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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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4 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

The driving force behind Brexit is two part. One, Immigration and the feeling of many that they are being overwhelmed having suffered enough when industry left. Two, people like Rees Mogg who want to be out of the EU before the chopper comes down on tax havens and fiddles under EU rules and which the IOM seems strangely silent about....

like germany.......

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5 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

 Think of Aldi and Lidl and their foreign goods.


this is a good thing-tax dodging foreign owned eu supermarkets will have to pay full uk tax creates a fair playing field......

most uk supermarkets have cut back what they buy from the eu, this was started well before the referendum......  

couldn't careless if the eu supermarkets disappeared......

4 hours ago, P.K. said:

Fox was banging on the other day about how the UK exports more to the rest of the world than it does to the EU. Some £274 Bn to £342 Bn or 45% to 55%. That nice Robert Peston pointed out "But @LiamFox as your own graphic shows, the share of UK exports to EU since start of 2016 has risen (a bit). But the idea that our biggest market is going to be irrelevant any time soon is a somewhat challenging one..."

Especially as some 30% of our food, especially the fresh stuff, comes from the EU.


down to exchange rates, not the amount of exports increasing.....


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Far right hooligans in Trump masks ransack London bookshop

Soon we will all have to take sides - whether to support Steve Bannon , Infowars, Trump, Tommy Robinson and co - or whether to stand up for British values of democracy, common sense and freedom. It's really that simple. And anyone who says that it isn't is the modern equivalent of a 30s fascist. Sensible Conservatives have more in common with Socialists than with the populist right.

Even Farage is going to have to make this choice. Tommy Robionson and ignorant populism in general is a threat to his position too.

I really wish that there actually was a deep state - rather than the idea of a deep state being a stupid conspiracy theory.

Edited by pongo
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3 minutes ago, pongo said:

Far right hooligans in Trump masks ransack London bookshop

Soon we will all have to take sides - whether to support Steve Bannon , Infowars, Trump, Tommy Roibinson and co - or whether to stand up for British values of democracy, common sense and freedom. It's really that simple. And anyone who says that it isn't is the modern equivalent of a 30s fascist.

Even Farage is going to have to make this choice. Tommy Robionson is a threat to his position too.

Fahrenheit 451.

Coming to a bookshop near you.....

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4 minutes ago, woody2 said:

none of that the uk has due to eu membership.......

Get over yourself. This isn't about the EU. It's about the rise of ignorant and nasty right wing populism. Deeply nasty ideas. Not that your message makes proper sense.

Why don't you stop basically standing up for the hard right? Or being deliberately ambiguous.

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3 minutes ago, pongo said:

Get over yourself. This isn't about the EU. It's about the rise of ignorant and nasty right wing populism. Deeply nasty ideas. Not that your message makes proper sense.

Why don't you stop basically standing up for the hard right? Or being deliberately ambiguous.

its a thread about the eu.....


only nasty racist i see is you and your clan with its #fakenews.....

rumour is the shop just had a visit from corbyn supporters because the shop wasn't lefty enough...... 

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3 minutes ago, woody2 said:

its a thread about the eu.....


only nasty racist i see is you and your clan with its #fakenews.....

rumour is the shop just had a visit from corbyn supporters because the shop wasn't lefty enough...... 

On the brexit vote religious and racial hate crimes spiked to their highest level ever recorded you moron....

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3 minutes ago, woody2 said:

only nasty racist i see is you and your clan with its #fakenews..

Really? You're really going to do this?

As I said: Time is coming for normals to take sides. By normals I mean sensible centrist Conservatives and moderate Socialists. And Liberals. The sort of people we would like to know. People who perhaps disagree on the small things but agree on the big things.

If you are making excuses for attacking a bookshop or pretend, Trump like, that it is "fakenews" then you are anti British. Or perhaps just being a twat basically.

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

Down to exchange rates, not the amount of exports increasing.....


No, another W2 misaprehension. The exchange rate change affects exports to both EU and non EU countries. It’s the proportion going to the EU not the value that has changed.

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1 minute ago, P.K. said:

On the brexit vote religious and racial hate crimes spiked to their highest level ever recorded you moron....


a few leftwing nutter groups made a load of false reports according to the police report submitted to parliament......

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