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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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47 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Excellent news...  We have two certainties now;

1.  Blue Passport;

2. Commemorative Coin;

I can't wait for the next announcement about our post brexit country! 

Don't forget

-1. Brexit Means Brexit

0. We want a red, white and blue Brexit: that is the right Brexit for the UK.

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18 hours ago, The Phat Tog said:

Sorry to disappoint but I don't hate anyone based on their ethnicity, skin colour or religion.  The person exuding the most hate around here at the moment seems to be you PK.  I wish to leave the EU because I do not want my country to be absorbed into a federal superstate governed by people of questionable competence in another country.  You like to talk about lies and deceipt but the biggest of all was when the traitor Heath took us into what we were told was only a trading bloc ("...if the British people knew the truth they would never go for it").  The plan being that by the time the public figured out what was going on it would be too late for the UK to extract itself.  That very nearly came true.  Heseltine knew it and I believe may have admitted as such (I'll stand corrected if not) and Kenneth Clarke around 1997 said "..I dream of a time when Westminster is nothing more than a council chamber in Europe".

Juncker has spoken of taking budgetary control away from 'member states' (not 'member countries' - please note the language) and once that happens they'll have everyone still in the EU by the balls.  This is what EU officials mean when they talk of an 'ever closer union'.  More and more control.

I have nothing against the continent of Europe, the countries that comprise it or the people that live in them.  The EU however, disgusts me, as do the appalling people that worship it (Blair, Adonis et al). 

I make no secret of the fact that I hate racism. Frankly I think the EDL scum like Yaxley-Lennon and Condell are given far too much airtime.

I think racism is a festering sore that is poisoning our society. Sure a lot of the folks with their innate racism are dying out. Unfortunately not before the referendum. But the far right is on the rise and is certainly helped in the UK by it's right-wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it. That makes them dangerous as Jo Cox found out.

Never forget that not everyone who voted for brexit is a racist but everyone who is a racist did vote for brexit.

As a brexiteer how do you feel about aiding and abetting racism?

Incidentally I loved all the anti-EU rhetoric. All the standard hollow brextremist phrases are there "federal superstate" "budgetary control" "ever closer union" etc etc straight out of the Bug-Eyed Brexiteer Handbook. Strange but true you forgot to mention the UK's sovereign parliament and the fact that the EU is the largest trans-national democracy on the planet. But hey, they were just oversights I'm sure.

"Governed by questionable people" - always save the best till last. If you mean Nigel Farage MEP, well, who would argue...?

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Wishing to leave the EU is not racism nor is it aiding it.  Don't try and pin any of that crap on me.  The EU is one huge con trick and people like you have fallen for it.  You carry on and worship it if you like but it's not for me (or indeed many others).  The problem with people like you is that you probably won't see the truth even after it's bitten you on the arse - you're too indoctrinated.

You seem to like this phrase a lot:  "... is certainly helped in the UK by it's right-wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it."  Getting a bit repetitive as indeed is all of your constant whining, insults and virtue signalling.  There is no shortage of left wing press, not least of which your beloved Grauniad and I think there might be one or two lefties in the BBC.

I can only assume that you want to be part of a homogenised blob that used to be 27 different countries and if that's the case then you and I will never find common ground on this subject.  I can live with that.

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57 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I make no secret of the fact that I hate racism. Frankly I think the EDL scum like Yaxley-Lennon and Condell are given far too much airtime.

I think racism is a festering sore that is poisoning our society. Sure a lot of the folks with their innate racism are dying out. Unfortunately not before the referendum. But the far right is on the rise and is certainly helped in the UK by it's right-wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it. That makes them dangerous as Jo Cox found out.

Never forget that not everyone who voted for brexit is a racist but everyone who is a racist did vote for brexit.

As a brexiteer how do you feel about aiding and abetting racism?

Incidentally I loved all the anti-EU rhetoric. All the standard hollow brextremist phrases are there "federal superstate" "budgetary control" "ever closer union" etc etc straight out of the Bug-Eyed Brexiteer Handbook. Strange but true you forgot to mention the UK's sovereign parliament and the fact that the EU is the largest trans-national democracy on the planet. But hey, they were just oversights I'm sure.

"Governed by questionable people" - always save the best till last. If you mean Nigel Farage MEP, well, who would argue...?

muslims aren't a race......

you still don't get why you lost.....

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13 minutes ago, quilp said:

@P.K.  Nothing racist or islamaphobic (sic) in the video. It just epitomises you and your ilk.


What part of "his reputation precedes him" is it that you don't understand.

An islamaphobe.

An EDL apologist to boot.

And you're promoting his efforts on here.

Says it all about you....


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2 hours ago, The Phat Tog said:

Wishing to leave the EU is not racism nor is it aiding it.  Don't try and pin any of that crap on me.  The EU is one huge con trick and people like you have fallen for it.  You carry on and worship it if you like but it's not for me (or indeed many others).  The problem with people like you is that you probably won't see the truth even after it's bitten you on the arse - you're too indoctrinated.

You seem to like this phrase a lot:  "... is certainly helped in the UK by it's right-wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it."  Getting a bit repetitive as indeed is all of your constant whining, insults and virtue signalling.  There is no shortage of left wing press, not least of which your beloved Grauniad and I think there might be one or two lefties in the BBC.

I can only assume that you want to be part of a homogenised blob that used to be 27 different countries and if that's the case then you and I will never find common ground on this subject.  I can live with that.

Pin that crap on you?

Says the man who posted that a well known EDL islamaphobe summed it up "very nicely".

Care to explain?

While you're about it why not post up, besides blue passports, all the advantages of leaving the EU?

No airy-fairy, nebulous "absorbed by a mega-state" claptrap that will never take place in a gazillion years but a real upside backed up by hard facts and real £numbers.

We have the numbers for the past 40 years so here is your opportunity to show your projections. You have all the appalling guff spouted by Rees-Mogg, Gove, Johnson, Farage, Fox, Duncan Smith, Fysh etc etc to call upon here.

Go on, make your case for needing the support of an overt, Islamaphobic EDL supporter...

Christ, talk about desperate times....

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It's islamophobic. At least get your insults right. A lot of people believe the concept of 'islamophobia' is a construct, an enabler of victimhood and provider of special status. It has been said that the word has been, "created by Facists and used by cowards to manipulate morons." Where do you fit in?

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