continental sunny uplands while the going is good? How strange is it that they are not?

Take a look at the congestion in the cities and on the transport system, PK. The last thing the UK is short of is even more people.

So liberals are responsible for all the problems the world has? Of course they are! After all, it was a Liberal Nazi Germany that caused WW2.....

The "congestion" argument (you forgot hospitals btw) is what I call "The Farage Defence". That's the sort of populist nonsense he peddles.

Have to say your posts are getting a tad "ragged" shall we say. Maybe it's time to take a break.

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8 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Have to say your posts are getting a tad "ragged" shall we say. Maybe it's time to take a break.

Yes, I'm really feeling the strain nowadays. I should take things easy. Still more than a match for you though, old bean, and thank you for your concern.

By the way, you seem to have totally forgotten about the main thrust of your earlier post i.e, the falling immigration calamity which I thoroughly debunked by quoting your beloved Guardian. It must have slipped your mind. Don't worry. It can happen to the best of us.

So why is it, PK? Why is it that despite the disaster that is Brexit Britain, despite all of the doom and gloom you would have us wallow in, more Europeans are still heading our way? Why are not the British escaping to the EU while they still have the chance? Why, PK? We need to know. We need your wisdom. I'll bid you a ragged goodnight.

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31 minutes ago, woolley said:

Yes, I'm really feeling the strain nowadays. I should take things easy. Still more than a match for you though, old bean, and thank you for your concern.

By the way, you seem to have totally forgotten about the main thrust of your earlier post i.e, the falling immigration calamity which I thoroughly debunked by quoting your beloved Guardian. It must have slipped your mind. Don't worry. It can happen to the best of us.

So why is it, PK? Why is it that despite the disaster that is Brexit Britain, despite all of the doom and gloom you would have us wallow in, more Europeans are still heading our way? Why are not the British escaping to the EU while they still have the chance? Why, PK? We need to know. We need your wisdom. I'll bid you a ragged goodnight.

Thoroughly debunked. In your dreams.

The annual September carp fishing trip is to Boston Lincs. Apparently the most anti EU town in the UK. It's pretty much all agriculture with just a few processing plants. There has been a large influx of EU workers to do back-breaking work harvesting veg and the like. The farmers love them because they work hard for low wages. Doing jobs the indiginous population wouldn't stoop to.

But the indiginous population voted to kick them out. Why? Because there are so many of them. Why are there so many of them? Because the indiginous population won't do the sort of jobs they do for that kind of money so they are an absolute necessity to the prosperity of the area. So why are they coming over to the UK? Because in the UK they will earn more money than they would at home. Luckily for the burghers of Boston.

So the indiginous population voted to reduce the prosperity of their region to be shot of Johnny Foreigner.

Just how thick are these people?

Still, they'll get blue passports. That will consign them to the longest queue at immigration....

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Just now, woolley said:

Very good. Shame that you still didn't address the point you ducked earlier.

Shame you didn't address the point you unashemedly ducked that the lack of cheap EU labour is going to push food prices up.

But that's a point you can't address. Unless you're Gove saying we can set the bar even lower....

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9 hours ago, P.K. said:

Shame you didn't address the point you unashemedly ducked that the lack of cheap EU labour is going to push food prices up.

But that's a point you can't address. Unless you're Gove saying we can set the bar even lower....

not true- no eu import tariffs to pay.......

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8 hours ago, woody2 said:

not true- no eu import tariffs to pay.......

That totally misses the point.

1. Many UK fruit and vegetable producers will be put out of business. Supply will drop, prices will rise. UK will have to import more.

2. WTO tarrifs on fruit and veg, absent a bilateral deal country by country or with trading blocks are much higher than those imposed on importation into the single market

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51 minutes ago, woody2 said:

1- no they won't

2- eu import tariffs + wto=eu

uk out of the eu=just wto.....

1. Or cost of picking will go up, so price will go up.

2. You clearly don’t understand. The EU external tarrif is much lower, generally, than WTO terms  because EU has 60 bilateral trade agreements. UK will have to apply WTO tariffs on fruit and vegetables from both the EU and all non EU countries. The EU and WTO tariffs aren’t cumulative.They are either or. Ie bilateral EU external tariffs or higher WTO tariffs.

It will take many years to negotiate bilateral agreements.

Edited by John Wright
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