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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Barrie, the EU will not give a good deal because they will not want the UK to thrive on its own.  If we do then others may want to leave, which the empire builders will most certainly not want.  The more time goes on the more malign the EU seems to me.  The following quote is ascribed to Mikhail Gorbachev:  “The most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to re-create the Soviet Union in Western Europe.”  And: “The EU is the old Soviet Union dressed in Western clothes” 

If these quotes are correct, then why is the EU so keen to follow a failed model?


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1 hour ago, The Phat Tog said:

Barrie, the EU will not give a good deal because they will not want the UK to thrive on its own.  If we do then others may want to leave, which the empire builders will most certainly not want.  The more time goes on the more malign the EU seems to me.  The following quote is ascribed to Mikhail Gorbachev:  “The most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to re-create the Soviet Union in Western Europe.”  And: “The EU is the old Soviet Union dressed in Western clothes” 

If these quotes are correct, then why is the EU so keen to follow a failed model?

Dear me. Likening the EU with it's democratic principles to the USSR. I guess desperate times require desperate measures....

We opted to leave them, not the other way around.

They have their widely known key cornerstones of their democratic union and as we are leaving them there is absolutely no reason whatsoever why they should compromise any of their central tenets just because we would like them to.

If leaving the EU is a shit sandwich then we only have the gullibility of 17,410,742 voters to blame because they were stupid enough to believe Farage, Gove and Johnson who were "peddling dishonesty on an industrial scale" and we all know it.

As the clock ticks down the "Project Fear" misnomer so beloved by brexiteers is fast becoming "Project Reality" as the enormity of what a complete and utter fuck-up it is starts to permeate the conciousness of even the most " intellectually challenged" of The Great British Public.

I want the best brexit deal possible. I don't see this collection of amoral self-serving chancers ever delivering it.

And never forget that all of this was completely unnecessary.....

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12 hours ago, pongo said:

If you are making excuses for attacking a bookshop or pretend, Trump like, that it is "fakenews"

have you seen the vid.......

looks like richards lot:lol:

no damage caused and the only assault was the shop assistant attacking them...... 

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12 hours ago, John Wright said:

No, another W2 misaprehension. The exchange rate change affects exports to both EU and non EU countries. It’s the proportion going to the EU not the value that has changed.

you do know the euro and dollar are different rates.......

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12 hours ago, P.K. said:

YouGov figures moron:

Police recorded crime 

In  2016/17,  there  were  80,393  offences  recorded  by  the  police  in  which  one  or  more  hate  crime strands  were  deemed  to  be  a  motivating  factor.  This  was  an  increase  of  29  per  cent  compared with  the  62,518  hate  crimes  recorded  in  2015/16,  the  largest  percentage  increase  seen  since the  series  began in 2011/12. The increase over  the last  year is thought  to  reflect  both  a genuine  rise  in  hate  crime  around the time of  the EU  referendum  and also due  to ongoing  improvements  in  crime  recording by  the police.  The  Office  for  National Statistics  have stated that  increases  in recent  years  in  police recorded violence against  the  person and public order  offences have been driven  by improvements in police  recording.  Around nine in  ten  hate crime offences  recorded by  the  police are in  these  two  offence  groups.   

ETA - The whole sorry, shameful, disgusting indictment of some parts of modern UK society:


as i said:rolleyes: when the police looked into these reports they weren't crimes, lots of false reporting or historical "i once witnessed this"

one pressure group had made over 6000 reports based on what people had said on farcebook......

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11 hours ago, pongo said:

The whole point of populist ideas is that they are simplistic and lowest-common-denominator. Populism is about easy (often nasty) answers rather than sensible and practical and realistic or careful and caring solutions.

In most cases there are no easy answers. Populism is about bullies.

so the limpdums and labour.......

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:


Er, I can’t think of anything to say on the subject. As a pretty average person working and paying tax according to the rules I can’t say I’m personally doing any tax dodging. Looking at my payslip I appear to pay plenty of tax, certainly more than I did in the IoM and I think more than I paid in England (though that was an increasingly long time ago and things have probably changed).


Go on then, for entertainments sake, I’ll bite. I’ll hold my hands up and freely admit I know nothing on this subject, as the undisputed oracle on all matters I am all ears for your detailed clarification. What sort of tax haven is Germany? A tax haven for individuals, a tax haven for corporations, or something else?

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1 hour ago, mojomonkey said:

Er, I can’t think of anything to say on the subject. As a pretty average person working and paying tax according to the rules I can’t say I’m personally doing any tax dodging. Looking at my payslip I appear to pay plenty of tax, certainly more than I did in the IoM and I think more than I paid in England (though that was an increasingly long time ago and things have probably changed).


Go on then, for entertainments sake, I’ll bite. I’ll hold my hands up and freely admit I know nothing on this subject, as the undisputed oracle on all matters I am all ears for your detailed clarification. What sort of tax haven is Germany? A tax haven for individuals, a tax haven for corporations, or something else?


no tax on foreign income.....

no tax on interest......

5% tax on dividends and capital gains......


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Woody, why bother constantly lying when the facts are so easy to check? You are clearly a remainer trying to parody Brexit mendacity and stupidity. It’s not funny. Where’s Woolley? At least he deals in intangibles, and subjective feelings, not outright lies.


Corporations domiciled or managed in Germany are deemed to have full corporation tax liability. This means that their domestic and foreign earnings are all taxable in Germany. Some corporate enterprises are exempted from corporation tax, e.g. charitable foundations, Church institutions, and sports clubs.

As of 1 January 2008, Germany’s corporation tax rate is 15%. Counting both the solidarity surcharge (5.5% of corporation tax) and trade tax (averaging 14% as of 2008), tax on corporations in Germany is just below 30%.

When dividends are paid to an individual person, capital yield tax at a rate of 25% is charged. Since 1 January 2009, this tax is final for individuals who are residents of Germany. Solidarity surcharge (5.5%) is also imposed on capital yields tax.



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28 minutes ago, woody2 said:


Corporation Tax is much lower in the UK and other European countries than Germany. Does that mean the UK is a Corporate Tax haven?

28 minutes ago, woody2 said:

no tax on foreign income.....

Strictly speaking true, not directly taxable (is it in the UK?) but that income is declarable and can potentially move you into a higher income tax bracket. So any meaningful foreign income is effectively taxed.

28 minutes ago, woody2 said:

no tax on interest......

Not 100% sure but I think that Abgeltungssteuer does cover tax on interest. Like most places there is bugger all interest paying on savings and unless you have megabucks the banking costs (banking isn’t free in Germany) probably negate any interest payments.

28 minutes ago, woody2 said:

5% tax on dividends and capital gains......

Abgeltungssteuer (tax on dividends and tax on capital gains) is 25%, higher than the UK and many other European countries.

Edited by mojomonkey
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4 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

You forgot the solidarity tax element which is an additional 5.5%. 

No experience of it at a corporate taxation level but at an individual level that’s taken directly from your pay. It tends to get people a little annoyed as the reunification was nearly 30 years ago and people wonder how much more money the former east needs.


At a personal level there is also church tax, but you can opt out of that (I have, I don’t believe in a magic man in the sky, let alone think he needs my money).

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2. Germany

Foreign investors are freed from the burden of taxes on interest in Germany. The country retains the privacy of account holders. Foreign income is exempt from taxation whether it is in the form of dividends from foreign subsidiaries or income earned in foreign branches.

Corporations benefit from Germany's tax environment as only 5% of dividends and capital gains have taxes levied against them. These classes of income are considered nondeductible operating expenditures according to German accounting standards.


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