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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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(remember she wanted to ban porn until it turned out her husband was charging hotel porn movies to her MP account

That was Jacqui Smith wasn't it? Home Secretary in the fabulous Broon government.

Good God. Don't tell me rmanx has his facts wrong. I can believe many things but I'm not having that.

He's having a 'mare today. I think it might be time for him to move to another sock puppet to have another crack on here.

At least I have the strength of my conviction to post under my own name you spinless fuck.


I am ditching the rmanx profile and using this one.

Blimey, so much for posting less like you said on the liberalism thread (assuming you really are rmanx). I can't see this ending well.

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Blimey, so much for posting less like you said on the liberalism thread (assuming you really are rmanx). I can't see this ending well.



I said what I need to say. He can respond in his usual smug "wordly wise" way all he likes, but he will still hide behind his anonymous profile.


I am choosing to not to respond to certain posters.

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Poverty is a difficult concept to measure. What is poverty? Absolute? Relative to median (which isn't necessarily poverty)? Whatever it is, it has declined in the past 10 years.





If there is anything that is pulling sections of the population towards poverty it is globalisation - everything gets done by the cheapest labour in the world - which I am dead against.


Thanks for that site - very interesting set of data.

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(remember she wanted to ban porn until it turned out her husband was charging hotel porn movies to her MP account

That was Jacqui Smith wasn't it? Home Secretary in the fabulous Broon government.


Good God. Don't tell me rmanx has his facts wrong. I can believe many things but I'm not having that.



He's having a 'mare today. I think it might be time for him to move to another sock puppet to have another crack on here.



At least I have the strength of my conviction to post under my own name you spinless fuck.


I am ditching the rmanx profile and using this one.


posting under a dead bikers name, sick fuckwhatever.gif

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At this stage of the Brexit process, all these negative forecasts are imprecise and purely speculative-- like describing it as "intangible"; it is your subjective opinion and really carries less weight than you muster credit for. You can dress up the sour grapes how you like: use your piss-poor attempt at Private Eye-type satire to bolster your pompous derision toward those who voted to leave, it makes little difference does it?


Carry on Private...




Now you're being very very stupid.




Perhaps you should stop judging others by your own particular and clearly self-centred standards.

Some irony there Corporal...




Putting a poster on ignore is defeatism.




If I don't like what can be interesting debates being fagged up by some mindless twat posting their gibberish, well, it's what the "ignore" feature is for.

Thing is, it doesn't take long when, in a debate with you, it is reduced to derogatory terms such as "some mindless twat" (see above), or "xenophobic, thick as... etc. (ad nauseum, see PK passim), and it's not just with me or woolley, et al.


The, provocative, 'down-the-nose' manner you adopt with an air of superior enlightenment doesn't make you an attractive prospect for reasoned debate. It's not very interesting and stifles debate.


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It is interesting trying to find where our points of agreement and disagreement are.


The most fascinating issue as far as I'm concerned is simply globalisation - the free movement of goods, capital, people and ideas.


I really want to try and understand how Woolley et al will stop entrepreneurs looking for the most cost effective solution to their problems, and how governments and red tape are going to help create wealth by protecting unproductive industry.


Woolley - are you dead against entrepreneurs making their own decisions about the costs they pay for goods and investment.


The world is simply far too complex for governments to be able to work out what is worth protecting and what isn't - it is too simplistic to simply say that "everything gets done by the cheapest labour" - people in Chad are cheap, but it is folly to try to set up your business there.


Productivity is far far more than just low cost labour.


I have a pretty bleak outlook on life - people are on a hiding to hell if they think the government is going to guarantee them a job or be the arbiter of whether they are productive or not.


My understanding of life is the only person looking out for you is yourself and you have to retrain and work all your life to be productive. If you can't do that you'll suffer. Our society has to provide the resources to allow people to educate themselves, and provide the safety net to allow them to retrain and move on if they get that calculation wrong. But to think you can just ignore people elsewhere in the world learning skills and making themselves more productive is folly.


Trying to draw the line between support and protection is the most complex issue in the politics.


This is probably the wrong thread, but I'm very much a free-market liberal when it comes to these issues - the invisible hand (which really means individual people and entrepreneurs) is far far more efficient in allocating resources than government.


Trying to stop that occurring is illiberal and hugely economically damaging.

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Can you actually add anything substantive to the debate rather than using libtard in every other post.

run along snowflake if you have nothing to add......



Ah Manxforums does give one a most delightful sense of irony sometimes.


Touché Woody, touché.

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It is interesting trying to find where our points of agreement and disagreement are.





My understanding of life is the only person looking out for you is yourself and you have to retrain and work all your life to be productive. If you can't do that you'll suffer.




Spot on

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@ Chinahand: You have posted two related contributions on separate threads, so I will just add this (necessarily) very quick response on both:


You are calling me a "right-wing poster" and while I accept I am to a point, I think your "free trade globalisation and devil take the hindmost" is far more extreme right wing than anything I espouse. It is naked, gloves off, unregulated capitalism which takes no prisoners and destroys lives and livelihoods. I believe in independent nation states that intervene to some extent to protect the interests of their people - the first responsibility of any government in my view. You say it is far too complex for governments to work out what is worth protecting. "Too difficult" is always a very poor excuse to do nothing. Government costs billions and it is its absolute duty and raison d'etre to confront challenging matters. Like everything else, the path to follow is not extreme laissez-faire or extreme intervention, but pragmatism based on national interest for the many and not for the few.


As for the effects of immigration and Islamisation I refer you to my earlier response to you on the subject post 1205 in the Trump thread.


Right: Thats it. I'm out now to do some more naked capitalism.

Edited by woolley
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