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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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53 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

According to the farming programmes on Radio 4 some sort of agricultural visa/work permit quote-scheme is to be revived...So they will probably still get their labour from abroad...Australia has some sort of "Work your way round Aussie" for two years available to younger people.

The EU response to trying to "tier" EU citizens will be to tell the UK to "fuck right off" or similar.

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This is why I like The Grauniad:

Operation Arse: the secret Tory plot to keep Boris Johnson out of No 10

Name: Operation Arse.

Classification: Top secret.

In that case, why are you telling me about it? All right. Bottom secret.

That’s better. What is it? What’s what?

The secret. Oh, that the Tories have a plan to stop Boris Johnson from becoming party leader.

That’s a secret? The fact that they have a plan is. Or was. The Daily Record now reports that a group of Scottish Tories are coordinating a campaign to persuade their MPs to vote against Johnson in any forthcoming leadership contest. They also want to convince party members that he would be an electoral disaster.

 I thought Theresa May was already an electoral disaster? Yes. She is very unpopular with voters, it’s true. But, luckily for her, Jeremy Corbyn is even more unpopular, according to the polls. However, Johnson is so staggeringly unpopular that he might run Corbyn close if he took over.

Just a thought: maybe the Tories could choose someone popular to lead them? Let’s not try to run before we can walk. The first thing is to stop the Johnson juggernaut. Hence: Operation Arse. “We called it that so we’d all be clear who we were talking about,” said a senior Tory.

Cunning. So far at the party conference, Johnson has been called, among other things, an “irrelevance” and an “offensive person” (Digby Jones), a maker of “good headlines but not necessarily good policies” (David Davis) and “very unhelpful” (George Freeman).

So why would such an unpopular person be a threat? Ah. Well it all depends who you are unpopular with. Just as Corbyn is very popular among Labour party members, but disliked more widely, Johnson is very popular with Conservative party members.

Ah. And members ultimately choose the leader? That’s right. Some Tories worry about Johnson becoming the focus of a so-called “blue Momentum”, which could see thousands of new members join the party and push it further to the right.

What on earth do people see in him? Some say he has star quality. Others call him a charlatan. He certainly has a talent for using blunt, straightforward language to paint dreamy pictures of the perfect Britain that would follow a kind of Brexit that he is persistently vague and indecisive about.

So he sounds as though he tells it like it is, while telling it like it isn’t? Welcome to politics.

Do say: “Surely no big western democracy would ever be foolish enough to elect a wild-haired conman on the strength of his false promises and bracing sense of humour?”

Don’t say: “No. The chances must be one in a million.”

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Europe 'not ready to cope' with a new financial crisis, experts warn


Credit ratings agency Moody's has warned that Europe remains highly vulnerable to a fresh economic downturn despite all its work to fight off crises over the past few years.

The report comes as tax and spending plans by Italy's new government present the latest potential threat to the region's markets.

Moody's said that Europe "is not ready to cope with another major slump stressing the financial system".

The credit agency's assessment is published as experts assess the fallout from the last crisis that began 10 years ago - with one leading expert recently telling Sky News that the next one has already begun.

Moody's said a series of vulnerabilities including higher debt levels, peaking asset prices and regulatory risks could deepen the impact of a fresh downturn in Europe.

Paolo Leschiutta, senior vice president at Moody's, said: "Overall, the amount of wiggle room available to mitigate the impact of another downturn is shrinking."

It follows a relatively calm period for the 19-country eurozone, which enjoyed strong growth last year and saw unemployment fall to a decade-low rate of 8.1%.

Meanwhile, Greece - at the centre of much of the zone's problems in recent years - is no longer reliant on bailout loans.

With the worst apparently behind it, the European Central Bank has started to rein in crisis-era economic support measures - and plans to halt its massive bond-buying programme at the end of this year before possibly raising interest rates again next year.

However, fresh anxieties have emerged after the new government in Rome set out tax and spending plans that will see the country's budget deficit swell.

That has sent Italy's share index lower and pushed up the interest rate charged on Italian bonds - parcels of government debt.

Moody's was not the not the only voice warning of the outlook for Europe, with the Berenberg bank saying a "cocktail of risks" was constraining growth.

Holger Schmieding, Berenberg's chief economist, said: "After smooth sailing in 2017, the eurozone has faced a series of headwinds since February 2018.

"The risks to growth range from trade tensions and a still unresolved Brexit to trouble in vulnerable emerging markets, higher oil prices and dangerous reform reversals in Italy."


just in time for exit.......

the remoans always claimed it wouldn't hurt the eu........


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3 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

You do know that non labour governments have been on charge for more than half the period since 2004 to now?

impossible to closed the stable door after the horse immigrant has bolted......





it took the eu 15 years to alter the last treaty change.....

nothing the uk could do due to fom......



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15 hours ago, mojomonkey said:

You do know that non labour governments have been on charge for more than half the period since 2004 to now?

straight from the horses mouth......


"I think people will feel a difference because they will know that for the first time in decades it is the UK government that is deciding who can come into the country," she said.

"We will be able to decide the basis on which people come to the UK," she said. "That hasn't been possible for many years for people coming from the EU. That will change."

we will find out if she's a trojan in less than 6 months.....

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10 hours ago, pongo said:

Mrs May must have a huge amount of courage and duty and is in an impossible situation trying to deliver a thing which is basically stupid whilst not also fucking the economy.

All sensible people were Eurosceptics. But all sensible  people were also  in favour of  Remain. The decision to actually  leave (rather than simply pushing back) was clearly stupid and economically disruptive.

Only complete morons and all-or-nothing happy-clappy pedants  supported creating this much inevitable economic uncertainty and disruption.

Had to laugh at The Maybot telling the assembled chinless wonders that she was:

"Going to deliver the Brexit the British people voted for...."

Errrr excuse me Maybot but the "British" people voted for £350m extra to the NHS every week, getting shot of Johnny Foreigner and amazing instant trade deals that would be "the easiest in history" courtesy of Liam Fox with US beefsteak (riddled with hormones) coming in at half price courtesy of Jacob Rees-Mogg.

In other words you can't deliver any of it you foolish woman and neither can Johnson, Fox, Rees-Mogg and all the rest of the mendacious, self-serving, brexit-blinded charlatans who would push the country off an economic cliff for personal gain.....

Edited by P.K.
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