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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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It's not just Cornwall though, it's whole regions of the UK. I doubt many well heeled Londoners have second homes in the North East or North West.


Ok, it's not entirely an EU related issue but I think it's fair comment that Government only cares about London and the South East.


The whole northern powerhouse and related devolved powers, as well as huge amounts of infrastructure spending on things like transport, would offer a different perspective.


However all this detracts from the huge elephant in the room. The EU is imploding. It has printed billions upon billions of funny money and it's still sinking. The £60m that Cornwall currently gets was by no means going to be continued forever. The engines that drove the EU and contributed the majority of the income have either left (UK) or are having referendums and movements about leaving. It's a busted flush.


Do you jump in the lifeboat to escape the sinking ship or do you admirably, and stupidly, go down with it?

Edited by Lxxx
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It's not just Cornwall though, it's whole regions of the UK. I doubt many well heeled Londoners have second homes in the North East or North West.


Ok, it's not entirely an EU related issue but I think it's fair comment that Government only cares about London and the South East.

The whole northern powerhouse and related devolved powers, as well as huge amounts of infrastructure spending on things like transport, would offer a different perspective.


However all this detracts from the huge elephant in the room. The EU is imploding. It has printed billions upon billions of funny money and it's still sinking. The £60m that Cornwall currently gets was by no means going to be continued forever. The engines that drove the EU and contributed the majority of the income have either left (UK) or are having referendums and movements about leaving. It's a busted flush.


Do you jump in the lifeboat to escape the sinking boat or do you admirably, and stupidly, go down with it?

I'm a northerner borne and bred, sorry but your comments and beliefs on the northern powerhouse don't match up with the amount of people I know that have been made redundant numerous times and either have no job or job insecurity. I talking about people with good qualifications and experience as well not benefit scrounging losers.

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It's not just Cornwall though, it's whole regions of the UK. I doubt many well heeled Londoners have second homes in the North East or North West.


Ok, it's not entirely an EU related issue but I think it's fair comment that Government only cares about London and the South East.

The whole northern powerhouse and related devolved powers, as well as huge amounts of infrastructure spending on things like transport, would offer a different perspective.


However all this detracts from the huge elephant in the room. The EU is imploding. It has printed billions upon billions of funny money and it's still sinking. The £60m that Cornwall currently gets was by no means going to be continued forever. The engines that drove the EU and contributed the majority of the income have either left (UK) or are having referendums and movements about leaving. It's a busted flush.


Do you jump in the lifeboat to escape the sinking boat or do you admirably, and stupidly, go down with it?

I'm a northerner borne and bred, sorry but your comments and beliefs on the northern powerhouse don't match up with the amount of people I know that have been made redundant numerous times and either have no job or job insecurity. I talking about people with good qualifications and experience as well not benefit scrounging losers.



I'm a northerner too and the Manchester I grew up in bears no resemblance whatsoever to the one I see now. If you don't think places like Liverpool, Manchester and Leeds have grown enormously into international cities with vibrant, miniature economies of their own then we're on completely differing pages on this one.

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So what this appears to boil down to is that certain parties within the UK don't like the way the UK government disburses taxpayers' funds. So rather than address this as the domestic matter that it obviously is, they prefer to bring in an external party which confiscates two thirds of the money and then disburses it in a different way. Madness.

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As you don't seem to want to answer my question can I pose a different one.


Ignore the failures (or successes) of the EU for a moment and solely consider the UK as a single entity. Do you believe that the Government gives a stuff about anywhere other than London and the South East?

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@ Mojomonkey: Apologies. I don't live here all the time despite appearances.


I have no idea how much government money will find its way to Cornwall, but if it is unsatisfactory, don't you think that it should be sorted out between elected representatives in central and local government in the UK rather than by an external, unaccountable bureaucracy that takes two thirds of the available money for its own purposes into the bargain? Surely that is the big issue.


I do think this UK government would genuinely like to aspire to its "A country that works for everyone" mantra and I think it will do its best. That doesn't mean handouts like in some kind of socialist dream utopia. It means a leg up to help yourself.

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unelected officials

You mean like PM Theresa May, sorry, the unelected PM Theresa May.

You might not like her but she is elected. Elected by the public to be an MP and elected to be PM by members of the Conservative Party. You could join the Conservatives if you feel disenfranchised by the process.

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you may see elections quicker than you think, with the labour and libdem lords actions, both parties could be wiped out and a reformed lords.


they are so wrapped up in their on importance they can't see whats happening


these eurotards claim that uk citizens living in the eu are protected by international law, then clearly eu citizens are protected by the same....


giving out 10 million uk passports without any checks is doomed to fail......

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unelected officials


You mean like PM Theresa May, sorry, the unelected PM Theresa May.


That's so stupid it doesn't even warrant a reply. Unworthy of you.



You moan about unelected officials, yet we are at the whims of one. You cant have it both ways.

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