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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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6 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

It was project foolish. Some ex-leavers now feel foolish, some still don’t have any self-insight. 

says the pikey transit owner who has no understanding of wto.......


Edited by woody2
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7 hours ago, La Colombe said:

God only knows! The Conservatives are going to tear themselves apart and be in the wilderness for the forseeable, but I can't see Jeremy Corbyn getting voted in as PM. It's going to be messy. If I had to bet, I'd say Brexit ain't going to happen, but we'll be a poorer member for all that. 

48hrs of Chaos but ultimately Tories are not daft enough to lose a vote of no confidence and have a general election which would probably see them loose their majority. They will ensure they remain in Govt and whilst the right wing press will give the lievers plenty of coverage the likes of JRM. Johnson are a minority within the party. If anything their resignations make a softer Brexit more likely as there was and will always be split in the party which will have to be faced, but May now has less to worry about in terms of the Cabinet.

Just because the hard line lievers make the most noise does not mean they are a majority of the Tory party in parliament  

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Is there actually a legitimate party to vote for in the UK anymore? The Conservatives are too busy infighting to be any use. Labour are some sort of youth club Marxists, who'd in their right mind would vote for them? The Liberal Democrats don't really exist anymore. What's left, UKIP, the Greens, Monster Raving Loonies?

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7 minutes ago, woody2 said:


or you could just go and look up the facts on the wto site....


The U.K. does not have its own schedules yet you fantaboy. Pointing out the WTO has a website and literature does not mean the U.K. has its own schedules. If you think it does, just cut and paste the quote. This is as funny as your ‘EU export tariffs’ claim, getting funnier every time you post it - it just shows how you don’t understand what a customs union is, ya tool. 

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3 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Is there actually a legitimate party to vote for in the UK anymore? The Conservatives are too busy infighting to be any use. Labour are some sort of youth club Marxists, who'd in their right mind would vote for them? The Liberal Democrats don't really exist anymore. What's left, UKIP, the Greens, Monster Raving Loonies?

Nope. Running the country competently is too boring to sell papers. All the parties and the papers rely on self-aggrandising wankers getting their faces on TV - mostly by exciting the gammon. 

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7 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Is there actually a legitimate party to vote for in the UK anymore? The Conservatives are too busy infighting to be any use. Labour are some sort of youth club Marxists, who'd in their right mind would vote for them? The Liberal Democrats don't really exist anymore. What's left, UKIP, the Greens, Monster Raving Loonies?

could be worse you could be living in germany......

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4 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Nope. Running the country competently is too boring to sell papers. All the parties and the papers rely on self-aggrandising wankers getting their faces on TV - mostly by exciting the gammon. 

is that why all the lefties and remoans are on.....

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