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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 hours ago, Lost Login said:

I look forward to all the post today about Trump and his comments in the Sun relating to Brexit. Two years ago when Obama made comments those on the leave side had a hissy fit about it having nothing to do with the president of the USA and he should not interfere as it is nothing to do with him. I bet they are singing a different tune this morning.

Irrelevant of that I think that anybody taking Trump at his word about negotiating a great trade deal with the UK is seriously deluded. Trump is only concerned about his home audience and America and would shaft the UK. In his world in any deal there is always a winner and a loser and you can be pretty sure who they would be.

Trump does not like some of the West's alliances such as NATO, the EU and yes there are issues in all which need addressing. But the biggest reason he wants them breaking up is because he wants bilateral trade deals with members as in such deals the USA is the biggest strongest partner so he/the USA can set the terms. You either accept or he will walk away and again as he sees it there will only be one winner. It is how Trump has behaved all his life, using his money and the power of money to bully the smaller guy. It is the same now he is President and he wants the EU etc. broke up as it is much harder to bully the collective of the EU than it would be to bully each individual state.  

"call me dave" asked obama to say what he did.....



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14 hours ago, P.K. said:

My "Ignore" list seems to be working again.

So Woody wants a link?

Well what a joke THAT is bearing in mind the track record he/she/it has. Which is shit.

They put up some of it on BBC Daily Politics to the consternation of the assembled tories. So you could always iplayer or google it.

Anyway https://www.expr3uess.co.uk/news/politics/987876/brexit-latest-news-david-davis-white-paper-free-trade-agreements-theresa-may


14 hours ago, woody2 said:

so only one white paper then....

not the 2 you claimed.....

You mean you were completely unaware that The Maybot was releasing her much-vaunted (and probably run past Merkle) Brexit White Paper at the same time yesterday?

Dear me.

Finger on the political pulse then Woody.......

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3 minutes ago, P.K. said:


You mean you were completely unaware that The Maybot was releasing her much-vaunted (and probably run past Merkle) Brexit White Paper at the same time yesterday?

Dear me.

Finger on the political pulse then Woody.......

i was aware of the maybot one, had bbc parliament on......

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9 hours ago, woody2 said:



which has the latest figures up to may 2018, not old ones you refer to.....

Yes. Your link give exports of goods to the EU at 47% of all exports of goods, £14.1B for the month of May. Multiply that by 12 and you get £169.2B, which is still 8.6% of GDP. OK, it’s almost a percentage point lower than my calculation, but I guess that would be explained by seasonal fluctuation in trade (May not being the busiest month for trade). Your made up figure of 1% is still pure Woodyfact (ie brexit horseshit), and doesn’t include services. 

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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

Yes. Your link give exports of goods to the EU at 47% of all exports of goods, £14.1B for the month of May. Multiply that by 12 and you get £169.2B, which is still 8.6% of GDP. OK, it’s almost a percentage point lower than my calculation, but I guess that would be explained by seasonal fluctuation in trade (May not being the busiest month for trade). Your made up figure of 1% is still pure Woodyfact (ie brexit horseshit), and doesn’t include services. 

mays plan doesn't include services......

i see what you are doing wrong- you fail to take ownership into consideration.......

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5 minutes ago, woody2 said:

mays plan doesn't include services......

i see what you are doing wrong- you fail to take ownership into consideration.......

May’s White Paper does have a proposal for services, but it doesn’t include passporting. Services exports to the EU is about 5% of GDP, and nearly all the business is London based. If May’s proposals are accepted by Barnier there’ll be some loss of business, but not catastrophic collapse. If Barnier says ‘non’ then there has to be a huge increase in trade with the US, Russia, China and Middle East to off-set the damage. 

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

even mandy says so.....


Except he doesn't say "no deal is best".  He says no deal would be better than May's current plan. He also says staying in the EU would be better than May's current plan. How so unlike you to deliberately misrepresent or be unable to understand something within the comprehension of an average 10 year old.

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