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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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30 minutes ago, woody2 said:

fine by me, the remains would win this time.....


in other news......

Donald Trump: European Union is a foe on trade


Nothing new there. Trump views anybody who stands up to him as his foe. He wants to see the end of the EU and other organisations of the west because they are a size that he cannot bully. The idea that Trump would give the UK or any country a good deal if they were out of the UK is baloney. In any deal as he sees it there has to be a winner, which must be him, and everybody else are losers. The countries of the EU are much easier to pick off one by one than if they are united.

Now I understand that people may wish to leave the EU but if they believe that one of the benefits of leaving the EU is that the UK will get a great deal with the US they are fooling themselves. Once Trump has the UK where he wants it he will shaft the UK just like he does everybody else.  

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1 hour ago, pongo said:

Putin hates the EU - and hates having it on his border. Ditto NATO.

Best case scenario, the EU and NATO will fast track Ukraine.

If that's the best case scenario I can only conclude that you are involved in a profitable venture benefiting from the manufacture of military hardware.

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2 hours ago, pongo said:

Putin hates the EU - and hates having it on his border. Ditto NATO.

Best case scenario, the EU and NATO will fast track Ukraine.

I really don't see it that way, Obama played the "red under the bed" card even though there was no red in order to gain popularity because of the deep seated fear of the USSR that remains in the red neck part of the US population in spite of the USSR being extinct.  No doubt a part of the hatred from Obama if not most of it was the Russia was kicking arse of Islam expansion in the southern states of the Russian Federation along with Russia aligning with the legitimate Syrian government against the islamic forces waged against the legitimate Assad government.

Indeed Obama created a potential enemy out of a nation federation that didn't want to be anything but a partner.

Then there's NATO.  NATO is well passed its use. By date and really should be disbanded.  NATO was created to confront the USSR and it's possible expansion.  The USSR no longer has existed for decades, the Russian Federation is nothing like the USSR was and never will be but we do have an enemy that we should be confronting and a NATO MK2 is desperately needed but one that includes the Russian Federation as a key member. 

Edited by Rog
Bloody spellcheck.
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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

If that's the best case scenario I can only conclude that you are involved in a profitable venture benefiting from the manufacture of military hardware.

Not only that but the Crimea historically is part of Russia.

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9 minutes ago, Rog said:

Not only that but the Crimea historically is part of Russia.

Yes. The transfer to Ukraine was just a device by Stalin to Russify wider Ukraine in Soviet times.

ETA: Just checked and it was actually transferred just into Khrushchev's time.

Edited by woolley
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