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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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I believe that's actually known as the NFC defence....

So Woody2, as you knew what you were voting for, is the £39 Bn divorce bill more or less in line with the figure you had come up with?

Incidentally wheeabouts in the UK did you cast your vote?

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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

I believe that's actually known as the NFC defence....

So Woody2, as you knew what you were voting for, is the £39 Bn divorce bill more or less in line with the figure you had come up with?

Incidentally wheeabouts in the UK did you cast your vote?

no bill has been agreed or paid yet...

£15bn was quoted before the referendum and that's what its forecast to be.....

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32 minutes ago, woody2 said:

no bill has been agreed or paid yet...

£15bn was quoted before the referendum and that's what its forecast to be.....

So the £39 Bn is a made up number? Well, you know all about those....

You don't suppose that the £39 Bn has already been agreed between the UK and the EU and is part of the final withdrawal bill to be voted on in the HoC do you?

You know what? I believe it is.

So much for your £15 Bn. Who told you that, Farage, Gove and Johnson?

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7 minutes ago, P.K. said:

So the £39 Bn is a made up number? Well, you know all about those....

You don't suppose that the £39 Bn has already been agreed between the UK and the EU and is part of the final withdrawal bill to be voted on in the HoC do you?

You know what? I believe it is.

So much for your £15 Bn. Who told you that, Farage, Gove and Johnson?

no it hasn't....


the £15bn is the bill stated before the referendum......

the other money (if paid) is to cover the transition period......


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10 minutes ago, woody2 said:

no it hasn't....


the £15bn is the bill stated before the referendum......

the other money (if paid) is to cover the transition period......


Compared to your fervid imagination I absolutely know nothing!

Note to self - stop dealing in facts....

So Woody2, I thought DD was banging on about an imaginary Canada + + + +

So which 28 countries were on the brink of signing FTA's that were hugely beneficial to the UK?


"Britain will be legally bound to pay its £39bn Brexit divorce bill before the details of a future EU trade deal are agreed, a minister has admitted.

MPs will be asked to authorise the payment when they vote on the withdrawal deal in the autumn, Suella Braverman said – but there will be no trade treaty until after the UK leaves the EU next year."


Edited by P.K.
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UK Govt Brexit advice to companies: You Might Want To Leave

That's right. The UK govt is advising companies to re locate to the EU because of Brexit.


Companies based in Britain may need to consider leaving the country or restructuring in order to continue operating after a no-deal Brexit, the government said on Friday.


Edited by pongo
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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

Compared to your fervid imagination I absolutely know nothing!

Note to self - stop dealing in facts....

So Woody2, I thought DD was banging on about an imaginary Canada + + + +

So which 28 countries were on the brink of signing FTA's that were hugely beneficial to the UK?


"Britain will be legally bound to pay its £39bn Brexit divorce bill before the details of a future EU trade deal are agreed, a minister has admitted.

MPs will be asked to authorise the payment when they vote on the withdrawal deal in the autumn, Suella Braverman said – but there will be no trade treaty until after the UK leaves the EU next year."


so not yet.......

no deal done......

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56 minutes ago, pongo said:

UK Govt Brexit advice to companies: You Might Want To Leave

That's right. The UK govt is advising companies to re locate to the EU because of Brexit.



Companies based in Britain may need to consider leaving the country or restructuring in order to continue operating after a no-deal Brexit, the government said on Friday.

says no such thing on your link......


168 Days to Go

Today in Brexit: With a compromise getting closer in Brussels, the perilous part of the battle starts at home.


The signals from Brussels are getting stronger, and a Brexit deal is now in sight. Prime Minister Theresa May briefed her ministers late on Thursday, but two key groups are unhappy with a compromise that will probably tie the U.K. into European Union trade rules indefinitely.


The pro-Brexit wing object because they fear it will keep Britain in the EU’s customs union forever. At least one Cabinet minister is considering resigning, people familiar with the situation told Bloomberg’s Tim Ross. Even more dangerously for May, the Northern Irish Democratic Unionist Party that props up the government says May’s plan is a betrayal and is threatening to withdraw support.


A Cabinet meeting next week looks like being the crunch moment. Pro-Brexit ministers will have career decisions to make.


The fight is (still) over the so-called Irish backstop. That’s meant to be a fallback measure designed to guarantee that no hard border emerges on the island of Ireland after Brexit. The trouble is that many on both sides suspect that the backstop will indeed come into effect and will shape the overall relationship of the U.K. with the bloc indefinitely. European diplomats are working on wording to suggest that the backstop isn’t a big deal because it will never be needed, but few people really believe it.


That’s why it’s become such an important battle. As Bloomberg has been reporting since the summer, the British proposal for the backstop is that the whole U.K. would stay aligned with the EU’s customs regime after Brexit – for a limited period. Northern Ireland would align its rules with those of the Republic of Ireland. That would avoid a customs border in the Irish Sea, but would require checks on products between Northern Ireland and the mainland. (That’s the bit the DUP hates.)


In the summer there was a fight between then-Brexit Secretary David Davis and May over how long the U.K. could stay inside the EU’s customs regime; a vaguely worded deadline was inserted into the proposal. But the EU has always insisted that to do its job, the backstop has to be open-ended. The best May can hope for is probably a non-binding fig-leaf of an end-date. The Cabinet is still fighting over how open-ended or indefinite the backstop would be. That’s the bit that is enraging Brexiteers: Staying in the customs union will mean Britain can’t strike new trade deals around the world that are a large part of the pro-Brexit camp’s reason for leaving.

In Brussels, negotiators are discussing how to make the backstop more palatable – with wording to make it look more temporary. EU officials are also worried about the DUP’s reaction, Ian Wishart reports.

Officials on both sides say a deal is within reach, but we’re not there yet. Ambassadors from the 27 European states meet later today to talk Brexit, and we should get a steer as to how things are looking ahead of a critical EU summit next week.


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8 minutes ago, woody2 said:

says no such thing on your link......

Humble apologies. The headline story changed. Here is the updated link for you:

No-Deal Brexit Advice for Business: You Might Want to Leave


Companies based in Britain may need to consider leaving the country or restructuring in order to continue operating after a no-deal Brexit, the government said on Friday.

The UK govt is advising companies to move to the EU because of Brexit.

Thanks for helping to keep people properly informed Woody. 

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21 minutes ago, pongo said:

Humble apologies. The headline story changed. Here is the updated link for you:

No-Deal Brexit Advice for Business: You Might Want to Leave

The UK govt is advising companies to move to the EU because of Brexit.

Thanks for helping to keep people properly informed Woody. 


societas europaea designation won't be able to operate in the uk......

“the government will put in place a way of automatically converting them into a new U.K. corporate structure so that they will have a clear legal status post exit,”



Companies based in Britain may need to consider leaving the country or restructuring in order to continue operating after a no-deal Brexit, the government said on Friday.


British businesses undertaking cross-border mergers were advised to complete them before the U.K.’s scheduled departure date of March 29, or face the possibility of remaining EU nations not recognizing them, according to a paper titled "Structuring your business if there’s no Brexit deal," published by the Business Department on Friday.


Previous releases of no-deal papers -- Friday’s is the fourth -- have shown businesses face more red tape in the event of Britain tumbling out of the bloc without an agreement. The latest batch were no different, outlining a series of bureaucratic burdens both EU and British companies operating across the border may face.


In one of the more surprising revelations Friday, public companies with a Societas Europaea designation were even told they may want to quit the country.


Such firms “will no longer be able to be registered in the U.K.,” the government said. “They may also want to consider whether they wish to move their seat of incorporation to another EU member state.”


On cross-border mergers, the government advised companies still going through the process to seek legal advice. About $95 billion in cross-border deals have been announced this year between the U.K. and Europe, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Among the acquisitions still outstanding is Michael Kors Holdings Ltd.’s 1.8 billion-euro ($2.1 billion) bid for Italian fashion house Gianni Versace SpA

The government said it would try to ensure as little change as possible, however, promising to ensure “that the U.K. continues to have a functioning regulatory framework for companies and that, as far as possible, the same laws and rules that are currently in place continue to apply.”

For SE companies, “the government will put in place a way of automatically converting them into a new U.K. corporate structure so that they will have a clear legal status post exit,” it said.


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