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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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1 hour ago, ballaughbiker said:

I have long since stopped quoting and replying to this wind up poster but I am going to frame this and hang it on the wall:

"the remoans are to blame for the outcome"

Well, North Korea only trades with China but they're doing ok. Once in a while the crops fail and thousands starve to death but their parades still look good on the telly.

Never mind because apparently outside the EU is the land of milk and honey. That's why the UK is leaving.

It doesn't matter that our sovereign parliament has been formulating our own laws since we joined the EU or that we've continued to have border controls during that time as well.

We're going to "take back control" of, errr, well, hmm, errr, well, something anyway.....

I'm still waiting for a brexiteer to explain exactly what that bit means.

But like the David Davis 28 FTA's "ready to go" it's all a great mystery.

One thing you can be sure of is that every trading nation on the planet will be ready to do a trade deal with the UK but ON THEIR TERMS. Not ours. Because they all know we have fucked ourselves over.

I just hope that the loony brexit fringe of the fractured tory party can be overcome and there's a deal.

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7 hours ago, woody2 said:

leaving the eu is the best thing to happen to the uk in 45 years......

interestingly the major countries outside the eu have done vastly better with wto rules than those in the eu......

the remoans are to blame for the outcome as may and oily olly are in charge while living in a bunker.......

reports in a german newspaper say a deal has been done....... 


4 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Please let me know of any countries doing well outside of a trading block. By trading block I mean a shared free market in goods with at least one other country and pooled sovereignty when it comes to standards, rules and disputes. One example will do. 

what has that got to do with what i said....

we are talking about the eu......


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3 hours ago, Freggyragh said:

Besides the EU 27, these are the other FTAs the gammonheads want to walk away from:


no usa like you claimed....

and when you look at some of these they contain very little....

japan is interesting (which you have gone on about before) upto 5 years still to go to get approval then 7 years implementation....

taking it to around 2030 (give or take a year) and the final outcome still isn't known.......

shows how shit the eu is at doing deals.......

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3 hours ago, Barrie Stevens said:

I note that the Irish dairy exporting entity is stock piling cheese in UK as they think there will be a hard BREXIT and a 43% WTO tariff charge on cheese apparently. They make Pilgrim's Choice amongst others.

good for the uk- make the pikeys pay.....

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

good for the uk- make the pikeys pay.....


This is a link to the voice of the UK dairy industry as regards WTO tariffs.  

I was rather under the impression that if something is taxed and the consumer wants it then the consumer ends up paying their share of the tax???...Or else it does not come in to the country at all???

Here is the link to the Irish dairy industry stockpiling cheese in the UK in the belief there will be a no deal BREXIT


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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

You haven't quite figured out all this trading and tariffs stuff yet have you?


42 minutes ago, Barrie Stevens said:

I was rather under the impression that if something is taxed and the consumer wants it then the consumer ends up paying their share of the tax???...Or else it does not come in to the country at all???


your slowly getting it.......

this is great for uk farmers......

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