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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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17 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

My view is that the UK's food supply is as per stated in the report. Do you agree or disagree with the report?

From a few pages back:

22 hours ago, P.K. said:

You can educate them as much as you like but you can never force them to understand it....

From lots and lots of pages back:

On 8/5/2018 at 7:49 PM, John Wright said:

It’s pointless P.K. W2 has clear and obvious comprehension and literacy issues and suffers from cognitive dissonance. You can take him and show him the facts, but his belief set won’t allow him to process and accept anything that demonstrates the falsity of his dogma

Probably time to give up. Maybe on all of them...

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1 minute ago, quilp said:

Pk brown-nosing JW again...

With an imagination like that you should be writing schoolgirl fiction.

How did you get on with international trade negotiator Jason Hunter? 

I thought he made the editor of BrexitCentral look like your typical brexit zealot.

The more we get into the truth of what brexit actually involves the more the brexiteers Unicorn comes across as a tired whitewashed old donkey with a dildo on it's head...

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15 minutes ago, P.K. said:

The more we get into the truth of what brexit actually involves... 

So explain what this "truth" is. Be definitive. While you're at it, expand on the "terrible damage" you envisage WTO arrangements will produce.

You can't. You really have no idea at all and your incorrigibly fractious and pompous outpourings amount to fuck all, except the usual unfounded and false 'Project Fear' deliberations.

Drama queen... 

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40 minutes ago, quilp said:

So explain what this "truth" is. Be definitive. While you're at it, expand on the "terrible damage" you envisage WTO arrangements will produce.

You can't. You really have no idea at all and your incorrigibly fractious and pompous outpourings amount to fuck all, except the usual unfounded and false 'Project Fear' deliberations.

Drama queen... 

I posted this link up just for you because it's simple to understand https://youtu.be/ca-v9rGE4-o  In it international trade negotiator Jason Hunter starts off by saying:

"A no deal Brexit would be catastrophic for manufacturing industries who are currently exporting over £400m a day of UK goods and services etc etc" and then goes on to explain why.

So what part of the word "catastrophic" is it that you don't understand? Do you know better than an international trade negotiator? Or do you expect me to transcribe it all into your favoured green crayon using words of one syllable and no joined-up writing?

More likely it's this:


On 8/5/2018 at 7:49 PM, John Wright said:

...... suffers from cognitive dissonance. You can take him and show him the facts, but his belief set won’t allow him to process and accept anything that demonstrates the falsity of his dogma

You should try this https://youtu.be/byHgpQDBXOM

It's about 75 minutes of Jason and others in Geneva having had a round of meetings with WTO officials. Enlightening, informative and very worrying about International Trade Secretary Liam Fox's depth of ignorance!

But hey, we'll get blue passports - that we could have had anyway.... 




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30 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I posted this link up just for you because it's simple to understand https://youtu.be/ca-v9rGE4-o  In it international trade negotiator Jason Hunter starts off by saying:

"A no deal Brexit would be catastrophic for manufacturing industries who are currently exporting over £400m a day of UK goods and services etc etc" and then goes on to explain why.

So what part of the word "catastrophic" is it that you don't understand? Do you know better than an international trade negotiator? Or do you expect me to transcribe it all into your favoured green crayon using words of one syllable and no joined-up writing?

More likely it's this:


You should try this https://youtu.be/byHgpQDBXOM

It's about 75 minutes of Jason and others in Geneva having had a round of meetings with WTO officials. Enlightening, informative and very worrying about International Trade Secretary Liam Fox's depth of ignorance!

But hey, we'll get blue passports - that we could have had anyway.... 





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1 minute ago, quilp said:


Not exactly unexpected.

Of course you can't reply for the reasons stated.

In retrospect I like this:

1 hour ago, P.K. said:

The more we get into the truth of what brexit actually involves the more the brexiteers Unicorn comes across as a tired whitewashed old donkey with a dildo on it's head...

Not quite as catchy as "Xenophobic, thick as etc etc" but not bad. I wonder where I saw it....

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4 hours ago, woody2 said:

" if you think you can bully our country, all I can suggest is that you read some history books." 

If you think you are being bullied because the club you are leaving won’t change the rules you helped write to suit your new, rather difficult, circumstances, you might be better with some psychology books. 

“Your sensitive leaver can learn a lesson better when he is calm and receptive, so when you are explaining the implications of Brexit to your gammon it's vital to talk to him in a gentle manner. When you set limits in a calm, yet firm manner it will not lower his self-esteem. Mothers generally spend more time with their children, so they are frequently in a position to bolster a little leaver’s  confidence. However, fathers (or uncles, grandfathers, or other male role models) need to spend special, positive time with their little Brexiteers too. While a father needs to teach a leaver how to stand up for himself, he also has to understand, protect, and encourage his sensitive little Brexiteer. Both the father and the little leaver benefit when dad accepts his son's trait of sensitivity instead of trying to mold him into someone who isn’t scared of people who look different or speak other languages. It's important to model setting limits with others so that your fragile little leaver will learn how to set boundaries if he is humiliated for his sensitivity so he won't get bullied. Parents should regularly discuss their brexiteer’s progress with others, talk to colleagues and family, volunteer in the forum. If you find out that a co-worker is teasing your brexiteer about Brexit you need to immediately let the co-worker and line manager know that their behavior is unacceptable (call Mrs May if you need her to deliver a stern rebuke). If the colleague is not receptive to changing his or her behavior, you should walk out without a deal, or clue where you’re going.”

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