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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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To be fair, it must take a fair bit of effort on his part to leave just enough retcon wriggle room in every woodyfact.

It's kind of admirable...no?


It would be, considering the time he spends, if the playground name calling and ridicule ceased. 


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Woody has never been to Brussels. Fact.

The largest buildings in Brussels are occupied by the Belgian government and private companies. The EU’s buildings don’t come close.

The HQ of the European Parliament is in Strasbourg. The main building is named after Louise Weiss (a women’s rights activist and Centre-Right politician). Secondary buildings are named after Winston Churchill, Vaclav Havel and Salvador de Madariaga

Of EU buildings in Brussels the most iconic structure is the Commission building - the Berlaymont - as JW says, named after a religious order. If there’s an EU HQ in Brussels  it’s the Berlaymont. The trade and economic affairs directorate and auditing department are also over the road in the Charlemagne building, which is pretty big too.

The Council of the EU is in the Europa, named after the continent. They also still have the Justus Lipsius building, named after a philosopher born in the sixteenth century, who wrote on stoicism (the philosophy that we should reign in the four passions of greed, joy, fear and sorrow - a sort of anti-Trump philosophy, if you like). 

Whilst the European Parliament’s HQ is in Strasbourg, it does do a lot of it’s business in Brussels, where it has a base in the Espace Léopold (named after the notorious first cousin of Queen Victoria whose dad was made king of Belgium by the British.) There are a number of buildings within Espace Léopold complex, there’s the Paul-Henri Spaak building, which houses the debating chamber and the President's offices, and also the Altiero Spinelli building that Woody2 mentioned, the Willy Brandt building, the Simone Veil building, the Jósef Antall building and the Konrad Adenauer building. 

The external action service is in the Triangle building, named after a shape. 

The Committee for the Regions and Economic and Social Committee are in the Jacques Delors building. (Delors was the architect of the single market, who upset tories in the U.K. by suggesting the rules of the single market would enforce minimum labour protections across the EU).

Woody, you’d have a point if you were just saying that the EU has a few too many buildings named after socialist professional politicians. Why isn’t that enough? Why do you have to keep lying? 



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31 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

Secondary buildings are  the named after Winston Churchill 

Trust the EU to name one of their buildings after such a famous libtard (Churchill was the Libtard MP for Dundee for 14 years. Before that he was the Libtard MP for Manchester.)


“I am an English Liberal. I hate the Tory Party, their men, their words and their methods."

The Right Honourable
Sir Winston Churchill

(- no disrespect to the memory of this great man intended)

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19 hours ago, The Phat Tog said:

Going back a few days, Varadkar seems to have got off lightly on here after his strop about UK flights not being allowed to use Irish air space if there's no deal.  I make no claim about expertise in international air travel but is that not down to the EU but decided by an international treaty signed over 70 years ago?  He also hasn't taken into account how many Irish flights have to overfly UK air space every day.  Do you think he's getting a little rattled?

air head is the right term.....


did he just announce he was leaving the eu or the eu leaving a treaty.....

it has a local perspective as well- the map shown on the bbc showed the waters controlled by the uk, no mention of iom waters....

with the imf saying he is going to lose a chunk of gdp- some are saying it will be the worst recession in living memory ireland has seen......


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who'd have thought that the swedes would react against rising violent crime, grenade attacks, rape and no go zones all caused by mass migration organised by the eu ......

not forgetting a government and eu committed to covering it all up........

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37 minutes ago, woody2 said:

you remainiac better inform the eu......

Dear EU, 

We know the EU has no HQ. We know the EU has a Commission and a Council based in Brussels, a Court of Justice in Kirchberg, and a Parliament in Strasbourg. 

How can we explain this best to a spud-cock on manxforums who thinks the Parliament of the EU’s main building in Brussels is the EU’s ‘HQ’? (We’ve explained that the Parliament of the EU is not the ‘HQ’ of the EU, and we’ve explained that the Parliament is, in any case, seated at Strasbourg. He still doesn’t understand.)

Kind regards,

The fantaboys. 

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27 minutes ago, woody2 said:

amazing how australia managed to do a deal with the usa (only ranked 14 in the world) in 18 months.......

yet the remainiacs claim the uk can't......


The US and Australia have an FTA for goods. They have quite similar economies and standards when it comes to agriculture and fisheries, I’m sure it works well for them. The U.K. has a large and competitive services sector, but much weaker and far less competitive goods sector. There’s a Trade in Services Agreement between Australia, East Asia, the US and EU in the pipeline - but the U.K.’s leaving and will have to negotiate its way into the TiSA market on its own at a later date. 

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2 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

I have no doubt that trade deals will be done, my doubts are around how favourable such deals will be to the UK.

I look at people like Jacob Rees- Mogg and Boris Johnson and I wonder whose interests they are looking out for.  The electorate or themselves? 

it can't be worse than the eu which has to satisfy even the 3rd world eu countries before doing a deal........


just look at the tariffs the eu applies to meat imports......


The current EU external tariff on food stuffs are, according to the UK Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (12 October 2016 publication)

Beef 65-87%
Pork 43-50%
Lamb 45-51% (there are however substantial tariff free quotas for NZ/Australian lamb)
Chicken 27-41%
Cheese 42-68%
Milk and cream 50-74%
Butter 63%
Vegetables 10-15%
Wheat and barley 53%
Jams etc 24%
Processed ham 27%
Processed chicken 88%


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