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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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25 minutes ago, woody2 said:

yes i do.....

unlike you with zero understanding of wto......

I’ll try and explain again. The U.K. does not have a schedule with the WTO. It only submitted a proposed schedule less than a fortnight ago. Schedules are an integral part of WTO legal texts and each member must have one for Goods and another one for Services. The U.K. will not be a fully operative member of the WTO in its own right until its schedule is agreed. 

Which part are you struggling to accept?

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I’m not surprised Woody is so confused. The Brexit loons are now calling the European Commission ‘intransigent’ for sticking to its own rules, as it said it would from the very start. Weren’t they supposed to all break ranks and force a deal? Wasn’t it going to be the easiest deal in human history? Don’t they need the U.K. more than the U.K. needs them? It’s all looking pretty bleak for the unicornists and Liam Fox can’t even take solace in ‘advice’ from his healthcare / defence / policy ‘special adviser’ Adam Werritty anymore, well, not without raising eyebrows. 

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25 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

I’ll try and explain again. The U.K. does not have a schedule with the WTO. It only submitted a proposed schedule less than a fortnight ago. Schedules are an integral part of WTO legal texts and each member must have one for Goods and another one for Services. The U.K. will not be a fully operative member of the WTO in its own right until its schedule is agreed. 

Which part are you struggling to accept?




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18 hours ago, P.K. said:

Dear me. Likening the EU with it's democratic principles to the USSR. I guess desperate times require desperate measures....

We opted to leave them, not the other way around.

They have their widely known key cornerstones of their democratic union and as we are leaving them there is absolutely no reason whatsoever why they should compromise any of their central tenets just because we would like them to.

If leaving the EU is a shit sandwich then we only have the gullibility of 17,410,742 voters to blame because they were stupid enough to believe Farage, Gove and Johnson who were "peddling dishonesty on an industrial scale" and we all know it.

As the clock ticks down the "Project Fear" misnomer so beloved by brexiteers is fast becoming "Project Reality" as the enormity of what a complete and utter fuck-up it is starts to permeate the conciousness of even the most " intellectually challenged" of The Great British Public.

I want the best brexit deal possible. I don't see this collection of amoral self-serving chancers ever delivering it.

And never forget that all of this was completely unnecessary.....

Gorby's words not mine...

As for 'peddling dishonesty' I'd made up my mind about the EU without any input from the gentlemen mentioned.  You also forgot to add the whoppers told by the likes of Mark Carney and, George Osborne but I guess that's OK because they're remainers.

I too would like the best possible exit and I agree with you that the current mob are making a total pigs ear of it.  However, as for it being completely unnecessary I think we may have agree to disagree on that point.

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4 minutes ago, The Phat Tog said:

Gorby's words not mine...

As for 'peddling dishonesty' I'd made up my mind about the EU without any input from the gentlemen mentioned.  You also forgot to add the whoppers told by the likes of Mark Carney and, George Osborne but I guess that's OK because they're remainers.

I too would like the best possible exit and I agree with you that the current mob are making a total pigs ear of it.  However, as for it being completely unnecessary I think we may have agree to disagree on that point.

Sure but to liken the very democratic workings of the EU (eg all 27 have to agree to the UK so-called "deal") to the totalitarian state that WAS the USSR is clearly a complete and utter nonsense.

Farage, Gove and Johnson "peddled dishonesty on an industrial scale" is unfortunately an unassailable fact of the whole brexit farrago. As to Mark Carney lying every time the UK right-wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, pillory the man for doing his job it simply tells me that they wouldn't do it unless he was simply telling it like it is.

So if you're sure brexit is neccessary then what is the up side?

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The U.K. currently trades with a mere 24 territories on WTO rules alone. No deal means WTO rules apply to all trade until the U.K. can scramble together FTAs, and that’s full tariffs until theWTO schedule gets sorted. That’s a desperate negotiating position. It’s a shock doctrine, Venezuela / Weimar Republic scenario that will destroy the economy to benefit no one but the super wealthy. 

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22 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

The U.K. currently trades with a mere 24 territories on WTO rules alone. No deal means WTO rules apply to all trade until the U.K. can scramble together FTAs, and that’s full tariffs until theWTO schedule gets sorted. That’s a desperate negotiating position. It’s a shock doctrine, Venezuela / Weimar Republic scenario that will destroy the economy to benefit no one but the super wealthy. 


see the trade bill.....

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25 minutes ago, woody2 said:


see the trade bill.....

Big bill. Which bit?

It gives powers to the UK which are currently ceded to the EU.

It doesn’t, and can’t, split current WTO deals between EU and other WTO members, that would be giving (taking back control/returning sovereignty to) Westminster powers not even the gammon unicornist brexiteers had wet dreams about. Wonder what the EU countries and the 100+ WTO members affected will say about May ( according to W2 ) purportedly legislating for them?

Vive i’Empire mk2.

And if Brexit shall last 1,000 years shall anyone say this was Rees-Mogg/Gove/Johnson/Davis/Woody2’s finest hour?

Edited by John Wright
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1 hour ago, The Phat Tog said:

forgot to add the whoppers told by the likes of Mark Carney and, George Osborne but I guess that's OK because they're remainers.

Are you really so arrogant that you believe you know more about the economy than the former Chancellor and the governor of the Bank of England.

What are you qualifications and where did you go to university?

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Sure but to liken the very democratic workings of the EU (eg all 27 have to agree to the UK so-called "deal") to the totalitarian state that WAS the USSR is clearly a complete and utter nonsense.

Farage, Gove and Johnson "peddled dishonesty on an industrial scale" is unfortunately an unassailable fact of the whole brexit farrago. As to Mark Carney lying every time the UK right-wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, pillory the man for doing his job it simply tells me that they wouldn't do it unless he was simply telling it like it is.

So if you're sure brexit is neccessary then what is the up side?

I genuinely do not believe in 'the project'.   You plainly don't believe the EU is heading towards being a totalitarian state.  I'm not so sure.  I can see more and more control being 'centralised' and once they have control of a country's budget (which I remind you Juncker has talked about) then you become irrevocably tied to them.  You ripped into me over the EUSSR thing and I know the leave side of the argument use it as perjorative term, but I can see comparisons.  One of which is that I can see the EU over-stretching itself in terms of the area and diversity of people it will try to control and I felt that it would ultimately fail, as all empires eventually do, long before there was any talk of a referendum.  If we leave in a controlled manner, then we will be better placed than other 'member states' if (when?) it does go belly up.  I accept that it's a leap of faith and there will be some bumps in the road but we should have a bit more belief in our country to make it without the EU.  I just wish the fuckwits leading the negotiations did...

Politically you probably have me down as a rabid right winger.  I'm not - I would consider myself politically homeless at the moment.  I voted conservative last time round for the first time in my life because the only choice was him, the Lib Dem guy (as you might expect I disagree with their stance on Europe) or Labour.  As long as Corbyn, Mc Donnell et al are running Labour then they will never get my vote.  They represent a far greater threat to the UK than any perceived outcome of Brexit ever will.

As for Mark Carney (and Osborne) they made some very profound statements about the horrors that would befall the UK immediately after the leave vote and were proven wrong - very wrong.  So perhaps he's brought the pillorying (is that a word?) on himself.


Anyway, it's been a tough day, I'm tired and I've still got a ton of stuff to do which needs finishing before I come back over to the rock in a fortnight, so I'll bid you a good evening.


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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Sure but to liken the very democratic workings of the EU (eg all 27 have to agree to the UK so-called "deal") to the totalitarian state that WAS the USSR is clearly a complete and utter nonsense.

Farage, Gove and Johnson "peddled dishonesty on an industrial scale" is unfortunately an unassailable fact of the whole brexit farrago. As to Mark Carney lying every time the UK right-wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, pillory the man for doing his job it simply tells me that they wouldn't do it unless he was simply telling it like it is.

So if you're sure brexit is neccessary then what is the up side?

Duplicate:  Crappy internet connection!


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