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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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6 hours ago, woody2 said:

it was your link not mine......

2004 was the last time the eu updated....

no timetable on when they have to be done.....


I stand corrected, that was my link. You either didn’t read it, or, more likely, didn’t understand it. I just couldn’t believe you are that stupid - the article pulls apart every bit of bullshit you’ve come out with over the last week with regards to the U.K.’s yet to be agreed WTO schedules. Your understanding of the WTO isn’t as hilarious as your ‘EU export tariffs’ baloney - but, you never fail to entertain. Any tips for the World Cup? 

Edited by Freggyragh
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2 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

I stand corrected, that was my link. You either didn’t read it, or, more likely, didn’t understand it. I just couldn’t believe you are that stupid - the article pulls apart every bit of bullshit you’ve come out with over the last week with regards to the U.K.’s yet to be agreed WTO schedules. Your understanding of the WTO isn’t as hilarious as your ‘EU export tariffs’ baloney - but, you never fail to entertain. Any tips for the World Cup? 

so what about the schedules that only the uk has.......

i am only quoting the head of the wto......

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That’s bloody fast work, time travelling work too, seeing as the Council of Europe only gave the green light for the EU & U.K. to negotiate their shares of the TRQs with the WTO on June 26th, and they didn’t get started until the 28th. I know I’m wasting my time asking, but any link for this wonderful news? 


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Time for May to resign and hand this mess over to the unicornists. Let them reach the same conclusions for themselves or knacker the country for ten years, after that we’ll never see or hear of them again. I’m starting to see the point of Brexit - in the medium to long run it may be the only way to consign the charlatans to oblivion. 

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30 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

That’s bloody fast work, time travelling work too, seeing as the Council of Europe only gave the green light for the EU & U.K. to negotiate their shares of the TRQs with the WTO on June 26th, and they didn’t get started until the 28th. I know I’m wasting my time asking, but any link for this wonderful news? 


the uk only schedules have been around for years.....

they are listed on https://www.wto.org/

nothing to do with exit.....

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Davis resigning is further evidence that no one has a clue what they are supposed to be doing, how they are supposed to be doing it or even what for. What an absolute shambles. 

I suppose they may as well stick the moggster in charge. Or fucking Woody2

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