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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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Fairly predictable stuff from a well know UKIP disciple of many years standing who has said that the EDL are misunderstood.

I have watched Pat Condell vids for a few years now and have always liked his forthright style but this 'I'm a victim' stance seems a bit pathetic no matter how you perceive brexit.

I'd rather he comment of how well he thinks brexit is going from a factual perspective instead of this emotional diatribe.

Let's face it, all the clever words and sarcasm won't alter the reality of where we are heading.



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Sorry to disappoint but I don't hate anyone based on their ethnicity, skin colour or religion.  The person exuding the most hate around here at the moment seems to be you PK.  I wish to leave the EU because I do not want my country to be absorbed into a federal superstate governed by people of questionable competence in another country.  You like to talk about lies and deceipt but the biggest of all was when the traitor Heath took us into what we were told was only a trading bloc ("...if the British people knew the truth they would never go for it").  The plan being that by the time the public figured out what was going on it would be too late for the UK to extract itself.  That very nearly came true.  Heseltine knew it and I believe may have admitted as such (I'll stand corrected if not) and Kenneth Clarke around 1997 said "..I dream of a time when Westminster is nothing more than a council chamber in Europe".

Juncker has spoken of taking budgetary control away from 'member states' (not 'member countries' - please note the language) and once that happens they'll have everyone still in the EU by the balls.  This is what EU officials mean when they talk of an 'ever closer union'.  More and more control.

I have nothing against the continent of Europe, the countries that comprise it or the people that live in them.  The EU however, disgusts me, as do the appalling people that worship it (Blair, Adonis et al). 


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9 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Fairly predictable stuff from a well know UKIP disciple of many years standing who has said that the EDL are misunderstood.

I have watched Pat Condell vids for a few years now and have always liked his forthright style but this 'I'm a victim' stance seems a bit pathetic no matter how you perceive brexit.

I'd rather he comment of how well he thinks brexit is going from a factual perspective instead of this emotional diatribe.

Let's face it, all the clever words and sarcasm won't alter the reality of where we are heading.

I know him from his frequent bouts of Grauniad bashing. Frequently reported in - The Grauniad. He hates it because it's liberal and he's a racist.

"Let's face it, all the clever words and sarcasm won't alter the reality of where we are heading." -

But it's basically the only card the brexiteers have left to play. It really is a dogs breakfast and a very bad idea. All the brexiteers can do is try and promote some mythical trading utopia that only exists in the fevered minds of the brexit zealots like Farage, Gove, Johnson, Fox, Fysh, Duncan Smith, Rees-Mogg and all the rest on the mendacious, self-serving  snakes in the grass. All the rest of their cards, "take back control" "undemocratic super state" "overwhelmed public services" etc etc have been so roundly debunked by hard facts their arguments look facile at best with the lies, half truths and false promises at the other end of the scale.

The upsetting thing for me is that they have deliberately diminished the opportunities my kids should have had.

The UK had the best deal in the best trading bloc on the planet.

Just how thick are the brexiteers...?

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he EU however, disgusts me, as do the appalling people that worship it (Blair, Adonis et al). 

OK but I think there are a considerable number of remainers (me included) who hardly "worship" the EU and readily accept many of its obvious failings. 

It is possible to think the way we are leaving is crazy without being an EU worshiper and/or evangelist.

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3 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

OK but I think there are a considerable number of remainers (me included) who hardly "worship" the EU and readily accept many of its obvious failings. 

It is possible to think the way we are leaving is crazy without being an EU worshiper and/or evangelist.

Quite. With so many disparate members anomalies are bound to crop up with a one size fits all approach.

But the fact remains the UK hasn't done too badly out of it's membership.

It does make me laugh when the likes of Rees-Mogg claim that the UK will be so much better off cutting its own trade deals because "people want to buy British goods" and then he always suffers a bout of memory loss. Because he never mentions the fact they will expect to get them heavily discounted because the UK has paddled it's trading canoe right up shit creek and then lost the paddle and everyone knows it....

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Started to watch, but there’s only so much I can take of snowflakes whinging about their hurt feelings. He hasn’t found a solution to Brexit that allows the U.K. to leave without breaking the GFA, to set its own rules and to continue to have a functioning economy. He’s a very angry man who can now see that his unicorn was a sham, so he’s going to rage against the people who saw this all along, rather than admit he doesn’t have the answers he promised would be surprised easy to find. 

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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

Started to watch, but there’s only so much I can take of snowflakes whinging about their hurt feelings. He hasn’t found a solution to Brexit that allows the U.K. to leave without breaking the GFA, to set its own rules and to continue to have a functioning economy. He’s a very angry man who can now see that his unicorn was a sham, so he’s going to rage against the people who saw this all along, rather than admit he doesn’t have the answers he promised would be surprised easy to find. 

I didn't bother with any of it.

EDL apologists preaching hatred are the sort of scum that get MP's murdered.

Talking of EDL scum I see a wonderful irony came out of the Old Bailey.

They're concerned Yaxley-Lennon may not get a fair trial.

Funny that....

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12 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

News just coming out here is that Merkel has said she won't be standing for re-election. Not confirmed yet.

jumping before been pushed.......


And with the CDU's party conference scheduled for December, Mrs Merkel could lose her leadership re-election bid.

She has said previously she could not continue as chancellor - a position she has held for 13 years - were she to lose that role.


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2 hours ago, P.K. said:

I didn't bother with any of it.

EDL apologists preaching hatred are the sort of scum that get MP's murdered.

Talking of EDL scum I see a wonderful irony came out of the Old Bailey.

They're concerned Yaxley-Lennon may not get a fair trial.

Funny that....

that was the lefties.......

amazing that to you hain is a hero yet tommy is scum.....

both broke the law......

what's your view on emily dawes.......

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