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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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14 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

 and of course Rees-Mogg suggesting it could take 50 years to see the benefits of Brexit.




“The overwhelming opportunity for Brexit is over the next 50 years,”

that doesn't mean it will take 50 years, it means the uk will see the benefit during the next 50 years


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40 minutes ago, woody2 said:


scotland has no say- they have been told that by the supreme court.....

snp has no intention of joining the eu or getting independence, they are in decline..... 

stockpiling medicine is yet more #fakenews- they do that already.....

pharmaceutical companies do a run of tablets that cover years of usage, clean the machines then produce the next tablet, they have years of tablets in storage....

I know you struggle with comprehension, so I suggest you read my post again but here is a clue...  I did not mention Scottish Independence.  You made that leap.

As for stockpiling medicine, Theresa May stated "This is not just about stockpiling. That concept, what it is, is about making sure that we will be able to continue to do the things that are necessary once we have left the European Union, if we leave without a deal.”  That does not sound like business as usual to me.

Also nice of you to ignore the warnings over food shortages.

19 minutes ago, woody2 said:


that doesn't mean it will take 50 years, it means the uk will see the benefit during the next 50 years


So, you would be happy to make an investment over a 50 year period would you?  One that you hand over to other people to manage and which is subject to the whims of politicians the world over and which you cannot withdraw if it all goes badly wrong?

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38 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Every single inconvenient argument is dismissed as fake news no matter what it's source or what the qualifications of that source may be. 

No wonder we are in it up to our knees.

what source.....

its clear the remoans will just tell lies after lies.....

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37 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

I know you struggle with comprehension, so I suggest you read my post again but here is a clue...  I did not mention Scottish Independence.  You made that leap.

As for stockpiling medicine, Theresa May stated "This is not just about stockpiling. That concept, what it is, is about making sure that we will be able to continue to do the things that are necessary once we have left the European Union, if we leave without a deal.”  That does not sound like business as usual to me.

Also nice of you to ignore the warnings over food shortages.

So, you would be happy to make an investment over a 50 year period would you?  One that you hand over to other people to manage and which is subject to the whims of politicians the world over and which you cannot withdraw if it all goes badly wrong?

may hasn't a clue.....

only ze german supermarkets will suffer #tough

we are already seeing the benefits of exit....

learn to read.....

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Just now, manxman1980 said:

Please tell me what benefits we are already seeing?  I want actual benefits not those that are projected over the next 50 years or that can be attributed to "business as normal".

well despite your projectfear......

500000 immediate job loses, emergency budget and downturn in gdp is what your side said would happen the day after the vote...

what has actually happened.....

366000 extra jobs, increase in tax receipts and extra gov. spending and no emergency budget and an increase in growth......

less eu benefit scum coming as well......

it couldn't get better.....


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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

just because you are so dumb......


Scotland will want a say, so will Northern Ireland & Wales.  Brexit is not all about England and Westminster.  There are a lot of people all over the country who have a vested interest in the outcome.  Still no mention to Scottish Independence.


54 minutes ago, woody2 said:

well despite your projectfear......

500000 immediate job loses, emergency budget and downturn in gdp is what your side said would happen the day after the vote...

My projectfear?  

Please feel free to quote me on where I specifically stated that any of that would happen.

You may be interested to learn that I am in the process of arranging for a workforce from the EU to enter the UK because we cannot find the required skills in the UK labour market.  Yes, we have created jobs, but these ones in particular are not being filled by UK workers.

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The UK imports a lot of meat, cheese and salad from Europe to satisfy its lunchtime cravings.

The humble sandwich is toast if there is no Brexit deal.

Sure, if the talks break down there will be plenty of other things to worry about. Four million citizens on either side of the Channel won’t know if they can carry on working and living where they are. Patients may be worrying whether their hospital has stockpiled the right drugs.

But aside from all that, where will Brits get their quintessential lunchtime snack?

Although the bread-based convenience food looks simple — a slice of ham, a hunk of cheese and some salad embraced within two slices of bread — it is in reality the product of a highly complex just-in-time supply chain to rival the most sophisticated auto manufacturer (well, almost.)

And there are plenty of hungry mouths to feed with what the Wall Street Journal has backhandely called Britain’s “biggest contribution to gastronomy.” (Fun fact: The Earl of Sandwich invented it in 1762 to provide a convenient finger food during gambling sessions.)

Brits purchase 4 billion of them a year from supermarkets. And while the country is largely self-sufficient when it comes to bread production, in a no-deal scenario with agricultural tariffs, new customs checks and delays at ports, the industry may end up struggling to earn a crust.

“I don’t think consumers understand how complex and global our industry is,” said Jim Winship, director of the British Sandwich Association. “If we crash out of Europe, we’d have problems even if only at border control because our industry works on a fresh basis and our products have a low shelf life. Ingredients could rot in the docks before getting to us.”

Cheese melts

The U.K. imports over 60 percent of the cheese it eats and much of that comes from Ireland. According to the Dairy Industry Ireland (formerly the Irish Dairy Industries Association), the U.K. bought 78,000 metric tons of Irish cheddar in 2016 — 82 percent of imports. Much of this cheddar is used in retail products such as sandwiches and in processed food.

“Irish cheddar is strongly represented in that industry and not only is there simply not enough British cheddar to meet demand, and nothing massively significant planned in the U.K. dairy industry to address that deficit, the British consumer is facing a significant hike in cheddar and sandwich prices,” said Conor Mulvihill, director of the Dairy Industry Ireland.

One major problem if there is no deal is tariffs. Under World Trade Organization rules, cheddar would be hit with a tariff of €1,671 per ton.

“Cheddar is a low-margin product — it costs about €3,000 a ton. You won’t get a grain of cheddar into the U.K. with those tariffs. We’d be wiped out,” said Mulvihill.

Missing meat

Supplies of pork products such as ham and bacon are also vulnerable. Britain imports 60 percent of the pig meat it consumes, buying more than a million metric tons from abroad in 2016.

The Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), a levy board funded by farmers and growers, found that Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium were the main suppliers of pork products to the British market.

“The EU supplies virtually all the pork imported into the U.K., due to the high import tariffs on pork from elsewhere,” read an AHDB report on Brexit’s impact on the pork industry.

WTO tariffs on pork products range from €172 to €1,494 per ton, depending on the cut. If the U.K. leaves the EU without a deal, it would mean strict veterinary certifications and phytosanitary checks on every piece of ham or bacon brought in.

“Typically tariffs are higher for more processed products so there is that cost and all the certification that goes with it when meat moves from one country to another,” said Duncan Wyatt, AHDB’s lead analyst on red meat.

“In the worst case scenario with Brexit, you’d need to replace everything where trade moves easily around the EU to where the EU is exporting to a third country and that third county needs to dot every i and cross every t.”

A no-deal Brexit would also threaten supplies of another staple meat for British sandwiches — tuna. According to Sea Fish, a U.K. government fisheries agency, tuna was the third most important imported fish species in 2017, a trade worth £416,479.

“Relating to sandwiches, there is a risk that tuna could become very expensive,” said Walter Anzer, director general of the British Importers & Distributors Association, referring to a no-deal scenario.

He added that most tuna in U.K. sandwiches come from places with which the EU already has trade agreements. What’s more, it can often be processed in Spain before being exported on to large markets such as Britain or Germany.

Tomato shortfall

The British Tomato Growers’ Association reported that Brits now eat around 500,000 metric tons of tomatos per year and demand is rising. But local producers can’t keep up. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs says that British farmers produced 90,600 metric tons of tomatoes in 2017, meaning that around 82 percent comes from abroad, mostly Spain and the Netherlands.

The tomatoes need to move quickly from field to consumer to keep them fresh, but if a no-deal Brexit results in border delays, that just-in-time supply chain will break down.

“In order to make a fresh sandwich, you need fresh ingredients. A product has to be as fresh as it can possibly get before it is assembled and then distributed to shops all over the U.K. That infrastructure goes right back to the supply chain,” said Winship.

Withering salad

Lettuce and other leafy greens could also be noticeably absent from sandwiches in U.K. supermarkets in a no-deal scenario, especially during the winter months. According to the British government, the country imported 192,500 metric tons of lettuce in 2017, much of it from Spain. British farmers only produced 13,500 metric tons in the same time period.

“A no-deal Brexit will affect leafy salads and British shoppers. Between October and April a substantial volume of leafy salads on U.K. retailers’ shelves comes from Murcia in Spain. The likely consequence of no deal is that slower borders will mean it will take longer for produce to come by road from Spain and anywhere in the EU that supplies fresh produce to the U.K. market,” said Dieter Lloyd, spokesperson for the British Leafy Salads Association.

“The more complex supply chain will mean higher prices for older produce on supermarket shelves and at wholesale markets.”

Winship of the British Sandwich Association is convinced that Brexit will change the face of his industry and its ability to satisfy the considerable British sandwich appetite.

“There’s a massive infrastructure in place to make sandwiches and get them to the consumer fresh. They are made today and in the shops today or tomorrow. Our industry is quite unique from anything else and we’re concerned about the outcome if we drop out of Europe.”

Edited by P.K.
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