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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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5 minutes ago, woody2 said:

that's not what the graph shows......

it shows the numbers in work is increasing......

The workforce is the number of people available for work. Not the number of people in work. Employers are forced into scraping the barrel. But unfilled vacancies at a high. That's economic activity lost.

And more and more retired people. In 1975 there were many fewer retired people relative to the numbers in work effectively supporting them.

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How do you define unemployment? It has been moved about so much over the years. I have been unemployed at various times of economic crisis 1987, 1993, 2008-2014.

The statistics started to be massaged in the early 1980s when they said "the number of people unemployed and signing on etc" was "X"...But many people were put on schemes and courses whereby they got more benefits &/or did not have to sign on.

The key was "signing on". Then it moved on to means tested benefits other than "Dole" so you did not count as unemployed. Then a full time job was legally defined as 16 hours as week so the people in full time employment rocketed in theory as those on benefits were made to work 16 hours a week but with their wages made up to a living level and which still happens. The latest version of this is the "Zero Hours" contract.

In 1987 I signed on until they offered me a full time media studies(!) course at Salford College of Technology all paid and found. No signing on. Not unemployed. 

Ditto 1993 when I was put on an IT course at Lancaster Chamber of Commerce for a year. Not counted as unemployed.

I was unemployed down on my manor age 58 when the banks crashed. However when I was 60 they offered me the state pension I would get at 65 on the basis that I would not have to sign on and so I was not counted as unemployed. This was called "Pension Credit" Neither did I have to seek work.

When I was 65 I was not unemployed as I was no longer legally obliged to seek work being then an OAP proper.

Now they have a sort of universal benefit or credit which has failed to get off the ground so far.

I contributed towards the Office of National Statistics report. I think they pick the names out of a hat! The payment is a book of first class stamps by way of a thank you.

I suppose people returning to the EU makes for job vacancies in theory but the problem is getting folk off the benefits once they have been out of circulation a long time.








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Great news. I hope it continues. 

Just wondered though when did 'remainers' claim the UK has the slowest growing economy? It was at 0% a few months bank wasn't it? 

Also, where is this data from because it doesn't match the quarterly figures, the last of which showed 0-  4% according to ONS.

Edited by ballaughbiker
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"So much for the Remainer claim that the UK has the slowest growing economy in Europe"

Errr excuse me but all the forecasts have stated that the lowest growth in the EU will be achieved by Italy.  This is because their populist government has hit the confidence of those who know what they are doing - like investors. So where has the above claim come from?

Still, one bit of news from the forecasts puts the UK out in front of the rest. The rate of inflation.

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

You're excused, even though you're an arrogant twit sometimes with all your err-ing and condescension. Did you read the earlier link? No, thought so.


A little light relief for you too. Careful though, there's a possibility you might read summat you don't like...

One down, four or five to go.

Read which article? Don't answer "The one on the impending demise of the worlds second largest economy" because on such a rabidly anti-EU site like that it wouldn't exactly narrow it down. But that's what Project Fear is all about.

A little light relief for you - forecasts vs facts https://www.dw.com/en/eu-economic-growth-forecast-reduced/a-44649654

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

Rabidly anti-EU..? Rabid? Really? Breitbart could be described as rabid but certainly not https://briefingsforbrexit.com

"So much for the Remainer claim that the UK has the slowest growing economy in Europe"

Says it all really. 

I'm glad you noticed otherwise I would have to find a subtle way of drawing it to your attention. But then you don't do subtle....... :)

So you do know exactly what the "one down...." means so please don't be so coy. It doesn't become you.

Memo to self - must remember to add the latest childish effort to unsettle me - dream on.

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