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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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So, you’re saying that the President of European Council wasn’t elected (presumably by the European Council), and that he isn’t a politician? I’m not going to check because I know it’s just like your ‘EU export tariffs’, or U.K. WTO schedules - in other words, complete horseshit. 

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21 hours ago, Lost Login said:

 They agreed in December 2017


3 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

As ever you just make things up as I never said was there a binding agreement or any agreement that can not be broken. May has a choice. Ensuing there is no hard boarder in respect of Ireland and therefore ensuring the Food Friday Agreement is maintained and she has the support of the DUP and remains in power or No Deal. Logically both are not possible. As she was originally in favour of remaining I cannot see her risking the Good Friday Agreement or the support of the DUP.  


dup said they wouldn't object to a border in ireland just not northern ireland......

with 70+ tories short may is getting nothing.....

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18 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

It's not a requirement. That's where trump's whole argument falls flat, no country is actually required to pay a specific amount. Is NATO actually necessary any more?

I don't think he actually realises basically nobody pays NATO and that the recommend minimum of 2% is how much you spend on defence. I am sure that figure is easy to fudge depending how you allocate costs.

It is easy to spend more than the 2% if you want to. It is like somebody needing a to buy a car for use by their staff. You could buy a nice little run around for £10,000 or buy say a top of the range Volvo at £70K. Both do the same job and the fact that one costs 7 times as much as the other does is no reflection that it contributes anything more to the business. 

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4 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

So, you’re saying that the President of European Council wasn’t elected (presumably by the European Council), and that he isn’t a politician? I’m not going to check because I know it’s just like your ‘EU export tariffs’, or U.K. WTO schedules - in other words, complete horseshit. 

not a politician, not a mep.....

you have zero understanding of wto schedules.....

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3 minutes ago, woody2 said:


dup said they wouldn't object to a border in ireland just not northern ireland......

with 70+ tories short may is getting nothing.....

May I suggest you take a course in understanding and comprehension then you might understand that saying "it was agreed" and stating an agreement could be broken is completely different from stating the agreement is binding.

The UK is heading for the softest of soft exists as both parties are stuffed which ever way they go as be in favour of a "hard" exit and they will loose the support of those who wanted to remain, go for a "soft" exist and the hardliners will complain which is what we are seeing now. May has dumped the hardliners from her Cabinet and they have no real alternative so the chances that Brexit will be little more than leaving the EU  in name only grows. Even the guy you have wet dream about, JRM, posted yesterday the risk was that Brexit was at risk of become little more than a legal technicality with no real changes. 

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7 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

May I suggest you take a course in understanding and comprehension then you might understand that saying "it was agreed" and stating an agreement could be broken is completely different from stating the agreement is binding.

The UK is heading for the softest of soft exists as both parties are stuffed which ever way they go as be in favour of a "hard" exit and they will loose the support of those who wanted to remain, go for a "soft" exist and the hardliners will complain which is what we are seeing now. May has dumped the hardliners from her Cabinet and they have no real alternative so the chances that Brexit will be little more than leaving the EU  in name only grows. Even the guy you have wet dream about, JRM, posted yesterday the risk was that Brexit was at risk of become little more than a legal technicality with no real changes. 


7 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

May I suggest you take a course in understanding and comprehension then you might understand that saying "it was agreed" and stating an agreement could be broken is completely different from stating the agreement is binding.

The UK is heading for the softest of soft exists as both parties are stuffed which ever way they go as be in favour of a "hard" exit and they will loose the support of those who wanted to remain, go for a "soft" exist and the hardliners will complain which is what we are seeing now. May has dumped the hardliners from her Cabinet and they have no real alternative so the chances that Brexit will be little more than leaving the EU  in name only grows. Even the guy you have wet dream about, JRM, posted yesterday the risk was that Brexit was at risk of become little more than a legal technicality with no real changes. 

 This soft exit of course means same as you were, but no vote and no veto. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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11 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

I don't think he actually realises basically nobody pays NATO and that the recommend minimum of 2% is how much you spend on defence. I am sure that figure is easy to fudge depending how you allocate costs.

It is easy to spend more than the 2% if you want to. It is like somebody needing a to buy a car for use by their staff. You could buy a nice little run around for £10,000 or buy say a top of the range Volvo at £70K. Both do the same job and the fact that one costs 7 times as much as the other does is no reflection that it contributes anything more to the business. 

incorrect- the 2% of gdp agreement should spent on defence from that a percentage goes to nato to fund it.....

underspend on defence equals less dosh for nato.....


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9 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

May I suggest you take a course in understanding and comprehension then you might understand that saying "it was agreed" and stating an agreement could be broken is completely different from stating the agreement is binding.

The UK is heading for the softest of soft exists as both parties are stuffed which ever way they go as be in favour of a "hard" exit and they will loose the support of those who wanted to remain, go for a "soft" exist and the hardliners will complain which is what we are seeing now. May has dumped the hardliners from her Cabinet and they have no real alternative so the chances that Brexit will be little more than leaving the EU  in name only grows. Even the guy you have wet dream about, JRM, posted yesterday the risk was that Brexit was at risk of become little more than a legal technicality with no real changes. 

so who is going to vote for this "may deal" not most of labour,snp, libdums or 70+ tories.....

jrm said he support may but not this plan

no deal is looking more likely.....

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