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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

What do you mean about ruling out French ports to reach Ireland? 


1 hour ago, Mr. Sausages said:

It’s a woodyfact


1 hour ago, John Wright said:

B+I Ferries and Brittany Ferries are disappointed, they’ve just invested several hundred millions in new super ferries to go between Cork and North West France and Spain.

And there’s lots of freight going those routes, but it’s still cheaper to go EU - UK -IRL.

And returning to the soft Irish Border, such is the “nuts” of supermarket logistics, that of the 48% of NI food production “exports” to mainland Britain that are routed via Dublin Holyhead and processed in UK, or delivered to UK distribution centres in the north west, 10% goes back on the next sailing to be retailed in the Republic.


57 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

That's what I thought as I was under the impression that there were a few Ireland-France ferries...Thought I heard something on Today Radio 4 that some four new ferries are planned by Irish interests???. Also mentioned the Out and back Again route as described by JW...But I was sleepy and have given up on Brexit. I now look forward to interesting times as all sorts of new things happen. On the other hand TM with Chequers in tatters apparently did remind me of Danny Kaye song from the 1950s.


keep up at the back remoaners.......


French ports could lose billions in Brexit spoils

in Port News 08/08/2018


Xavier Bertrand, the president of the Haunts de France region, branded the EU decision to create new direct shipping routes from Ireland to Belgium and the Netherlands “scandalous”.

The senior politician, whose region includes the ports of Calais, Boulogne and Dunkirk, demanded the European Commission review the decision taken as part of its no deal Brexit planning.

French ports were excluded from plans adopted by the European Commission to create shipping routes from Ireland to the rest of the Continent while avoiding Britain – which could cost Paris billions of euros in EU grants.

The Commission, the EU’s powerful executive, decided to create a direct shipping route by connecting Dublin and Cork with the Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands and the Belgian ports of Antwerp and Zeebrugge.

Mr Bertrand said: “This is a scandalous and unacceptable decision.”

“The risk of traffic jams if new customs checks are introduced after Brexit is the same for France, Belgium and the Netherlands,” he told the Daily Telegraph.

“Why discriminate against our ports?

“The European Commission should review this and the French government should react.”

The decision was undertaken as a part of Martin Selmayr, the German head of the EU’s civil service, effort to prepare the bloc for a no deal Brexit.

Speaking to MEPs in June, Mr Selmayr stressed the importance of no shipping links between Ireland the Northern Europe because Dublin would no longer be able to rely on British ports as a route to the Continent.

A document, briefed by Mr Selmayr to MEPs, said: “The proposal will design a new maritime route to link Ireland with the continental part of the North Sea-Mediterranean corridor.”

The new North Sea-Mediterranean route aims to redirect billions of euros worth of trade from the usual overlands route through Britain to Belgium and Netherlands.

This has put the French government under domestic pressure after seven French ports – Roscoff, Brest, Cherborug, Le Havre, Caen, Calais and Dunkirk – were considered but ultimately ruled out the plans.

Both Roscoff and Cherbourg are actually closer to Ireland than the Dutch and Belgian alternatives picked by the Commission.

In the EU’s draft budget for 2021-2027, there is a proposed €30.6 billion available for its Connecting Europe Facility – which is designed to assist with major infrastructure upgrades across the bloc.

This means France could lose out on billions of EU funding as the Dutch and Belgian ports can apply for funds to increase their capacity ahead of the new routes being opened.



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28 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

I don't really know why anyone was surprised by what happened in Salzburg...

The EU have been totally consistent in their stance and it was obvious to everyone that her proposals would be rejected.  The NI border needs to be properly addressed rather than all this talk of a magical technological solution.  I mean just look at what happens when the Government decides to invest in new IT technology...  Inevitably it runs over budget, gets delayed by years and if and when it finally materialises it hardly works.

I notice the value of the pound has fallen following her latest speech and now that the likelihood of a no deal Brexit has just increased.

it surprised pk.....

eu member haven't been united....... wait till they have to pay billions more to the eu.......

the system for cross border trade is already in place.......


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15 minutes ago, woody2 said:


That’s freight, straight into and out of Rotterdam etc, to cork. Subsidised by the EU giving grants for Port infrastructure. It’s for transshipment.

But, as usual, it doesn’t say what you claim, does it.

You claimed that the EU had banned use of French ports to Ireland. NOT TRUE.

There is plenty of infrastructure already in place at all the French ports mentioned, and at Bilbao and Santander.

itll be horses for courses, passengers won’t want to go to Rotterdam, neither will the freight from the south or west of France or the Iberian Peninsula.

But most important it’s just another example of the damage Brexit will do to the UK economy with the UK land ridge disappearing,



Edited by John Wright
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4 hours ago, woody2 said:

even the eu have ruled out using french ports to reach ireland.....


25 minutes ago, John Wright said:


That’s freight, straight into and out of Rotterdam etc, to cork. Subsidised by the EU giving grants for Port infrastructure. It’s for transshipment.

But, as usual, it doesn’t say what you claim, does it.

You claimed that the EU had banned use of French ports to Ireland. NOT TRUE.

There is plenty of infrastructure already in place at all the French ports mentioned, and at Bilbao and Santander.

itll be horses for courses, passengers won’t want to go to Rotterdam, neither will the freight from the south or west of France or the Iberian Peninsula.

But most important it’s just another example of the damage Brexit will do to the UK economy with the UK land ridge disappearing,



learn to read- i didn't say anything was banned......

the land bridge between ireland and the eu via the uk actually costs the uk money-another great outcome of exit....... 

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What a bunch of tits:

"The free trade agreement we will have to come to with the European Union should be one of the easiest in human history." Liam Fox.

"It will be easy to negotiate a trade deal. It's in the EU's interests." Paul Nuttal.

"Getting out of the EU can be quick and easy." John Redwood.

"Be under no doubt: we can do deals with our trading partners, and we can do them quickly. I would expect the new Prime Minister on September 9th to immediately trigger a large round of global trade deals with all our most favoured trade partners. I  would expect that the negotiation phase of most of them to be concluded within between 12 and 24 months." David Davis.

“Britain is the fifth largest economy in the world. The EU exports £60bn to £70bn more in goods to the UK than we export to the EU. We are the largest export market for the EU. We would be able to negotiate a fantastic deal. This is just scaremongering.” Aaron Banks.

“We will negotiate a UK-EU deal based on free trade and friendly cooperation that will be better for us and Europe.” Robert Oxley.

“Our policy is having our cake and eating it.” Boris Johnson. 

It is overwhelmingly in the EU’s interest to have a deal with us - more so than the other way round. Jacob Rees-Mogg

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

I notice the value of the pound has fallen following her latest speech and now that the likelihood of a no deal Brexit has just increased.

I thought the Daily Wail headline was absolutely hilarious:


The Prime Minister made it clear that the UK is ready to walk out on negotiations even if it does mean tariffs of 20% to 30% being applied to everything the UK exports thus making customers look elsewhere which will cripple UK manufacturing and agriculture. Because in walking away the UK can then set it's own lower tariffs on imports which will be cheaper to produce because of their much lower standards than those set by the EU which will damage UK manufacturing and agriculture still further and probably bring about a deep recession.

But blue passports. Think about blue passports! (And getting shot of Johnny Foreigner of course. Dream on....)"

Actually, truth to tell, the reality of trading under WTO rules in green was added by yours truly. Just so that everyone understands that the headlines in The Wail, Torygraph, Excess, Murdochs Mouthpiece and the nonsense pedalled by the likes of Jacob Rees-Mogg has absolutely nothing whatever to do with reality. We can't afford to walk away and sensible people, like the EU, know it would be a complete and utter disaster if we did.

It's called Project Reality....

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49 minutes ago, twinkle said:

That is to all intent and purpose a declaration of war, fuck them I say foreign tosser.

Those "foreign tossers" as you put it produce 50% of the food consumed in the UK.

But hey, who cares about going hungry when you can have blue passports that you could have had anyway!

Now explain again about who is the "tosser" exactly....

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8 hours ago, P.K. said:

Those "foreign tossers" as you put it produce 50% of the food consumed in the UK.

But hey, who cares about going hungry when you can have blue passports that you could have had anyway!

Now explain again about who is the "tosser" exactly....


7 hours ago, P.K. said:

Todays Daily Wail headline is even funnier:



Errrr I think, if you look closely enough, we opted to leave them and not the other way around...



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