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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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4 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

So, a Woodyfact then. 

go and look up what you want to export and it will tell you what you have to pay to the eu....


Exporting goods outside the EU

Customs requirements, duties and VAT you must pay to export goods to a 'third country' outside the EU.


"required to pay a levy"

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20 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

When exporting to a country outside the EU you pay duty to the country being exported to (after a certain amount, eg. only from 6000€ or equivalent for Switzerland). The money is not paid to the EU.



nope- the eu apply some tariffs/duty/levy or whatever you want to call it.......

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3 hours ago, woody2 said:

nope- the eu apply some tariffs/duty/levy or whatever you want to call it.......

There are no EU export tariffs - that is a pure Woodyfact. There were licences required and levies to pay on sugar and rice in the recent past (pretty sure they’ve expired). If you’re worried about the rice levy, I wouldn’t; the U.K. is very much a net importer. If you’re worried about the sugar levy, I wouldn’t, it’s never amounted to more than £50,000 for the whole U.K. in any one year (and that was a mistake that was refunded).


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9 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

the eu's schedules are 14 years out of date, they only recently filed the 2004 changes (expansion of eu25) , it doesn't stop trade.....


due are 2007 expansion of eu27 and 2013 expansion of eu28 then they'll need  2019 eu27.....

so some members that joined in 2007 are not on schedules 11 years later- are you really that thick that you think these members of the eu can't trade? or are you just making things up?

its not even project fear its freggys project thicko farce........

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Schedules are timetables, they are set in advance. The EU schedules are not out of date. The EU negotiates on behalf of the whole EU, so individual countries don’t have their own schedules. New members will never get their own schedules, that’s not how it works.

The levies paid by British Sugar and their growers are negligible, laughable compared to their EU subsidies. No other exporter pays a levy, and certainly no export tariffs. Maybe you are getting confused with export subsidies? Or, more likely, the import tariffs set by non-Eu countries? 

Your link is out of date. It says Fox expects the WTO members to accept the formula worked out by the U.K. and EU to apportion TRQs. As explained before, that was unicorn thinking, the WTO did not accept that formula, so the EU are using an ‘Article 28’ amendment to scale down TRQs appropriately, and the U.K. is desperately trying to negotiate schedules from scratch - a process that has been going on for months and is not looking very good for the U.K.- hence the Brexit loons very weak hand in negotiations with May. 


Edited by Freggyragh
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5 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Schedules are timetables, they are set in advance. The EU schedules are not out of date. The EU negotiates on behalf of the whole EU, so individual countries don’t have their own schedules. New members will never get their own schedules, that’s not how it works.

The levies paid by British Sugar and their growers are negligible, laughable compared to their EU subsidies. No other exporter pays a levy, and certainly no export tariffs. Maybe you are getting confused with export subsidies? Or, more likely, the import tariffs set by non-Eu countries? 

Your link is out of date. It says Fox expects the WTO members to accept the formula worked out by the U.K. and EU to apportion TRQs. As explained before, that was unicorn thinking, the WTO did not accept that formula, so the EU are using an ‘Article 28’ amendment to scale down TRQs appropriately, and the U.K. is desperately trying to negotiate schedules from scratch - a process that has been going on for months and is not looking very good for the U.K.- hence the Brexit loons very weak hand in negotiations with May. 


it was your link not mine......

2004 was the last time the eu updated....

no timetable on when they have to be done.....


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