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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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But not as fucked as Scotland...................

Not necessarily. Edinburgh inside the EU would be a viable place for much of the City to relocate post Brexit. Especially perhaps the interrnational insurance industry much of which is based in London. The City is the UK's largest tax payer.


I'm not sure that a majority either in Little England or Great Britain now care enough about the UK for it to survive.


Pongo: I read your posts because I usually find them considered and the principles well structured even though I seldom agree with you. However, this is an exception. I really don't know how you can reach this conclusion unless you are trolling. Tarne has covered some of the disincentives for this happening, but just off the top of my head:


The City is not going to relocate to Edinburgh. The reliance on EU trade has been much overstated by the Remain camp and continues to be. The EU reliant portion of the business is small and the sector will continue to gravitate to where the critical mass resides and the expertise and the high flyers want to live and that's London. If there is some small relocation much less than 20% - it will be to continental Europe or a few scraps to English speaking Dublin where there is already a small presence. What is lost will more than be made up for outside of EU regulation.




There is no guarantee or even likelihood that Scotland would be accepted in the EU. Perhaps there are some zealots in the Brussels centre who would support it to thumb their noses at London, but what most of them like about the UK is the handsome budget contributions. They won't be interested in a rump of 5 million people who are looking for a replacement teat for the Barnett formula. Individual countries such as Spain are against it because they have their own separatist issues that they don't want to encourage.


If Scotland joined as a new member there is Schengen and the euro to consider. Would Sturgeon's SNP, who of course would take independence at any price, get the Scots to go for either of those cans of worms? I don't think so.


Since the first independence referendum the oil price has halved. The SNP never tell us how they would balance the books or indeed what currency they would use. If it was not the proven failure that is the euro it would be either the pound sterling, which would continue to be run by London without Edinburgh having any say in monetary policy, or it would be a revived Scottish pound, which would fare about as well as the old Scottish pound and finish up more like a Scottish peseta.


This is all so fanciful that it is difficult to take seriously but I think the biggest pull to keep Scotland in the UK is the Scots themselves. They are extremely canny. Most have no great love of Sturgeon or Salmond, but they know that if they keep them in power within the UK they will be a constant thorn in the side of Westminster and that has been good to them in bringing a generous constitutional settlement down the years. Scotland sells twice as much to the rest of the UK than it does to the rest of the world. The Scots are not the SNP no matter how stridently the latter proclaims that they are, and I don't believe they are anything like stupid enough to swap the union which is not only the destination for two thirds of their goods and services and provides them with handsome financial support for independence and (maybe) possible allegiance with the EU.





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they have already announced the scottish pound, which is weird considering they want to join the eu and would have to take the euro, most likely the eu issue a way to get independence by the backdoor.....

Oh dear. Not the case at all, there's been no decision on currency preference for indyref2, nor is using the euro a condition of membership however often yoons say it's the case. Maybe ask Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Poland,Romania, Sweden

Edited by fatshaft
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they have already announced the scottish pound, which is weird considering they want to join the eu and would have to take the euro[.b], most likely the eu issue a way to get independence by the backdoor.....

Oh dear. Not the case at all, there's been no decision on currency preference for indyref2, nor is using the euro a condition of membership however often yoons say it's the case. Maybe ask Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Poland,Romania, Sweden


There's been no decision and there are no good options.

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Next election Sinn Fein will be in power. And that doesn't bode well.

Why doesn't it bode well? They've shown themselves to be serious, effective and conscientious in government.



I finished my sentence too early. "Doesn't bode well for Great Britain and Northern Ireland"


As for Albert regarding the Scottish independence, they're fucked financially. Absolutely fucked.




One simple question, why is England so keen on hanging onto this "absolutely fucked" colony? stuart.gif

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they have already announced the scottish pound, which is weird considering they want to join the eu and would have to take the euro, most likely the eu issue a way to get independence by the backdoor.....

Oh dear. Not the case at all, there's been no decision on currency preference for indyref2, nor is using the euro a condition of membership however often yoons say it's the case. Maybe ask Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Poland,Romania, Sweden


both the snp's financial spokesman and mad alex have stated they are working on a scottish pound not linked to the uk pound.....


and the eu has since changed the rules that you would have to meet the euro monetary and budgetary requirements before joining the eu


uk and denmark negotiated exemptions

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The Sunday Politics has had sight of a major new report into Islamist Terrorism in the UK.
The thousand page study, which researchers say is the most comprehensive ever produced, analyses all 269 Islamism Related Offences committed between 1998-2015.

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