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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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So an average of 15 "incidents" a year.


Not even close the collective IRAs efforts.


It would be interesting to see the definition of an "Islamism Related Offence" and what the period/offence break down is. But of course we wont because that wont give the juicey head line to give the likes of woody2 a hard on.


Also interested how he went from idiots putting non-halal meats into the halal meats section to "Islamic" terrorism.

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the report is on the beeb, look it up rtardwhatever.gif


how about feb 2017 worldwide.....




I see the BBC did a "report" on it.


Nice list. What exactly are you trying to prove with it? Most of the incidents are in countries either in the midst of civil uprising, outright civil war, or Western "assisted" conflicts.

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The Sunday Politics has had sight of a major new report into Islamist Terrorism in the UK.

The thousand page study, which researchers say is the most comprehensive ever produced, analyses all 269 Islamism Related Offences committed between 1998-2015.


Those are ones that were reported. Just the tip of the iceberg.

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Placing pork in the halal section is just pathetic. Done by the type of fuckwits that fall out with their neighbours. It just gives them an outlet for their hate. If that outlet wasn't there someone else would get it

Stinky, I always read your posts in anticipation of a clever punch line. It's quite disappointing when there isn't one.ermm.gif

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Those are ones that were reported. Just the tip of the iceberg.



So how long before the big war? (remember to leave in a big enough margin of error....)


Depends on many things, as does how big it will ultimately be. We have a lot of people sleepwalking but some do seem to be waking up sooner than I expected. All great civilisations have their day and fall. All believed they were eternal, and we are no different. Those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad. That's the stage we are at currently.

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Depends on many things, as does how big it will ultimately be. We have a lot of people sleepwalking but some do seem to be waking up sooner than I expected. All great civilisations have their day and fall. All believed they were eternal, and we are no different. Those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad. That's the stage we are at currently.



So its all waffle and beard stroking.


So what time limit are we putting on the whole Islamic take over? One who claims the rest of us are "sleep walking" into it should have some idea when its coming?


Or are you just like any other doom sayer who has bought into the "muslim menace" hype?

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Depends on many things, as does how big it will ultimately be. We have a lot of people sleepwalking but some do seem to be waking up sooner than I expected. All great civilisations have their day and fall. All believed they were eternal, and we are no different. Those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad. That's the stage we are at currently.



So its all waffle and beard stroking.


So what time limit are we putting on the whole Islamic take over? One who claims the rest of us are "sleep walking" into it should have some idea when its coming?


Or are you just like any other doom sayer who has bought into the "muslim menace" hype?


No beard, waffle or hype, but no crystal ball as far as dates are concerned either. Obviously what happens in a hundred years depends on what happens in twenty years, depends on what happens in ten years and so on. It doesn't follow that because we can't put a date on future events we can't see trends. In this respect it's a parallel of climate change or peak oil or population explosion etc. If we discover an asteroid on course to hit the Earth in 2140, whether it does or not is contingent on whether we can effect some way of destroying or deflecting it at some point in time between now and then.

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interesting that most of the ("muslim menace") uk people involved in terror, came from areas with a 60%+ muslim population...

Interesting in exactly what you'd statistically expect to see type of way?

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