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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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27 minutes ago, woody2 said:


none of that the uk has due to eu membership.......

No they’re the values set out in the British drafted European Convention of Human Rights, and in the EU treaties.

Values that you and the brexiteers want to see emasculated.

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3 minutes ago, pongo said:

Really? You're really going to do this?

As I said: Time is coming for normals to take sides. By normals I mean sensible centrist Conservatives and moderate Socialists. And Liberals. The sort of people we would like to know. People who perhaps disagree on the small things but agree on the big things.

If you are making excuses for attacking a bookshop or pretend, Trump like, that it is "fakenews" then you are anti British. Or perhaps just being a twat basically.

no1 on twitter right now is #resignwatson......

they are calling him far-right.....

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1 minute ago, woody2 said:

no1 on twitter right now is #resignwatson......

they are calling him far-right.....

I don't care what is trending on Twitter. It should be shut down. The internet was never intended for people like you to cause trouble. 

Stop trying to justify populist extremism.

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12 minutes ago, woody2 said:


a few leftwing nutter groups made a load of false reports according to the police report submitted to parliament......

YouGov figures moron:

Police recorded crime 

In  2016/17,  there  were  80,393  offences  recorded  by  the  police  in  which  one  or  more  hate  crime strands  were  deemed  to  be  a  motivating  factor.  This  was  an  increase  of  29  per  cent  compared with  the  62,518  hate  crimes  recorded  in  2015/16,  the  largest  percentage  increase  seen  since the  series  began in 2011/12. The increase over  the last  year is thought  to  reflect  both  a genuine  rise  in  hate  crime  around the time of  the EU  referendum  and also due  to ongoing  improvements  in  crime  recording by  the police.  The  Office  for  National Statistics  have stated that  increases  in recent  years  in  police recorded violence against  the  person and public order  offences have been driven  by improvements in police  recording.  Around nine in  ten  hate crime offences  recorded by  the  police are in  these  two  offence  groups.   

ETA - The whole sorry, shameful, disgusting indictment of some parts of modern UK society:


Edited by P.K.
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9 minutes ago, P.K. said:

YouGov figures moron:

Police recorded crime 

In  2016/17,  there  were  80,393  offences  recorded  by  the  police  in  which  one  or  more  hate  crime strands  were  deemed  to  be  a  motivating  factor.  This  was  an  increase  of  29  per  cent  compared with  the  62,518  hate  crimes  recorded  in  2015/16,  the  largest  percentage  increase  seen  since the  series  began in 2011/12. The increase over  the last  year is thought  to  reflect  both  a genuine  rise  in  hate  crime  around the time of  the EU  referendum  and also due  to ongoing  improvements  in  crime  recording by  the police.  The  Office  for  National Statistics  have stated that  increases  in recent  years  in  police recorded violence against  the  person and public order  offences have been driven  by improvements in police  recording.  Around nine in  ten  hate crime offences  recorded by  the  police are in  these  two  offence  groups.   

ETA - The whole sorry, shameful, disgusting indictment of some parts of modern UK society:


It’s pointless P.K. W2 has clear and obvious comprehension and literacy issues and suffers from cognitive dissonance. You can take him and show him the facts, but his belief set won’t allow him to process and accept anything that demonstrates the falsity of his dogma

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46 minutes ago, pongo said:

Far right hooligans in Trump masks ransack London bookshop

Soon we will all have to take sides - whether to support Steve Bannon , Infowars, Trump, Tommy Robinson and co - or whether to stand up for British values of democracy, common sense and freedom. It's really that simple. And anyone who says that it isn't is the modern equivalent of a 30s fascist. Sensible Conservatives have more in common with Socialists than with the populist right.

Even Farage is going to have to make this choice. Tommy Robionson and ignorant populism in general is a threat to his position too.

I really wish that there actually was a deep state - rather than the idea of a deep state being a stupid conspiracy theory.

1930s fascists...As the full name of the Nazi party translates as The National Socialist German Workers' Party would that not make it extreme left, not extreme right?  We now have Momentum looking to destabilise through the use of intimidation and disruption.  Where have we seen that before?

And Barrie?  It's a bit more complicated than your two reasons.  There are more than a few people who are concerned about the EU's future direction, that being a federalist state centrally controlled from Brussels.  Juncker has talked about centralising budgetary control of member states and is making sure his protege Selmayr will be around to continue this concept once his time in office ends.  The very term 'member states' is designed to get people away from thinking about the EU constituent countries as individual sovereign nations.  I do not care for this concept one little bit which is why I voted leave.


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10 minutes ago, The Phat Tog said:

1930s fascists...As the full name of the Nazi party translates as The National Socialist German Workers' Party would that not make it extreme left, not extreme right? 


Not this crap again. It's incredibly sad that anyone would consider the Nazis to be anything other than extreme right wing, it is contemptible. If you genuinely believe there were left wing you need to do some reading on history.

Edited by mojomonkey
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14 minutes ago, The Phat Tog said:

1930s fascists...As the full name of the Nazi party translates as The National Socialist German Workers' Party would that not make it extreme left, not extreme right? 

In most ways the point you are making represents obviously irrelevant pedantry. However it makes little difference whether the equivalent of a 30s fascist chooses to identify as left, right or neither. The issue is ignorant and simplistic populism - and anti democratic violence. Which side are you on - do you support the long tradition of British liberal democracy or are you another internet trouble maker?

Take some time to think about it. Churchill or Mosley?

Edited by pongo
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.........it's all so sad, however, I think the word, 'populism', is really a misnomer. To me, the word suggests that it's something that the majority of the population agree with..................Modern usage though, appears  to be as an expletive aimed in a derogatory way to opinions one doesn't agree with......???????????

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Just now, doc.fixit said:

I think the word, 'populism', is really a misnomer. To me, the word suggests that it's something that the majority of the population agree with

The whole point of populist ideas is that they are simplistic and lowest-common-denominator. Populism is about easy (often nasty) answers rather than sensible and practical and realistic or careful and caring solutions.

In most cases there are no easy answers. Populism is about bullies.

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14 minutes ago, John Wright said:

It’s pointless P.K. W2 has clear and obvious comprehension and literacy issues and suffers from cognitive dissonance. You can take him and show him the facts, but his belief set won’t allow him to process and accept anything that demonstrates the falsity of his dogma

If it's pointless then why do you persist in pointing out all the brexit shortcomings then John?

In it's most basic form being an island nation has advantages. But a massive shortcoming for the UK is that, put simply enough for W2 and the rest of the brexiteers to understand, we simply cannot feed ourselves. This has been the UK's Achilles Heel for well over a century or more. Even during the height of the "Dig For Victory" campaigns we just about managed to produce 75% of our needs and that was with rationing in force.

Right now we manage 50% with 30% from the EU and the remaining 20% from ROW. Bottom line WE HAVE TO TRADE WITH THE EU FOR FRESH PRODUCE.

Currently we benefit from the EU's purchasing power to get a decent deal from ROW. With that gone the UK will be attempting to purchase 50% of our food requirements from a position of total weakness. But hey, you'll get blue passports....!

I notice Mark Carney is currently being dissed by the UK right-wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it. Presumably he's been telling the truth about brexit again....?

Also Liam Fox is in the news blaming the EU for the latest UK offering being kicked into the long grass.  Looks like getting the retribution in first to me. It's also clearly slipped his mind that the UK opted to leave the EU and not the other way around.

What a complete and utter shambles....

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7 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

The driving force behind Brexit is two part. One, Immigration and the feeling of many that they are being overwhelmed having suffered enough when industry left. Two, people like Rees Mogg who want to be out of the EU before the chopper comes down on tax havens and fiddles under EU rules and which the IOM seems strangely silent about....

By which I mean the two parts (Part One) as perceived by the ordinary and angry punters.

Personally I think we should leave the EU if it means being dragged into a federal EU version of the USA where we do not belong. The rest of it I am not sure we can live without hence "Chequers" or even EEA.

I don't mind being a rule taker if we get stability for trade and can stay out of the rest of it. On the other hand had we stayed in we might have got more opt outs or held a referendum at the point when they did actually try to force us into federalism.

At the moment all I can see is instability and chaos if one or both sides do not give way.

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5 hours ago, woody2 said:

you posted the uk wasn't a member:lol:

your lack of understanding of the wto rules is already know....


You didn’t understand what I posted. I have done my best to explain to you that whilst the U.K. is a member of the WTO it does not have an independent schedule. Quote me if you think I’ve said anything different. 

 From the WTO website:
 Schedules are an integral part of WTO legal texts and each member must have one for Goods and another one for Services.
 There are 135 schedules for the 164 WTO members. The European Union has a single Schedule for all its member states.

The U.K. submitted a draft document setting out its proposal for an independent schedule to the WTO on the 24th of July 2018. If there are no objections then it will be approved within three months. If there are objections (seven countries have already indicated they will object) then the U.K. will be squeezed for extra concessions and find itself in a considerably worse trading position with the rest of the world than it had as an EU member. But hey, bendy bananas and blue passports, ya spudcock. 

Edited by Freggyragh
neglected to mention that W2 is a spudcock
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