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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

 nonsense peddled by totally unscrupulous, amoral, self-centred politicians

talking of which......


Obama adviser on how Cameron asked for Brexit warning

Former White House adviser Ben Rhodes has told BBC Radio 5 live that David Cameron asked President Obama to say that Brexit would mean Britain being “at the back of the queue.”

Speaking to BBC Radio 5 live’s Anna Foster, Ben Rhodes explained the story of how the warning came about.


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2 hours ago, woody2 said:

the law that no one has ever used......

try harder.....

Rather my point....  The UK Government has been able to do it all along but no one actually has and yet, as PK says, we keep hearing how Brexit means we will take control of our borders again.

You have fallen for at best a misrepresentation and at worst an outright lie.

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22 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Rather my point....  The UK Government has been able to do it all along but no one actually has and yet, as PK says, we keep hearing how Brexit means we will take control of our borders again.

You have fallen for at best a misrepresentation and at worst an outright lie.

no you have- ecj have set the legal requirements via case law.....

which is why its not been used....

if you remember back "call me dave" tried to change the eu regs but it would need a treaty change and the last one took 10 years.....

deportation criteria is set by the ecj.....

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13 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Rather my point....  The UK Government has been able to do it all along but no one actually has and yet, as PK says, we keep hearing how Brexit means we will take control of our borders again.

You have fallen for at best a misrepresentation and at worst an outright lie.


Look anywhere on the t'interwebby thing and you will find this or similar:

"Analysis of government data shows that over 5,300 EU citizens were removed from the UK during the year ending June 2017, which represents an increase of 20% on the previous year."

"Take back control of our borders" indeed. Just another load of brexit lies spoon fed to the idiots who believe it.....

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22 hours ago, P.K. said:


Look anywhere on the t'interwebby thing and you will find this or similar:

"Analysis of government data shows that over 5,300 EU citizens were removed from the UK during the year ending June 2017, which represents an increase of 20% on the previous year."

"Take back control of our borders" indeed. Just another load of brexit lies spoon fed to the idiots who believe it.....


look at the case law- the uk can't deport someone for been jobless or homeless or criminal acts....

and even when the uk does deport, nothing stops them making an application to the ecj costing the uk even more money....

and the biggest kicker is you can''t stop them returning to the uk after been deported....

uk doesn't have control of its borders.....


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Seeing Barrule mooring up in PSM yesterday reminded me of something.

Today one of the most mendacious politicians of recent times, Michael Gove, spewed a load of nonsense about the upcoming White Paper on the post-brexit fishing "industry" purely for brexiteer consumption to wit:

EU has destroyed our soul!

Gove unveils new plans to REVIVE fishing towns.

BRITAIN’S post-Brexit departure from the EU common fisheries policy (CFP) will breathe new live into the fishing industry and create thousands of new jobs, according to Michael Gove.

The Environment Secretary said new opportunities outside the CFP will benefit the environment and coastal communities, and give a much-needed boost to the trawlermen.

He insisted freedom from EU rules would improve sustainability by enabling the Government to safeguard stocks for future generations by imposing controls on who fishes in UK waters and the methods they use.

Writing in The Times ahead of the release of a White Paper outlining his vision of Britain’s post-Brexit fishing industry Mr Gove said: “You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who cares about our seas, or depends on them economically, who has a good word say about the CFP." he gushed.


As per usual on "taking back control" reality is very different from the nonsense peddled by Farage, Gove, Johnson, Rees-Mogg, Fox and so on.

Brexit is a red herring when it comes to the plight of UK fishermen!

"Small fishing companies are harmed not by the EU, but by government rules that allow big interests to corner the quotas

" The real scandal in British and European fisheries over the past 35 years has been the relentless hoovering up of catching opportunities by big boats and big companies.

"Ukip, Conservative Brexiteers and some fishermen’s leaders would like you to believe that the important battleground in European fishing is Britain versus the rest. It is not.

"A more damaging issue, one that transcends national boundaries, is “big” versus “small”. In several EU countries, but most notably in Britain, powerful trawlers and large fishing interests have squeezed out the smaller, more environmentally friendly boats on which local communities depend.

"None of this is directly “caused” by the existence of the much-maligned EU fisheries policy. Nor is it certain – despite glittering promises by the UK and Scottish governments – that Brexit will bring much relief to coastal fishermen."

"Since the creation of the CFP in 1983 the core principles have been systematically ignored by Brussels and several member states, but most egregiously of all by successive UK governments. Small, coastal boats under 10 metres, which make up 77% of the English fleet, currently have the right to catch 3% of the total English catch of quota-controlled fish such as cod, haddock, plaice, sole, herring and mackerel. One super-trawler, British-flagged but ultimately Dutch-owned, has the right to catch 94% of the English herring quota in the Atlantic and North Sea."


Ironically the Common Fisheries Policy specifically states that large units creating a virtual monopoly go against the core policy of the CFP. So the small, local concerns have every right to petition the ECJ to have the status quo returned to them.

So once again Gove is talking bollocks.

"Taking back control" indeed. Just more vapourware....

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1 hour ago, ballaughbiker said:

Project fear PK :lol: 

(Hey, this type of posting is so easy....)


Edit: Sorry, forgot the derisory#


You don't suppose that the timing of this announcement has anything to do with the Chequers bunfight do you?

Surely not!

ETA Ooops forgot the all important mandatory #


Edited by P.K.
  • Haha 1
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On 7/2/2018 at 3:12 PM, manxman1980 said:

So, why does the UK not perform exit checks?  In every other country in the EU I have visited recently you get your ID checked on check in AND you then go through a passport control point and have your passport scanned.  The UK does not do this.  It could but doesn't. 

As for EU citizens the UK could repatriate them after 3 months if they are found not to have the means to support themselves.  https://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2004:158:0077:0123:en:PDF 


And sure as god made little green apples some smart arse lawyer would use the ECHR to prevent deportation. 

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