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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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31 minutes ago, quilp said:

It's islamophobic. At least get your insults right. A lot of people believe the concept of 'islamophobia' is a construct, an enabler of victimhood and provider of special status. It has been said that the word has been, "created by Facists and used by cowards to manipulate morons." Where do you fit in?

Insults! WTF!

Condell is islamaphobic and proud of it. Calling him out just swells his little chest.

As to the rest of your giuff who gives one?

Don't you realise that you're really having to scrape the very bottom of the moral barrel to try and find support, any support apparently, for the complete and utter shambles that is brexit? 

Call out Brexiteers about the future of the UK post-brexit and they say it all depends on "the deal". Because the unthinkable crash-out would be absolutely catastrophic.

Subtext : for "the deal" read "any vestiges of the advantages we used to have as full members of the EU would be very welcome thank you very much indeedy"

"Taking back control" what a fucking HOOT that is!

Why not help Toggy out with compiling a list of all the advantages in leaving the EU backed by hard facts and real £numbers.

Don't claim you're busy. After all, it won't take long....

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

Feel the hate... 


13 hours ago, P.K. said:

I make no secret of the fact that I hate racism. Frankly I think the EDL scum like Yaxley-Lennon and Condell are given far too much airtime.

I think racism is a festering sore that is poisoning our society.

Never forget that not everyone who voted for brexit is a racist but everyone who is a racist did vote for brexit.

And your point is...?

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2 hours ago, quilp said:

More incoherent virtue-signalling...

Just don't get it, do you?

A big fan of Woody2 claiming that I'm "incoherent"....!

Now THAT'S funny!

The best bit is you simply didn't realise.

But thanks for a really good laugh, even if it is ironic. Always a nice way to start what will be a busy day.

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Whilst I read the varying comments on this subject, I tend not to take much notice of it as it's a bit like the "how long is a piece of string" rhetoric. Nobody knows for certain the outcome but everybody is an expert on the side they line up with. Remainers accuse Brexiteers of being racist whilst Brexiteers accuse the remainers of being part of the problem. Lighten up and have a cup of tea for heavens sake

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20 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

Whilst I read the varying comments on this subject, I tend not to take much notice of it as it's a bit like the "how long is a piece of string" rhetoric. Nobody knows for certain the outcome but everybody is an expert on the side they line up with. Remainers accuse Brexiteers of being racist whilst Brexiteers accuse the remainers of being part of the problem. Lighten up and have a cup of tea for heavens sake

Not necessarily. I think the situation is hardly balanced.

Half of the population want a complete change and the other half don't. In that potted scenario, it really is up to those who want the complete change to take some responsibility for the outcome and generally they don't seem to want to as is illustrated by eg "it would work if only your lot were more behind it" and similar nonsense (ie it's your lot's fault somehow).

In the past couple of years, it really must be obvious to most that significant regulatory, legal, security and trade issues will be caused by leaving and nobody has convinced me the perceived (and mainly emotional) benefits outweigh these issues. If they definitely did, I'd happily reconsider my original opinion and it's clear there has to be a net benefit surely...?

I wish the benefits would outweigh the snags, I really do but it aint looking good is it? That said, it's pointless name calling and addressing other similar childish tactics to try to change opinion because it aint gonna happen, in fact the reverse is likely.

It is true that nobody definitely knows and in that case a prudent person would advise caution not a gung-ho excessively optimistic or head in the the sand approach. Caution would not be doing what we are presently doing.

I'd be much happier if this was delayed a couple of years (or whatever) until the massive regulatory snags are ironed out. The political will to change the EU now exists all over Europe and I think it would be possible, eventually,  to control many of the obvious issuers the EU itself has. Some issues blamed on the EU could have been independently resolved by us as members but Sir N will always convince you otherwise. Why? 

Lightening up is good advice in life but this is far too serious to take lightly. If it goes badly over the next couple of years, it will probably take decades to just scramble back to where we are now (ie a good deal as a member).



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5 minutes ago, ballaughbiker said:

Not necessarily. I think the situation is hardly balanced.

Half of the population want a complete change and the other half don't. In that potted scenario, it really is up to those who want the complete change to take some responsibility for the outcome and generally they don't seem to want to as is illustrated by eg "it would work if only your lot were more behind it" and similar nonsense (ie it's your lot's fault somehow).

In the past couple of years, it really must be obvious to most that significant regulatory, legal, security and trade issues will be caused by leaving and nobody has convinced me the perceived (and mainly emotional) benefits outweigh these issues. If they definitely did, I'd happily reconsider my original opinion and it's clear there has to be a net benefit surely...?

I wish the benefits would outweigh the snags, I really do but it aint looking good is it? That said, it's pointless name calling and addressing other similar childish tactics to try to change opinion because it aint gonna happen, in fact the reverse is likely.

It is true that nobody definitely knows and in that case a prudent person would advise caution not a gung-ho excessively optimistic or head in the the sand approach. Caution would not be doing what we are presently doing.

I'd be much happier if this was delayed a couple of years (or whatever) until the massive regulatory snags are ironed out. The political will to change the EU now exists all over Europe and I think it would be possible, eventually,  to control many of the obvious issuers the EU itself has. Some issues blamed on the EU could have been independently resolved by us as members but Sir N will always convince you otherwise. Why? 

Lightening up is good advice in life but this is far too serious to take lightly. If it goes badly over the next couple of years, it will probably take decades to just scramble back to where we are now (ie a good deal as a member).



It's that last bit that concerns me. Nothing has proved to me so far that we are getting a good deal. Only time will tell eh

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29 minutes ago, quilp said:

This. And it needs at least 2 years before proper assessment of any impact can be made...

And isn't this why people are concerned?   If two years down the line it turns out Brexit has been nothing but a disaster then what do we do?  It will be to late at that stage to go back. 

I really hope that in two years we find out its been successful though.

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What will happen? 

Take your time, be specific.

One question I'd like you to answer with a yes or a no-- is the future of the bloc, as it is, guaranteed?

Hopefully the UK will be unaffected by any fragmentation of its 'unity.' 

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