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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

B) Trade will continue as is with the other big markets and Europe and its FT partners will accept tariff free trade in goods, and services. 

If the solution is B, then if it can’t negotiate a very, very good deal (impossible), then the U.K. should maintain is position as a rule maker within the EU (but with its own currency) rather suffer as a rule taker. If the solution is A, you are a dreamer. 

Mainly B as trade will most certainly continue. It is imperative for both sides. Trade is merely the red herring that has been used from the start to deflect attention from "ever closer union". We can tolerate signing up to the regulations for now while the EU remains in its current quasi state incarnation, provided that legally we are no longer a member and that Parliament has the power to take control at any point as circumstances change on the continent.

Edited by woolley
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41 minutes ago, woolley said:

Mainly B as trade will most certainly continue. It is imperative for both sides. Trade is merely the red herring that has been used from the start to deflect attention from "ever closer union". We can tolerate signing up to the regulations for now while the EU remains in its current quasi state incarnation, provided that legally we are no longer a member and that Parliament has the power to take control at any point as circumstances change on the continent.

Trade is not a red herring. Unless, of course, you trade in herring. Not that we do anymore....

There were lots of posts recently about how 70% of the food we import comes from the EU. Add tariffs and it's a serious issue. Add border delays and it's an even more serious issue. But a non-issue it most certainly is not.

What examples of "ever closer union" do you have since the brexit vote that will really affect our lives? We all know a hard brexit will really change things for us but what "ever closer union" legislation has been trotted out? Not regulation stuff you would expect from keeping house in the biggest trading bloc around. Can't be migrants either because we only took a fraction of them.

So what examples do you have of the EU stealthily eroding our basic rights?


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15 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Trade is not a red herring. Unless, of course, you trade in herring. Not that we do anymore....

There were lots of posts recently about how 70% of the food we import comes from the EU. Add tariffs and it's a serious issue. Add border delays and it's an even more serious issue. But a non-issue it most certainly is not.

What examples of "ever closer union" do you have since the brexit vote that will really affect our lives? We all know a hard brexit will really change things for us but what "ever closer union" legislation has been trotted out? Not regulation stuff you would expect from keeping house in the biggest trading bloc around. Can't be migrants either because we only took a fraction of them.

So what examples do you have of the EU stealthily eroding our basic rights?


And you accuse Quilp of being obsessed. They have been eroded steadily since 1973 treaty by treaty. I've given the bottom line to you many times regarding sovereignty and the self-determination of nations. No point in trotting it out again. And yes, trade will continue. Go to bed.

Edited by woolley
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17 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Trade is not a red herring. Unless, of course, you trade in herring. Not that we do anymore....

There were lots of posts recently about how 70% of the food we import comes from the EU. Add tariffs and it's a serious issue. Add border delays and it's an even more serious issue. But a non-issue it most certainly is not.

What examples of "ever closer union" do you have since the brexit vote that will really affect our lives? We all know a hard brexit will really change things for us but what "ever closer union" legislation has been trotted out? Not regulation stuff you would expect from keeping house in the biggest trading bloc around. Can't be migrants either because we only took a fraction of them.

So what examples do you have of the EU stealthily eroding our basic rights?



2 minutes ago, woolley said:

And you accuse Quilp of being obsessed. They have been eroded steadily since 1973 treaty by treaty. I've given the bottom line to you many times regarding sovereignty and the self-determination of nations. No point in trotting it out again. And yes, trade will continue. Go to bed.

So none then.....

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You missed this:

They have been eroded steadily since 1973 treaty by treaty. I've given the bottom line to you many times regarding sovereignty and the self-determination of nations. No point in trotting it out again.

Umpteen times. And this is the last.

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

You missed this:

They have been eroded steadily since 1973 treaty by treaty. I've given the bottom line to you many times regarding sovereignty and the self-determination of nations. No point in trotting it out again.

Umpteen times. And this is the last.

So still none then.

How many more times do the "sovereignty" and "taking back control of our borders" propaganda soundbites have to be debunked before the brexit zealots realise that the Holy Grail of leaving the EU is nothing more than an illusion?

Even floundering around on our own any trade deals the UK eventually makes will be tied up with rules and regulations.

But hey, you'll get blue passports, that will consign you to the longest, slowest queue at Border Control....

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4 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

I got my figures from Parliament, and I suppose you can’t remember where you got yours. 



No point giving Woody2 links he ignores unless he can lie about or misrepresent the contents. I posted figures about NATO from NATO's website which Woody2 referred to in a reply. Rather than read or comprehend he wanted his little hand to be held and guided through line by line because if he wasn't then obviously I did not understand. I could not be arsed as unlike Woody2 I have a life that does not revolve around trolling on MF.

Also whilst Woody2 is quite good for trolling and is very hard to take at all seriously I tend to reply for others to read rather than responding to Woody2 as he has all the attributes of a young child who when you say something to them puts their fingers in their ears and makes a loud noise before later saying they never heard you tell them not to put their fingers in the electric sockets.

Anyway though I thought Woody2 was your alter ego, he can't be real as surely nobody is that dumb?   

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I look forward to all the post today about Trump and his comments in the Sun relating to Brexit. Two years ago when Obama made comments those on the leave side had a hissy fit about it having nothing to do with the president of the USA and he should not interfere as it is nothing to do with him. I bet they are singing a different tune this morning.

Irrelevant of that I think that anybody taking Trump at his word about negotiating a great trade deal with the UK is seriously deluded. Trump is only concerned about his home audience and America and would shaft the UK. In his world in any deal there is always a winner and a loser and you can be pretty sure who they would be.

Trump does not like some of the West's alliances such as NATO, the EU and yes there are issues in all which need addressing. But the biggest reason he wants them breaking up is because he wants bilateral trade deals with members as in such deals the USA is the biggest strongest partner so he/the USA can set the terms. You either accept or he will walk away and again as he sees it there will only be one winner. It is how Trump has behaved all his life, using his money and the power of money to bully the smaller guy. It is the same now he is President and he wants the EU etc. broke up as it is much harder to bully the collective of the EU than it would be to bully each individual state.  

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2 hours ago, Lost Login said:

No point giving Woody2 links he ignores unless he can lie about or misrepresent the contents. I posted figures about NATO from NATO's website which Woody2 referred to in a reply. Rather than read or comprehend he wanted his little hand to be held and guided through line by line because if he wasn't then obviously I did not understand. I could not be arsed as unlike Woody2 I have a life that does not revolve around trolling on MF.

Also whilst Woody2 is quite good for trolling and is very hard to take at all seriously I tend to reply for others to read rather than responding to Woody2 as he has all the attributes of a young child who when you say something to them puts their fingers in their ears and makes a loud noise before later saying they never heard you tell them not to put their fingers in the electric sockets.

Anyway though I thought Woody2 was your alter ego, he can't be real as surely nobody is that dumb?   

lost nogin i asked you a question #youthicko.....

you didn't respond...... 

so are you referring to direct or non-direct funding......

the figures on nato site don't reflect the figures you use......





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