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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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2 hours ago, quilp said:

So explain what this "truth" is. Be definitive. While you're at it, expand on the "terrible damage" you envisage WTO arrangements will produce.

You can't. You really have no idea at all and your incorrigibly fractious and pompous outpourings amount to fuck all, except the usual unfounded and false 'Project Fear' deliberations.

Drama queen... 

He can’t explain, because explaining why Britain can’t just run around making simple trade deals with countries one by one requires you to understand the basics of how trade deals work, what the ‘most favoured nation’ clause means and how existing trade deals between third parties make better deals than the U.K. had as an EU member impossible. It would mean you stopping to think that if the U.K. hasn’t been sovereign for the last 40 years then the members of the two Houses of Parliament should be paying back billions to the U.K. tax payer. It would mean you grasping that the EU never stipulated what colour passports must  be, etc, etc. It would mean you trying to understand the implications for Ireland, and quite possibly Scotland. You’re not going to pay any attention, you’re just going to carry on reading conspiracy theories, pretending it’s plucky Britain standing-up to the evil EUSSR and behaving like a tit. 

Edited by Freggyragh
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............in fact we have no idea what negotiations or results have happened, only what we see reported.............there must be many, many below the surface deals going on...........we don't know and all the discussions and arguments on here make no difference whatever, (and often not much sense)...............I for one have no idea what's going on or the potential outcome but find it interesting how vehement some folk are about their particular viewpoint...........ah well. we'll see what happens and how it affects us, that is if we even notice in day to day life........

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5 hours ago, quilp said:

So explain what this "truth" is. Be definitive. While you're at it, expand on the "terrible damage" you envisage WTO arrangements will produce.

You can't. You really have no idea at all and your incorrigibly fractious and pompous outpourings amount to fuck all, except the usual unfounded and false 'Project Fear' deliberations.

Drama queen... 


3 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

He can’t explain, because explaining why Britain can’t just run around making simple trade deals with countries one by one requires you to understand the basics of how trade deals work, what the ‘most favoured nation’ clause means and how existing trade deals between third parties make better deals than the U.K. had as an EU member impossible. It would mean you stopping to think that if the U.K. hasn’t been sovereign for the last 40 years then the members of the two Houses of Parliament should be paying back billions to the U.K. tax payer. It would mean you grasping that the EU never stipulated what colour passports must  be, etc, etc. It would mean you trying to understand the implications for Ireland, and quite possibly Scotland. You’re not going to pay any attention, you’re just going to carry on reading conspiracy theories, pretending it’s plucky Britain standing-up to the evil EUSSR and behaving like a tit. 

Don't bother.

It's clear that brexiteers from the top of the tree in ex-Foreign Secretary Johnson right down to the bottom (W2?) don't want to know the reality of the situation they are dragging us into. I'm reminded of the first meeting of the two sides. Barnier and his lot with their piles of paper on all the ins and outs of leaving the EU and David Davis with his lot who had nothing but sickly grins. The old adage "Fail to prepare then prepare to fail" is clearly the case here.

Sure the negotiations have been a complete and utter shambles but with the mixed messages emanating from the tory hierarchy with ministers in open revolt it was unlikely to be anything else.

Like most folks I've been boning up on the WTO and although I had heard of "Third Country Terms" I hadn't realised that it would mean tariffs on UK exports of up to 30%. Sheesh! Who wouldn't look for a supplier elsewhere? Plus we trade with some 60 countries on decent WTO terms negotiated by the financial muscle of the EU. Not only will all that go south but trading nations will all smell blood in the water. Plus EU trade agreements have a clause that states the partner WTO country cannot open negotiations with a major industrial nation, like the UK, without running it past Brussels first!

[Hollow Laugh] now what was that about the much vaunted "Taking Back Control" ......? 

That's just trade. All types of stuff we take for granted are mired in all sorts of regulations.

#3Blokes' are very informative. If you have the time you can learn all sorts. Recommended for those with an open mind.....

ETA the Union is definitely at risk as well.

Edited by P.K.
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3 hours ago, quilp said:

What is your point in transferring my posts to the 'Testing Testing' thread? What are you trying to prove? Like it's some sort of abstract 'hurt locker.'


There's nothing there to embarrass me.

I just thought that rather than collating all the vacuous pops you take at me in the thread at the time (your current record is four in one evening) I would park them together for a special occasion like "The Glorious 30th March 2019" or whatever it gets called.

"The more we get into the truth of what brexit actually involves the more the brexiteers' Unicorn comes across as a tired whitewashed old donkey with a dildo on it's head..." - PK

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3 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

No matter what happens, the brexiteers will blame the remoaners, the remoaners will blame the brexiteers. Mission accomplished.

Not quite.

The remainers have no role to play in this.

The brexiteers are the ones doing all the running around deal/no deal/fiasco.

So there's only one side to blame.....


The more we get into the truth of what brexit actually involves the more the brexiteers' Unicorn comes across as a tired whitewashed old donkey with a dildo on it's head....


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4 hours ago, doc.fixit said:

............in fact we have no idea what negotiations or results have happened, only what we see reported.............there must be many, many below the surface deals going on...........we don't know and all the discussions and arguments on here make no difference whatever, (and often not much sense)...............I for one have no idea what's going on or the potential outcome but find it interesting how vehement some folk are about their particular viewpoint...........ah well. we'll see what happens and how it affects us, that is if we even notice in day to day life........

the options are.....

1- fta (canada)

2-eea (norway)

3-no deal

can't see any getting past parliament.....

=no deal


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4 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

I thought some of the newspaper headlines the day after the maybot was seemingly humiliated by the eu quite interesting. The express called her geography teacher long since lost control of her pupils style admonishment of the other leaders as "her finest hour"? Bonkers

take a look at some of the european papers.....

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Our politicians should be striving for the best possible deal for the UK.

Unfortunately there is a large swathe of the ruling tory party who either don't understand or don't care what is best for the country. First and formost they want to stay in power and as brexit "won" the day that makes them brexiteers.


The more we get into the truth of what brexit actually involves the more the brexiteers' Unicorn comes across as a tired whitewashed old donkey with a dildo on it's head....

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