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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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10 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Of what? May is a disaster, but at least she isn’t Corbyn. 

I try to keep as reasonably well informed as one can in these totally polarised times but I have to admit I just can't figure Corbyn out.

Sure he motivated and invigorated the young but by their very nature they're gullible due to inexperience.

But I do wonder if Barnier, Tusk etc etc wouldn't prefer to deal with a politician like Corbyn who will always put the best interests of the British people first rather than the likes of Gove, Farage, Johnson, Fox, Fysh, Duncan Smith, Leadsom, Raab, Davis, Rees-Mogg etc etc who are clearly only in it for themselves.

If I was an EU negotiator I would find it increasingly difficult not to show my contempt towards the people I'm being forced to deal with.....

Edited by P.K.
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9 hours ago, P.K. said:

I try to keep as reasonably well informed as one can in these totally polarised times but I have to admit I just can't figure Corbyn out.

Sure he motivated and invigorated the young but by their very nature they're gullible due to inexperience.

But I do wonder if Barnier, Tusk etc etc wouldn't prefer to deal with a politician like Corbyn who will always put the best interests of the British people first rather than the likes of Gove, Farage, Johnson, Fox, Fysh, Duncan Smith, Leadsom, Raab, Davis, Rees-Mogg etc etc who are clearly only in it for themselves.

If I was an EU negotiator I would find it increasingly difficult not to show my contemp towards the people I'm being forced to deal with.....

you do know labours plan has been rejected by the eu......

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4 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Why would the EU consider a plan put forward by a party that is not in power? Makes no sense, I could send them a plan outlining anything I wanted but (just like Labour) it would be futile as I have no means of implementing it.

labours "plan" is basically the chequers plan.....

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1 minute ago, mojomonkey said:

Ok, but why would they even bother considering something submitted by a non ruling party?

My guess is they wouldn't.

Personally I would like to see the Maybot brought down and Rees-Mogg as PM for no other reason than I want history to blame him as he deserves it....

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1 minute ago, woody2 said:

what the unelected anti- democratic eu dictators.......

Yes, the dastardly villainous EUSSR.


I think you may be missing the point I'm trying to probe. Even if Labour (or any party other than the Conservatives) submitted an amazing plan to the EU, would it not be futile to even look at it as there is no means of implementation?

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1 minute ago, mojomonkey said:

Yes, the dastardly villainous EUSSR.


I think you may be missing the point I'm trying to probe. Even if Labour (or any party other than the Conservatives) submitted an amazing plan to the EU, would it not be futile to even look at it as there is no means of implementation?

this is the unelected anti- democratic eu dictators we are talking about......

lefties have been wiped out all over europe yet the unelected anti- democratic eu dictators still have jobs....

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2 minutes ago, woody2 said:

this is the unelected anti- democratic eu dictators we are talking about......

lefties have been wiped out all over europe yet the unelected anti- democratic eu dictators still have jobs....

Erm, ok, if that's your opinion then that's your opinion but it is still not connected to the point I'm trying to probe.

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9 minutes ago, woody2 said:

you don't see a connection between the eu's unelected anti- democratic dictators and corbyn.......


There are numerous aspects of the EU I do not personally like but that isn’t the point I raised. It is irrelevant whether anyone likes or dislikes them, the fact is that negotiations with them is a real thing.


Once more, I ask why would the EU even bother considering a submission from a party that is not in a position to implement what they put forward?

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