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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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You know that Boris has a big gob.


Well if we will send some inbred Eton moron off to represent the country, its no surprise the world will have such a dim view of us.


I think that ship sailed long before Boris walked the Earth to be honest. Difference was we didn't care then.

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You know that Boris has a big gob.


Well if we will send some inbred Eton moron off to represent the country, its no surprise the world will have such a dim view of us.


I think that ship sailed long before Boris walked the Earth to be honest. Difference was we didn't care then.



Isn't it his job to make relations with other countries easier not harder?

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She says that Europe would welcome them with open arms. Wrong again. They have enough liabilities on the balance sheet without adding more. Spain said no, gracias the day after she published her plan for Scotland to remain in the single market. Most Scots know which side their bread is buttered.

Oh no! Spain said no. Just Spain. Who aren't exactly a shining pinnacle of excellence in Europe.


If Scotland does go the independent route, I wonder if it will be real independence. Not Manx style independence where you have a pretend government while ramming your tongue so far up the English government's ass that it comes out red.



(Yes, I'm being shamelessly provocative.)

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If Scotland does go the independent route, I wonder if it will be real independence. Not Manx style independence where you have a pretend government while ramming your tongue so far up the English government's ass that it comes out red.



(Yes, I'm being shamelessly provocative.)



But done with aplomb

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She says that Europe would welcome them with open arms. Wrong again. They have enough liabilities on the balance sheet without adding more. Spain said no, gracias the day after she published her plan for Scotland to remain in the single market. Most Scots know which side their bread is buttered.

Oh no! Spain said no. Just Spain. Who aren't exactly a shining pinnacle of excellence in Europe.


If Scotland does go the independent route, I wonder if it will be real independence. Not Manx style independence where you have a pretend government while ramming your tongue so far up the English government's ass that it comes out red.



(Yes, I'm being shamelessly provocative.)


the eu said no

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Sadly the UK, the ultimate failed mega-state will continue. The wrong results in two referendums has condemned us all to a Little Britain looking inward and gradually declining.


But that's presumably what they wanted though. To go back to the 1970s when everything was shit and everyone moaned about how shit it was before the Big Bang and the EU and US bankers started flooding into London on the back of free movement of goods and services to transform the economy which everyone benefited from. In terms of the rest of the world it has moved on since the 1970s when the UK joined the EU - the Chinese now largely control Africa (mostly former UK colonial trading partners), we also handed Hong Kong back to China which was a huge UK financial trading hub, the Australians and the Kiwis now trade with the rest of Asia rather than their colonial 'masters'. Canada is largely a closed market, and in the US Trumps people are quietly threatening to screw us over.


In a few years time maybe the UK can happily go back to 1979 and people will be sitting grumbling into their beers as the rubbish bags and unemployment mount up. But at least that is the future they voted for so they'll all be happy about it presumably.


Don't bank on the break being soft either. If you told your wife she was ugly and asked for a divorce you can't really expect to negotiate a fair settlement can you? I can't stand Junckers and the EU diplomats but expecting any game changing deals to be cut is simply delusional on behalf of May and Johnson.

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So instead of focusing on what might happen in the UK, just think to the EU for a second:

The EU, which is struggling financially and has to keep up the quantitive easing, has numerous struggling countries, and many terrorist attacks on it's soil; that EU has just lost one of it's largest economies and contributors, not to mention defense partners. What would you do?

The answer is try and stay on relatively good terms with the UK. They will sound harsh in their dealings in order to make other countries think twice - the UK cannot be better off than when it was in the EU, they will say - and all EU deals will be stopped but other deals will be struck, many at similar levels to what were previous, AND we are no longer beholden to EU rules and regulations.


It's not all doom and gloom.

I would have voted Remain btw, I just think that Leave isn't the be all and end all that I originally thought it was going to be. I do think we might lose English as the lingua franca of Europe though.

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