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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

One way, or another, the entire British electorate and lets face it a Brexit Ref II would only result in more division and turmoil.



34 minutes ago, Bobbie Bobster said:

All we need is ole Uncle Jesse to wag his finger at both sides and they'd behave!


just nuke the eu-job sorted....


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14 minutes ago, pongo said:

It's a problem for Britain too, unless Britain is planning to quit the WTO. Because WTO basically requires enforcement of border controls. And GFA commits Britain to maintaining completely open border.

Also - nobody is going to want to stand at any newly imposed border crossing wearing a uniform.

The London Parliament is not going to vote through a no deal outcome. It would mean leaving with no transition period - overnight. Chaos.

wto can't force a change to a international agreement, they have no say....

the uk parliament doesn't get to vote on leaving on a no deal, that's down to the government.....

by october everyone should know, hardly overnight 6 months:rolleyes: still you #snowflakes will will explode.....

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

parliament can only accept or reject mays deal......

Govt lawyers conceded that the procedures mean that MPs can vote to amend any vote. And also that it is ultimately for the Speaker to determine whether MPs can reject No Deal.

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34 minutes ago, pongo said:

Govt lawyers conceded that the procedures mean that MPs can vote to amend any vote. And also that it is ultimately for the Speaker to determine whether MPs can reject No Deal.

the mp's can only accept or reject the deal, yes they can put forward any amendments just the same as any other legislation....

but mp's can't say what the government does next, they have zero control.....

an amendment was put forward but has been already voted down, mp's have never directly controlled a government....

so it would be up to the government what happens next, to walk away or keep talking- parliament wouldn't have a say.....

i posted about this months ago then 4% liz picked up on it.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
28 minutes ago, woody2 said:


its called wto........


One cannot simply drop out of the EU system and revert to WTO overnight.

When UK leaves without a deal the EU countries will have to slap on tariffs and treat us they do any Third Country. We will have left the wagon circle. Then there rules regarding Origin and transhipment. An extension or intermediate or transitional deal may temporise this.

I daily witness our trade 24/7 coming in and out of the EU much of it just in time trade by way of supermarket supplies and components for industry. A lot of supplies are packed on the continent and sent to Tesco etc at the last minute by order. Most of your orange juice comes packed from Zeebrugge as does Evian water. Think of Aldi and Lidl and their foreign goods. 

Ian Duncan Smith preaches WTO but even he says this will be in the long term eventually. It is not an overnight replacement.

Rees Mogg now says no Brexit benefits for 50 years and Farage much the same he even denies there will be benefits now. He says on his radio show that he never said there would be benefits other than Freedom for the individual.

The WTO is limited and does not cover the issues bothering the UK ie air travel, flying qualifications, a lot of City type services.

Ian D  Smith says we can go tariff free.  But under WTO rules we must treat all the same so if we counter the EU with no tariff trade we must do the same with the rest of the world so at stroke we give away our bargaining chips to negotiate advantageous trading agreements.

Other countries negotiating with us under WTO will have a mind to their interests and existing relations with the EU. 

The UK's entire system or in human terms nerves and blood circulation are tied up with the EU like Siamese twins and separating will be vastly complex and not happen overnight without the smaller weaker twin being sacrificed.



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Fox was banging on the other day about how the UK exports more to the rest of the world than it does to the EU. Some £274 Bn to £342 Bn or 45% to 55%. That nice Robert Peston pointed out "But @LiamFox as your own graphic shows, the share of UK exports to EU since start of 2016 has risen (a bit). But the idea that our biggest market is going to be irrelevant any time soon is a somewhat challenging one..."

Especially as some 30% of our food, especially the fresh stuff, comes from the EU.

But if you think Fox is thick then check out Marcus Fysh. He tries, and fails, to disguise border delays by claiming that Project Reality are saying that there will be a "blockade" or some such nonsense. He clearly just doesn't get it at all. Plus, like most in the brexit camp, he can't afford to:


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It has to be ‘no deal’ because there is no plan.

That first became really obvious when the unicornists assumed the EU would agree to all their plans, including not paying for stuff the U.K. had pushed through.

It got a bit surreal when it became clear that they either didn’t understand the terms of the GFA, or that they would happy to renege on an international treaty for political expediency. 

It leapt into sheer fantasy when they said the WTO would just agree to the U.K. assuming a proportional share of historic TRQs and subsidies - just writing its own schedules and presenting them as a fait accompli as if it was some sort of trading superpower, when in reality it is now a good distance short of the  bargaining position it had as an EU member! 

As it becomes more obvious to the man in the street that there is no credible plan to deliver the promises of the leave campaign, the only way ahead for the leavers is to continue without a plan. 


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The driving force behind Brexit is two part. One, Immigration and the feeling of many that they are being overwhelmed having suffered enough when industry left. Two, people like Rees Mogg who want to be out of the EU before the chopper comes down on tax havens and fiddles under EU rules and which the IOM seems strangely silent about....

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5 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

You’ve shown multiple times that you don’t understand the first thing about the WTO or the UK’s status within the WTO. 

you posted the uk wasn't a member:lol:

your lack of understanding of the wto rules is already know....


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