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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 hours ago, John Wright said:


That’s your alleged figure for an average on inward food, it’s actually less, but of course there is currently no inward tariff on food entering the UK from the EU and the WTO tariffs would average higher, and apply to EU produced food as well , so there’s only an advantage if UK goes for zero tariffs, and I’ve set out the consequences of that earlier, and you haven’t rebutted.



not according to the policy exchange or institute of economic affairs which the figure comes from......

the 17% extra paid due to the single market......

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3 hours ago, John Wright said:

Fully accept that there are unacceptable standards all over the world, and that animals needing constant antibiotics or hormone growth accelerators are receiving poor welfare and shouldn’t enter the food chain.

Problem with US standards is the huge industrial warehouse production of beef, dairy, poultry full of growth hormone. Low cost, low quality. And GM?

Again I’ve highlighted the dangers of the rush to the bottom price wise, on tax revenues and loss of domestic production ( ignoring production, safety and welfare standards ) and again you don’t engage, just dismiss, because to do so would challenge your beliefs, and you can’t let inconvenient truth do that, can you?

It makes you too uncomfortable. So you blunder on, making up “facts” to bolster your beliefs.

that's what the unclean eu allow......

already covered that the uk will set the import standards:rolleyes: may be you need to learn how to read..... 

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1 hour ago, mojomonkey said:


Les Dames du Berlaymont - a sinister (fascist?) 300 year old religious order of nuns who ran a girl’s school!

But as usual W2 will have a totally different (wrong) explanation because he’s identified a different building, maybe in a different location, as the EU HQ.

Edited by John Wright
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14 hours ago, woody2 said:

the uk has schedules ready to go on leaving as stated in parliament in the last week.....

you and fragile don't understand wto, submitting schedules allows trade to continue....... 

WTO members have to agree what the U.K.’s schedules will be before the U.K. knows what it’s trading position will be. The U.K. submitted proposals offering a proportional spilt of the current common EU schedules - which the EU was also onboard with. The WTO members haven’t agreed to the U.K.’s proposals, and some have already said they will veto those proposals, at least as far as the U.K. goes. Why should they do such a favour for the U.K.? The U.K. will be in a much weaker position and WTO members not only have a duty to get the best deal possible for their own economies, but many of them would relish the chance to stick the boot in. 

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16 hours ago, mojomonkey said:


altiero spinelli.....

15 hours ago, John Wright said:

Les Dames du Berlaymont - a sinister (fascist?) 300 year old religious order of nuns who ran a girl’s school!

But as usual W2 will have a totally different (wrong) explanation because he’s identified a different building, maybe in a different location, as the EU HQ.

the main building in brussels is the parliament which is named after altiero spinelli.....


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13 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

WTO members have to agree what the U.K.’s schedules will be before the U.K. knows what it’s trading position will be. The U.K. submitted proposals offering a proportional spilt of the current common EU schedules - which the EU was also onboard with. The WTO members haven’t agreed to the U.K.’s proposals, and some have already said they will veto those proposals, at least as far as the U.K. goes. Why should they do such a favour for the U.K.? The U.K. will be in a much weaker position and WTO members not only have a duty to get the best deal possible for their own economies, but many of them would relish the chance to stick the boot in. 

you still don't get it:lol: it doesn't work like that.....

i'll give you a clue since your so thick, the eu and the usa have both submitted new tariffs in the last few weeks (aka the trade war) yet are still trading......


because according to you that's impossible :rolleyes:....

let's not forget you also said the uk wasn't a member......:whistling:

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Just now, Bobbie Bobster said:

To be fair, it must take a fair bit of effort on his part to leave just enough retcon wriggle room in every woodyfact.

It's kind of admirable...no?

nurse let you on the computer again.....

what would you call the hq? since your very old i'll give you a clue-the eu says its the parliament......

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Going back a few days, Varadkar seems to have got off lightly on here after his strop about UK flights not being allowed to use Irish air space if there's no deal.  I make no claim about expertise in international air travel but is that not down to the EU but decided by an international treaty signed over 70 years ago?  He also hasn't taken into account how many Irish flights have to overfly UK air space every day.  Do you think he's getting a little rattled?

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The argument is a bit like this in UK terms.

where is the main location of the UK government? Whitehall? Westminster? Downing Street?

There is a distinction between the legislative (parliament), executive (cabinet) or administration (government departments and civil servants)

W2, who doesn’t recognise the EU parliament has any powers, or that it sits in Brussels and Strasbourg, doesn’t distinguish between division of powers, now claims the parliament is the HQ.

so, let’s remind ourselves of the question..

19 hours ago, woody2 said:

just have a look who the eu named its hq after......

There is no doubt the HQ of the EU is the Commission. That’s at Berlaymont.

If he’d meant Parliament that’s the question to ask. And the answer is that it’s formal location is fixed by the treaties as Strasbourg for plenaries, with additional sittings, and most committees in Brussels.

As for Spinelli he was an communist anti fascist interned by Mussolini and later a euro communist. He broke with Russia before WW2 in protest of Stalinist purges.

So what’s your point W2? If your point was that Spinelli and his politics justifies the EUSSR tag, the facts don’t bear that out. 


Edited by John Wright
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