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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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I’d be happy enough to see Jacob take the reigns. He has very limited life experience and some peculiar beliefs, but he’s got impeccable manners. He’s a true believer on Brexit and will be quite happy wreck the country to prove a point. It’ll be a hard lesson, but one England needs. 

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Just like Michael Foots manifesto was described, wrongly, as the longest suicide note in history, we are now coming to the end game of a 25 year tory suicide over Europe. Mogg will be willing to lead them to extinction.

He may have a lead amongst  couple of thousand elderly  Tory colonel ( disgusted of Tonbridge ) types but the one thing guaranteeing a Corbin victory, and a Lib Dem revival would be RM leading the Tories.

Edited by John Wright
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7 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Just like Michael Foots manifesto was described, wrongly, as the longest suicide note in history, we are now coming to the end game of the Tory suicide over Europe. Mogg will be willing to lead them to extinction.

He may have a lead amongst  couple of thousand elderly  Tory colonel ( disgusted of Tonbridge ) types but the one thing guaranteeing a Corbin victory, and a Lib Dem revival would be RM leading the Tories.

Do not underestimate the power of the UK right-wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it.

Expect lots of "If you don't support chinless wonders you'll put a Marxist into number 10 and the end of civilisation as we know it!" or similar.....

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The success of Brexit is not in doubt. There are eight months left and so far there is: No agreement at the WTO for splitting the UK’s share of EU schedules (the schedules Fox said could be split based on historical averages). No agreement on any of the 40 free trade agreements the UK enjoys as an EU member (the deals Fox promised would just ‘roll over’). No understanding that when it comes to trade with EU you can’t cherry pick the freedoms. No agreement over what will happen in Ireland. No plan of what to do to compensate the regions and industries that rely on EU subsidies. It’s a total mess. Time a brexiter was made to admit there are no fucking unicorns. 


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16 minutes ago, P.K. said:

...........................the end of civilisation as we know it!" or similar.....


6 minutes ago, woolley said:

Sounds a lot like Project Fear.........

I unashamedly made that bit up.

However, from The Daily Wail:

"Just as the newly confident Tories inch ahead in the polls,11 self-consumed malcontents pull the rug from under our EU negotiators, betray their leader, party and 17.4m Brexit voters and — most damning of all — increase the possibility of a Marxist in No 10!"

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

Just like Michael Foots manifesto was described, wrongly, as the longest suicide note in history, we are now coming to the end game of a 25 year tory suicide over Europe. Mogg will be willing to lead them to extinction.

He may have a lead amongst  couple of thousand elderly  Tory colonel ( disgusted of Tonbridge ) types but the one thing guaranteeing a Corbin victory, and a Lib Dem revival would be RM leading the Tories.

tories are still 5 points ahead......

corbyn has had 10 times as many resign......

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